Yatsko, Viatcheslav : другие произведения.

Striped Life

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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  • Аннотация:
    For my Jenny I was mad,
    But at dawn to me she said:
    "My affection has gone out,
    I don't care a hug about!"

Striped Life

(a song)

In the evening gloomy, dim
Jenny telephoned in:
"Tony, sweetheart, charming, dear! 
You I blindly revere! 
In the midnight I'll call in
To express my high esteem!"

World had changed in a flash
To become a jolly bash,
And I understood at once:
It was not a mere chance,
Life is complex, life is striped,
Like a zebra - black and white.

Like a zebra - black and white -
Life is complex, life is striped,
In the evening you are sad,
In the midnight to be glad.

In the evening you are sad,
In the midnight to be glad -
Life is complex, life is striped,
Like a zebra - black and white.

For my Jenny I was mad,
But at dawn to me she said:
"My affection has gone out,
I don't care a hug about!"

Her affection has gone out?
She doesn't care a hug about?
Her affection being gone out, 
Doesn't she care a bean about?
Doesn't she care a damn about?
Doesn't she care a fig about?

World had changed in a flash
Giving me a mighty dash,
And I understood at once:
It was not a mere chance,
Life is complex, life is striped,
Like a zebra - black and white.

Like a zebra - black and white -
Life is complex, life is striped,
In the midnight you are glad,
In the morning to be sad.

In the  midnight you are glad,
In the morning to be sad -
Life is complex, life is striped,
Like a zebra - black and white.

Like a disconnected screen
Morning came gloomy, dim. 

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