Гурвич Владимир Александрович : другие произведения.

Бумажный солдатик

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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Бумажный солдатик

Один солдат на свете жил, 
красивый и отважный, 
но он игрушкой детской был, 
ведь был солдат бумажный. 

Он переделать мир хотел, 
чтоб был счастливым каждый, 
а сам на ниточке висел: 
ведь был солдат бумажный 

Он был бы рад в огонь и в дым 
за вас погибнуть дважды, 
но потешались вы над ним, 
ведь был солдат бумажный. 

Не доверяли вы ему 
своих секретов важных, 
а почему? А потому, 
что был солдат бумажный. 

А он, судьбу свою кляня, 
не тихой жизни жаждал, 
и все просил: "Огня! Огня!" 
Забыв, что он бумажный. 

В огонь? Ну что ж, иди! Идешь? 
И он шагнул однажды, 
и там сгорел он ни за грош: 
ведь был солдат бумажный. 

Булат Окуджава, 1959

The paper soldier

Once there lived a soldier-boy,
quite brave, one can't be braver,
but he was merely a toy
for he was made of paper.

He wished to alter everything,
and be the whole world's helper,
but he was puppet on a string,
a soldier made of paper.

He'd bravely go through fire and smoke,
he'd die for you. No vapour.
But he was just a laughing-stock,
a soldier made of paper.

You would mistrust him and deny
your secrets and your favour.
Why should you do it, really, why?
`cause he was made of paper.

He dreads the fire? Not at all!
One day he cut a caper
and died for nothing; after all,
he was a piece of paper.

A.S. Vagapov 

There used to be a soldier boy,
You'd find nobody braver,
But he was just a children's toy,
For he was made of paper.

He'd make the world in every way
Both happier and safer,
But on a thread he hung all day,
For he was made of paper.

He'd gladly perish twice for you,
He'd burn and turn to vapor,
But ridicule him you would too -
For he was made of paper.

You never told him what it was,
As if he were some traitor,
And why - of course,
It was because
The boy was made of paper.

No quiet life was his desire,
His fate could not be graver,
And so he asked, more fire, more fire,
Though he was made of paper.

Want fire?  Okay, go in! You stay?
He went, why wait for later,
And vainly gave his life away,
For he was made of paper.

Евгения Саркисьянц 

The paper soldier

There was a soldier, handsome and  
As brave as a wild aper,  
But on a thread he idly hanged,   
Because was made of paper. 

He would prefer to fight and toil  
To make all people happier, 
But he was simply children's toy, 
For he was made of paper.  

And he would like in smoke and fire 
To battle with his saber,  
But it was just a "pipe desire",   
Since he was made of paper. 

He was so faithful; you rely 
On him and can't be safer,       
But no one did even try,   
Since he was made of paper. 

He wanted t' go into fight,   
As hot as the red pepper.  
Yet, it was very funny sight,  
For he was made of paper. 

He cursed his fortune and required 
That just in one brave caper 
He would rush straight into the fire,
Forgetting he is paper.

In fire? You?! 'Tis pretty weird. 
Yet, he did step and later,  
Just in a moment disappeared...  
Well, he was made of paper.

VG, 3 января 2013

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