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No Matter What They Say

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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  • Аннотация:
    But I love him anyway,
    No matter what they say!
    No matter what he does -
    Let forever my love last!

No matter what they say

After wedding, in bride-bed
Teddy turned to me and said:
"Dear Katy, I must go
On a business trip tomorrow.
And on coming home back
I will buy us a new flat". 

Teddy vanished in a day
And the gossips used to say:
"What a sloven, what thick-head!
Left the girl in her bride-bed!"

But I love him anyway,
No matter what they say!
No matter what he does -
Let forever my love last! 

Teddy turned up in a month
Ragged, tattered, in a trance,
Empty handed, like a pauper, 
And I heard an idle talker: 
"What a creature castaway!
All the money drunk away!"

Do I love him anyway,
No matter what they say?
No matter what he does -
Will forever my love last? 

For the clack I had disdain,
But the gossip ran again:
"Mary was with Teddy seen
Gently kissing, hugging him."

What a rascal, what a heel!
Violent hatred do I feel!
I'll detest him anyways
No matter what he says; 
No matter what he does
Let forever my hate last!

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