Хейлик Галина Александровна : другие произведения.

The power of words ...

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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The power of words 
Is dangerous.
The meaning of life 
Is simple.
My attitude towards you 
Is gorgeous.
The nun on the head
Has wimple.

My life without you
Is silly.
Your day without me
Is funny.
The love without us
Is giddy.
The day with a sun
Is sunny.


I love You, my Lord
And Angels.
I hope for the love
In future.
I"ll kill in my soul
All strangers.
I"ll bring in your days
The beauty.

You promise the moon
And marriage.
You give me the stars
And worship.
The days without us
Are garbage.
The Earth without Sun
Is nonsense.


I love you and your wrinkles,
But you don"t - me at all.
My life"s hidden in my dreams,
You"re most important of all.

It will give me the pleasure
To be second your half.
You must have a bit leisure
To let be love in heart.

Don"t be silly and stupid,
Not afraid be of love!
Try to see all the beauty
In the world round us.


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