Холдор Вулкан : другие произведения.

Chapter 16 of the short novel of Holder Volcano "Falling leaves"

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  Chapter 16 of the short novel of Holder Volcano "Falling leaves"
   Blunt blows with a wrench
   The house Raheela come funny thick rich matchmakers with gold crowns in his mouth, barely passing through the narrow, slanted, unpainted gate of planed boards.
   - Welcome dear guests, come, and come, welcome-said Raheela, greeting them and inviting them to the house. One of the matchmakers, a woman with a thick ass, began to mock.
   - Oh, why are you taking us to the coop, a future relative, better sit here, under the open sky she said.
   Another woman picked up her words and also began to irony.
   - Yes that you, survival, it's not a coop, and probably the stables and our new rich relatives, which held Arabian horses "Karabair", each of which is worth more than millions of dollars - she scoffed.
   - No, dear guests, what a hen house, some stables, this is our home where we actually live with the whole family. What kind of racers are you talking about? We don't have a horse; we don't even have a donkey. We live very modestly, and I will not hide it from you, dear guests, If you're uncomfortable, then... - said Raheela.
   - Oh, no, no, next of kin, we were kidding. We shall go, of course, in your hut - told another matchmaker.
   They went into the house and sat down on the mattress, and, reciting a prayer on a custom, made amen, carrying out palms on a face. They talked, looking on low ceiling, fearing, that he can crash on their heads. Thick matchmaker with a thick ass, with gold crowns in her teeth and a double chin began to speak:
   - I love these huts. We had a distant relative who lived on the edge of the Mirzachol desert with their small family. We sit in a hut like this one time, on a clay floor, and the wife of our relative put food in a tin can and called someone by name, looking into the crack of the clay wall. I thought she was calling her cat. Turns out she was calling for a hedgehog dinner, you know? The hedgehog ate and walked a little, running fast small legs and rustling their needles. He ran around us, and he walked away. After dinner, we laid a pastel on the flat roof of a clay hut. Lie on a cotton corpacha, looking at the starry desert sky and bright shining moon. In the distance, behind sand dunes where sexual trees grow, hungry jackals have poured out. Under the mattress was feeling hot and stifling. Incessantly bitten by either fleas, or lice, I don't know. We've combed all our bodies. Outside is not allowed to sleep humming a black swarm of bloodthirsty mosquitoes. There were so many of them that we did not have time to drive them away, only slapping ourselves like crazy. Horror! The worst happened after that. As it happened, I don't know, but my mattress got a big nasty bat with a nasty leather wings without feathers. I wildly screamed in horror, crying in fear, I almost fell flat clay roof hut our distant relative from the desert "Mirzachul" she said, laughing, shaking her belly and double chin. Other matchmakers laughed too, flashing gold crowns in their teeth. Then they, making a serious face, switched to a business conversation, asking hands Khurshida for the nephew of the Chairman Comrade Kokyutalov abu Salasarimsak ibn Guslvozhib Tezaktelbakezavuch. At the same time, they praised the guy, saying that he does not drink, does not smoke, does not gamble, and so on.
   - Here is a picture of our nephew Padhella said that fat matchmaker, passing the photo Raheela.
   Raheela took a picture and promised to think about this proposal and breaking bread, spread the pieces on tablecloth, which was laid out a lot of sweets and fruit. Conversation between them continued for tea drinking.
   After she left the matchmakers, Raheela looked long at the picture of the future son-in-law. The guy was kind of cute, and she thought he was intelligent, cultured and decent. Raheela rushed to show the picture Khurshida. But even out of the corner of her eye, she didn't want to look at the photo of the guy.
   The little girl, look, the guy, in my opinion, nothing. That is normal, nice. You hear, Khurshida, a unique idea has come to my mind, and this time I hope we're not late. You, my daughter, marry this guy, and so we avenge the Sultan for what he deserted you and left, even not saying good-bye. Let the tractor driver Sultan, the con man will burn in flames of jealousy! We'll show him how to throw a girl who loved him and believed with all my heart! You don't cry anymore, baby. This scoundrel is not worthy of your tears! You're crying day and night, and he's out somewhere in Tashkent with another girl who goes to school with him, in the same course and in the same group. Who knows, maybe he even got married, and soon they will have a child. That scoundrel must be laughing in his wife's arms, and you're slowly going crazy. You must run out of tears. Further pupils your eye will dry up, and you can go blind. Look how thin you are! Don't be naive, daughter. You have to fight and punish the villain of the tractor driver Sultan with their success, even if it is not for love! Do you ever look at a picture of your fiancé's future? He's handsome. Here you will live with it for two months, and you will forget that villain forever.
   - Yeah? You think so, mother? But I'm afraid I can't get used to the other guy, and I don't think I can forget that bastard, the goddamn Sultan tractor driver. I love him, okay? Mother, forgive me. I tortured you with my tears. But if you insist, I'll do anything to make you happy. I don't care now. Apparently, fate I have such a, and I must live with it.
   - That is another matter. You're clever. You're right, each person has their own separate destiny written on his forehead by God, and no one can erase or change that of the invisible destiny. I thought the tractor driver Sultan was your happiness. But God knows, I was wrong - said Raheela.
   After this conversation, Khurshida had changed dramatically and she started to smile, eat more, even to laugh. Once she again saw the tractor driver Sultan. He and his beloved wife Hurhur Rayhan lived on the outskirts of the field, in the old dented rusty body of an abandoned bulldozer "Altai" yellow, overgrown with thick and tall weeds. On the roof of the rusty body of the bulldozer sat the tractor, the tractor driver Sultan, twisting the screws from the parabolic antenna, which he installed on the roof of an abandoned rusty body. At the bottom of his pregnant wife Hurhur Rayhan hung washed linen on a stretched rope with wooden clothespins. White sheets on the clothesline swelled like the taut white sails of the old schooner on the free spring winds. Inside the abandoned body of a bulldozer "Altai" sat a fat mother-in-law of the tractor driver Sultan, and eating, and moving jaws. Then there was a pale skinny boy of seven or eight, with a puppy in his hands.
   - Dad, look, I brought the puppy! Stray dog whelped cemetery! - He shouted, looking at the tractor driver Sultan, who was involved in the installation of a parabolic antenna.
   - Well done, son! Is that puppy a cable or a bitch?! - He asked, for a moment interrupting the work.
   - Bitch! - Sultan's son said.
   -Nothing they say abroad, many people to keep the house mostly bitches! You lock her in the coop so it doesn't run! - said Sultan.
   - All right, dad! - Sultan's son said.
   - Dad, what do we call it?! - Sultan's son asked, having locked a puppy in a hen house. Sultan on moment wondered, scratching the back of the head with a wrench, then said:
   - Come on, son, we'll call her Itbachcha (son of a bitch). Does that sound?! Itbachcha! This nickname corresponds to this bitch in all respects! - smiling Sultan.
   - Okay, dad, I'll call it that.
   Sultan continued to work. Khurshida broke down and cried:
   Hey Sultan, are you so happy and stupid?! Is this life?! Even homeless, drunks and run-off addicts, and they will not agree to live in the dented rusty body of an abandoned bulldozer "Altai" yellow light! And you're so happy! You can also mount a stupid parabolic antenna on the roof of an abandoned bulldozer! You know, I didn't come here just to notify you that I'm marrying a handsome guy named Pathirage! He was the nephew of the great Chairman Comrade Kokyutalov abu Salasarimsak ibn Guslvozhib Tezaktelbakezavuch! Burn now in the infernal fire of jealousy and turn into a handful of ashes, freak! Hahahahahahaha! - she laughed triumphantly.
   - Look, Hurhur Rayhan, there's some old laughs! Hey, who are you?! What do you want, witch! Be gone, evil spirits! Just think, she's getting married for Padilla! Duck out for anyone us what a fool you're the village?! Get the fuck out of here before it's too late! I'm not going to break your skull with this wrench, you fucking bitch! - Sultan. Khurshida threatened, standing on the roof of the crumpled rusted body of the abandoned bulldozer "Altai"yellow. There's an angry pregnant wife of a tractor driver Sultan Hurhur Rayhan came to Khurshida. A desperate fight ensued between Hurhur Reyhan and Khurshida. Khurshida, like last time, grabbed him by the hair Hurhur Rayhan to rip off her wig and laugh, looking at her bald head, resembling a peeled egg. But there it was. As she pulled her hair, pull her wig could not.
   - Well, yank, yank, stupid! You can't do anything anyway! I glued the wig to the head like glue that nobody will be able to tear it away!
   Khurshida would easily overcome Hurhur Reyhan, if she had not had the military assistance of the tractor driver Sultan, who jumped off the roof of the crushed rusted body of an abandoned bulldozer "Altai" yellow. He ran with weapon in hand, that is with a wrench and struck those blows to the head of Khurshida. The blows were so strong that she woke up from a nap.
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