Гунин Лев Моисеевич : другие произведения.

Why Israel Is Against The Victory Day? --- Почему Израиль Против Дня Победы?

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   By Lev Gunin
   (Originally published: "Vremia" Newspaper from Monday, 5/9/1994, page 18, Tel Aviv, Israel.)
   Translation from Russian Original
   The present version is a combination of the former newspaper article
   and fragments from later works of the same author - "Jewish wars", and other.
   There are also comments and supplement by other people, attached to this version.
   According to information from the well-informed sources, the publication of this
   article has played a role of a catalyzer in a question of "legalization" (or rather -
   "officialization") in Israel of the Victory Day - victory over fascism as an official
   date (in 1994-1995 the Victory Day was almost forbidden in Israel as an official
   A note about translation:
   The main text of the article - as it was published in a newspaper -
   was translated by Alexander KUROV in 1996. This translation is bearable.
   However, all supplements were translated by Volodimir PETRECHENKO, and
   there are mistakes, misspelling of names, stylistical bugs, and other
   mistakes in English. We apologize for these mistakes.
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   * * *
   My father never carried his orders and medals. Even on Victory Day, he avoided putting
   them on. But it was him who (using his teeth - because his hands were broken by fragments
   and bleeding) dragged out his wounded comrade from a battlefield on a groundsheet. It
   was him who, in spite of his hatred for Stalin, voluntarily came to a draft board: Because
   Germans killed Jews and because "somebody had to fight!"
   When we discovered that during our way to Israel among other things (photos, manuscripts,
   etc.), my dead father's war orders had vanished, I asked one young gentleman to compose
   a declaration in Hebrew
   expecting his cooperation and thinking that he may be touched by my story. But in response
   he told me: "Forget about the medals if you want to make people search for your things.
   Israelis love hard people, this is why they feel sympathy to Fascists. And miserable crowds
   humbly shuffling towards their death are loathsome for us..."
   Visiting another young person, rookie journalist, in his apartment ("sabras" aboriginal
   Israelis - invite others to their houses on very rare occasions), I discovered Hitler's Mein
   Kampf, published in Hebrew in 1992 in Israel, on his desk. This book was surrounded by
   swastikas and other attributes of Fascist symbolic. He rather sensed than understood the
   reason behind my sudden flight and stopped me. "This man" - he pointed to Hitler - "has
   committed a noble mission becoming a sewage-disposal official of history. The last remains
   of our Galut's shame evaporated together with the smoke from the smokestacks of his
   crematoriums. Thanks to him, the stinking Galut's Jew gave up his place to the proud
   Israeli. And we are proud that in our hands and under our power
   have found themselves the last non-finished off Ashkenazims. After the Great Furer this
   honor has befallen to us: A honor to destroy their essence or to destroy them physically if
   necessary. We are proud of the fact that with Hitler and not with coward British were our
   Zionist leaders and that each year famous representatives of German neo-Nazi's young men
   come to us, Israelis. "
   Words of that Israeli - neo-Nazi, didn't surprise me. Half a year before I happened to
   dissuade other Israelis. Occasionally, I met one old man who said his father was one of the
   "Yishuv" leaders in 1930-s and in the beginning of 1940-s; to that time "Yishuv" in general
   already accepted Zionists of the new generation. "We were strong enough", he said, "to
   organize an arrival of tens if not hundreds of thousands of Jews just in the end of 1930-s -
   despite the British ban. In our hands it might appear (and did appear!) such huge amounts
   of money that we were able to corrupt governments of big countries. But we weren't
   interested in that. Opposite, we (in a demonstrative way) pointed to our relations with
   Germans to enforce the British in their decision not to let Jews from Europe in here." After
   his words, European Jews didn't suit for overseas nor for slave roles. "Our absolutely fair
   opinion was that this country may be revived by forced non-free labor only. "Jews from
   Europe won't work here. They would organize a mutiny against us."
   Certainly, these more and more serious donations that since Monteflory's time started to
   arrive for the needs and settling of the Jewish "Yishuv", were probably (to a considerable
   extent) expropriated by several personalities who registered lands' purchases under their or
   their trusties' names, becoming landlords to the people and severely exploiting Arabs and
   Jews - hired workers, in reality turned into slaves - without mercy. This is why Edmund
   Rotschild's empire of slavery known under the name of "Apotropus" was raised not in an
   empty place. Neither Hitler nor Stalin became leaders as founders and creators of labor
   concentration camps of nowadays, but E. Rotschild. What were those camps we can
   discover at least from Feinberg's letters. Feinberg was one of the Baron's closest
   associates, and later became an organizer of one of the uprisings against Rotschild's slavery
   world. The deaths of thousands of unknown victims tormented by slavery as well as brilliant
   personalities such as Feinberg are on the Baron's conscience. More than 800 unrest,
   mutinies and uprisings were in "Apotropus" history...
   Long before my final emigration from the USSR, I collected Zionist leaders' statements
   about the Holocaust (Catastrophe). Among them were such as: "In ovens of crematoriums
   the heredity of Jewry was capitally rectified becoming free from the Galut's slag." This is the
   manner in which those less famous from Zionist leaders have expressed themselves. But
   even the most high-ranged Zionist leaders were expressing themselves with the same
   sincerity. The next statement was made by the "Lenin of the Jewish State", David Ben
   Gurion: "What the Zionist propaganda was enabled to do for many years an occasion did in
   one night. " He meant one the events when the fascists were consolidating the power:
   so-called "crystal night 1 ".
   The authors of the book "Uden untern Haken Kreuez" (Berlin, 1963, p. 30) think that the
   support, which Berlin's Gestapo gave to Zionists through its agent, who was the head of the
   local Zionist organization, wasn't exceptional, but was rendered in accordance with a
   common course. The Spiegel magazine from December 1966 cites Hagen's (one of
   Germany's intelligence from the above-described times commanders) words about a poor
   hidden joy that is clearly sensed in the Zionist movement regarding Germany's policy against
   Jews: Because it brings Zionists' plans nearer.
   Well, everybody knows that politics is a dirty business. It is obvious that sometimes there
   is a necessity to be engaged to dirty deals to reach political goals. But what conceals the
   cooperation between Fascists and Zionists - it was too synchronized duet for not suspecting
   similarity in their ideological platforms. A meeting in 1937 between Feigel Polkes, one of
   the Ha-Gana's2 leaders, and Adolph Eichman is as well-known as an old reader, but what is
   significant is this: The methods of Zionists - in other words of those who dominated in
   Zionist movements since 1930-s - have not been changed since then. As in the war3- time,
   an agreement between [Zionists] and the fascist SD leadership that Jews that were thrown
   out of Germany should arrive in Palestine exclusively, and not in any other country 4, [in our
   days Zionists closed the door to immigrants from the former U.S.S.R. to any country
   except Israel] 5 (I can refer to Anatoly Sharansky's words in "Actualhosc" on the second
   channel of Israel's TV on August 31, 1992). Towards the matter of granting freedom of
   choice (free will), Zionist leadership's and Fascist Furers' opinions were identical! Talks
   between Zionist leadership and Eichman - that the most maniacal killer of Jews - are well
   known, too. A number of historians (Orlicky, Eisenbach, Meins and others) think that the
   official topic of talks with Eichman was just a cover. Of course, talks with Eichman may be
   explained by some practical reasons, but another conclusion is quite natural: That exactly
   that monster brought closer a day when the main competitor of Zionists - disturbing them
   and ran through by assimilation tendencies European Jewry - was destroyed...
   Supplement from my own essay "Jewish Wars"
   Both leaders of "ishuvniks, and Zionists desired passionately, that the European
   Jews should somehow "evaporated". They understood: as long as the attractive Jewish centers
   in Europe (especially in Germany), exist, they'll not be able to bring even one million
   Jews to Palestine. Whether were they praying, asking God to do something with the Jews in
   Europe, or did something practically, but the genocide has actually began. Zionists
   have never dared to hide their gloating. Their bosses have not stood against temptation
   to leave even written "sentiments" that, in their opinion, the Holocaust was "boon"! In this
   approach Zionists leaders were in the same boat with the some of the Sephardic rabies, who
   saw in the atrocities of the European (Ashkenazi) Jews a chance to dominate. By the
   way, statements quite similar to these expressed by Zionism leaders in 1950-60, were
   expressed by the main Sephardic rabbi of Israel, who has declared, that the Catastrophe of
   European Jews was "fair punishment" for excessive secularization! Precisely same "clever" idea
   was expressed by another rabbi, a well known preacher rabbay David Elbaz, one of main
   authorities of the ultra-orthodox Jewish world.
  The events of the 1930-s have resulted in mass outcome of the
  Jewish population from Europe. People were running, searching,
  where to move, tried to flied the European continent. Then what?
  Maybe the "yishuv" with Zionists have rushed to convince British
  authorities to accept these unfortunate people, allowing them
  entering Palestine: as at the first place the Zionist dream should
  order? None of that! They did everything to prevent independent,
  proud and enterprising European Jews (in big and "non-sorted"
  masses) from landing on Palestinian soil: they understood, that
  the arrival of such a huge quota of such people will pull out the
  influence from their hands, together with all their arrogant hopes
  and privileges.
  Moreover, Palestinian Zionists (and "yishuv" in general) have not
  adjoined the antifascist movement. Opposite, they have began a
  war against one of the antifascist coalition members - Great
  Britain, - what in the 1940-s' situation was equivalent to
  participation in war on Hitler's side. They have appeared on
  a groan of fascists not only on a battle field but also have
  expressed loyalty to Hitler in the famous servant-style letter
  of "yishuv" to the management of fascist army in Africa, in which
  they, in particular, wrote: "... We are not such Jews, as in Europe,
  we are Israelis, not the Jews, absolutely other people..." They
  were prepared to meet the Hitler "liberation" forces by bread -
  salt! It is widely known that the bosses of the Zionist movement
  used to go to Berlin to meet all top nazi officials almost till
  the very end of the Second World War.
  Michael Dorfman, a known Israeli public and political figure,
  does not agree with it absolutely: "If not to touch contacts of
  the local Jewish figures in Europe (God will judge them), like
  Rudolf Kastner, I know only a trip of the chief of executive
  committee of Jewish agency Chaim Orlozorov to Berlin in 1933
  (immediately after this trip he was mysteriously killed in Tel Aviv),
  Chaim Weizman' trip to Italy, where he had meetings with Mussolini
  (...). From contacts with Nazis it is well known about meetings
  of the LEHI operative executive Naftali Levenchuk with German
  agents, in particular - with the ambassador Von Pappen in Istanbul
  in 1942 and unsuccessful trip of the chief of LEHI Izhak Shamir, whom
  the British have arrested in Beirut, in 1942. These and other details
  might be found in researches of the Jerusalem's University professor
  Yehuda Bauer.
  It is also necessary to recollect here the violation of the
  world Jewish boycott of the German goods in reply to the
  Anti-Semitic actions in Germany in 1933-1939-s by the Jewish
  "yishuv" (in Palestine)".
  {Author's of the article remark concerning the note of M. Dorfman:
  Actually top Zionists leaders' trips to Germany in 1940-th are
  widely known. The same Polkes for example, used to go to Germany.
  Negotiation between the leaders of the Zionist movement and chiefs of
  the Third Reich is covered in a lot of works and books. One of such
  books is, if I am not mistaken, "Stosunki giermansko-zydowskie
  podczas Drugiej Woiny Swiatowej". It is possible also to try to look
  about it at the works of the historian Yosef Orlicky.} Protocols
  of such negotiations have never existed. Also there are no ground
  to trust invented by Polkes, Ben-Gurion and others justifications
  of such trips for meetings with the chiefs of the Hitler's Viermacht.
  [These meetings could be held with the functionaries of GESTAPO, for
  example, the trip of Adolph Eichman to Palestine (where he was born)
  somewhere in 1941-1942 - is interesting in particular: M. Dorfman].
  Let's not to speculate or be engaged in conjectures. It is only
  necessary to notice, that, as two drops of mercury, appearing nearby
  one from another one, aspire to incorporate: in the same way the
  out-and-out "righteous" man of the Nazi and Zionist type on the top
  of the both pyramids should inevitably find common language to meet).
  The note of Erzy Kalinsky (Warsaw):
  Information that GESTAPO was using Jews from the Zionist
  background and other Jewish active workers since 1934 was
  mentioned by Yosef Orlicky, in the chapter devoted to
  Warsaw Ghetto. Not only Jewish pro-fascist authorities -
  Judenraten - but also many others, subordinated to fascists
  and consisting from the Jews, bodies, existed: Jewish police,
  Jewish Investigation Division subordinated to GESTAPO and ABVER,
  and so on.
  When the Zionist leaders are accusing representatives of other
  nations of cooperation with the fascists, demanding to bring them
  to courts, whether it is not better first to bring to justice
  executors and collaborators from their own nation?
   (translation from Polish)
  We can say with an affirmative confidence, that the fatherland
  of the "developed Zionism" became the first and unique country
  of the red - brown, ideologically as close to fascism, as to
  Stalinism. In "kibbutzim" - Stalin's portraits were hanging in
  all most important places - even in the 1960-s (Gregory Svirsky
  "Breakthrough"), and, on the other hand, the atmosphere of
  fascism was obviously felt and can be felt now in social,
  cultural and ideological orientation of the state.
  Hebrew-speaking Israelis ("sabra's), especially youth, are
  widely known for their admiration of Hitler, fascist symbolic
  and ideology, approval of atrocities of European Jews by fascists.
  According to Zionist ideology, the Jews of Diaspora (that is,
  "Galut" Jews), especially in Europe, is a symbol of degeneration
  and degradation of the Jewish people, also generically, therefore
  this mankind of "bastards" should be destroyed, as have did the
  courageous fascists.
  "Sabra"'s are crying out to the hated by them members of the
  Russian speaking families "Go back to Auschwitz!" at any possible
  occasion. Persecutions of the children from the "Russian" families
  have rose in Israel to the level of racism (about persecutions of
  school children from the Russian speaking families see "Russian
  Panters", on Internet: http://ispr.org/panthers.html). Young
  "Sabra"'s are openly accompanying the actions of Nazis (in
  documentary films and art), who were forcing Jews to gas chambers
  and cremation facilities, by applause of approval at the presence
  of the school principles and teachers, which means their silent
  approval (Savly KASHNIZKY, articles.; reader's letter to the
  newspaper "Our Country", etc.). Let's remind that in 1992
  under the Ministry of Education and Culture (!) supervision Hitler's
  "Mein Kampf" was published in Hebrew - and has become the desktop book
  for the Hebrew speaking youth. Because normally Israelis do not read
  (only stock market information and news), this book became another
  Bible for a considerable number of young Israelis. Thousands of
  the Jews - employees of GESTAPO, collaborators, members of independent
  Jewish fascist authorities, Judenraten - practically never were taken
  to justice in Israel.
  A special addition of the professional historian regards (was given
  through an electronic letter to the author - concerning his work
  "Jewish Wars").
  > Dear L. Gunin!
  > I have received your letter with the request to express my
  opinion on your work.
  > On my sight, it does not stand criticism from any party, for
  this work is weak, unprofessional, even for a journalist, not for
  historian. Certainly, your personal experience is very valuable.
  Your conclusions made on its basis, are rather curious.
  At the same time support of a serious circle of sources is absent,
  As the knowledge of the basic materials of the given question.
  Your discrepancies and mistakes occur from ignorance of the basic
  items of information, without which even the fiction hangs in
  emptiness. It is a lot of them there, so I was not capable to
  make comments on them [in particular]. However - if it will
  comfort you - all your discrepancies do not affect correctness
  of the basic ideas and conclusions. Though even the comments of
  your friend Michael do not rescue the work from non-competency.
  > Nevertheless, I have found possible to make some specific
  remarks in that sole question, in which I disagree with your
  general conclusions. I mean yours turns, that Zionists were almost
  creators of a fascism or, at least, came to fascism simultaneously
  with German Nazis. I do not share this opinion. I also consider
  the doctrine of continuity going, ostensibly, from Apotripus of
  baron de Rotschild, far-fetched or even speculative. In my opinion,
  Zionism of new sense - that is, just that, which now at authority in
  Israel, - was artificially created by bureaucratic structures in the
  fascist Germany, and replaced (let us call it so) pure Zionism,
  based on pure - Jewish ideas. Very likely that "the Jewish
  nation" was chosen as an object of the monstrous Nazis experiment
  on creation of the New Human Being, New Arial. Before the
  death camps and even in death camps the selection of individuals,
  which met some strange schizophrenic criteria, was made, and the
  selected people sent in Palestine. In 1932-nd till 1934
  the number of these people was about 200 thousands. As is
  known Hitler and his political leadership were scrupulous
  and programming strategs (the German punctuality was displayed even
  in them). The opposition to England was planned in advance with
  correlation to long duration even before 1933. On behalf of approved
  for sending to Palestine Jews Germany created so to tell the Fifth
   column in the British rear. Among many Jewish organizations
  and societies in Germany just in the bureaucratic elite of the
  Zionist movement Germans have seen their potential accomplices.
  Certainly, we must recognize as correct your guesses and sketchy
  pieces of information that the Zionists were not non-privy to
  this - for the both sides profitable - cooperation.
  It was the bargain of mutual sympathy, but how far it was
  voluntary on the part of the Jew - Zionists after the seizure of
  power by fascists? If someone could answer this question
  particularly without breaking academic and moral (ethical) norms, he
  could safely declare, that he is not an ideological hair of the
  authors of "The Protocols of the Wisemen of Zion".
  You, likely, do not understand or feel it.
  Analyzing what have occurred in frameworks (!) of this cooperation,
  you, probably, are right.
  First of all, by hands of SS and SD Zionists have tried to finish
  up with their opponents from competitive Jewish organizations. The
  Jewish leaders, whom Zionists accused in assimilation tendencies,
  - (an attempt of a comparative statistical analysis [took place],
  from which it is visible, that God kept alive the overwhelming
  majority of the Zionist leaders, while, for some reason, without
  have got tired, mowed (by Nazis hands) leaders of others, secular -
  non-Zionist, groups. All this was done just within the framework
  of achievement of the general Nazi - Zionist purposes:
  resettlements "of the young people of the both gender having
  an expressed active type of personality, energy and
  determination, ability for the sake of the purpose to break the
   bourgeois morality, to be at war and with the weapon in hands
  establish Zionism". Thus, senders of the "Arial" type of
  personality and the national- socialist type of thinking
  were directed to Palestine from Germany.
  They were an advanced group of German-fascist spirit to oppose to the
  influence of England and France in this geographical region. There
  was a fully official program for it In fascist Germany, which
  referred to as "operation transfer". Directed by the Jewish AGENCY
  (SOHNUT) emissaries came to select the "matching" people, but
  they carried out this selection together with the German party.
  Not only the human resources, but also financing of the Zionist
  purposes in Palestine were coming from Germany.
  Certainly, it was Jewish money, but they were coming from Germany,
  and is it possible unless to name money "Russian", "Jewish" or someone
  else's? Even in 1936-38, when an international trade boycott of Germany
  already was established, the huge inflow of the capital from Germany
  proceeded to Palestine, the trade proceeded, and there was a German
  export to Palestine! Even in these years! Unless is it not enough for
  one this fact only? I have the items of information that in the
  various documents of this period some members of a narrow circle of
  German top officials tried to take hold of attention to the highest
  national leadership, objecting proceeding German export and outflow
  of the capitals to Palestine. Such attempts were made (items of
  information require additional check) by Heidrich, Kann, Himmler,
  Schtukkart. The support of the government of Reich of the selected
  groups of Zionists was completely official. In 1934 the official
  instruction has become known for year, in what the government has
  addressed to local authorities with the request of support of the
  youth Zionist movement. Fascist Germany completely seriously
  examined the plans of creation of the Jewish state - an enclave
  of fascist Germany, - at the Middle East; even the name for this
  state was already prepared - "Palestine".
  > Information that help and support of fascist Germany to the
  leaders of Zionist movement in exchange for the usage of their
  own (Zionist) network in Palestine, Europe and America for the
  tax of the prospecting information of military and economic
  character for the benefit of fascist Germany was promised has
  been proven to be true. The outstanding figures of Reich, in
  particular, admiral Kanaris, have coordinated such actions.
  The truth is that in this area Zionists were not an exception.
  Everyone in the world of big politics was involved in games
  with fascist Germany.
  > Therefore I disagree with your doctrine that the contacts
  between the Zionist and Nazi leadership confirm their
  ideological similarity.
  The sense, which you put in concept "contacts", at least assumes
  equality of the parties. I am (not without justification) believe,
  that Feifel Polkes, Haim Weizman, Izhak Shamir, and all other
  leaders and outstanding figures of the world Zionist movement,
  and even little-known J. Brand, all of them were fascist Germany's
  own agents, and not the "other party", as you present them.
  > For (common) information I give you a little wider number of
  known facts.
  > Trip of Haim Orlozorov to Rome (meetings with Mussolini)
  and to Berlin:
  > 1933 and 1932.
  > Some meetings of Haim Weizman with Mussolini (1933 - 34)
  and with Adolph Eichmann
  > (1940).
  > Meeting of F. Polkes with A. Eichmann: 1937, Berlin.
  > Contacts of Izhak Shamir with A. Eichmann and with Hitler and
  > 1940 and 1941.
  > Negotiation of J. Brand in the name of the world Jewry with
  the chiefs of Germany:
  > 1944.
  > The most mean of all these figures, on my sight, was Izhak
  who was the supporter of the total destruction of the Diaspora
  traditions "down to complete elimination" of (European Jews).
  Certainly, hundreds of other meetings and contacts between the
  chiefs of the Zionist movement - and fascist Germany took place.
  They were carried out at a lower level and consequently are less
  > One rather remarkable fact went out of your attention.
  Whether you reflected ever seriously: whether could these
  contacts and all this Nazi-Zionist activity take place
  without support and silent help of the main world powers,
  including France, England, USA and USSR? Whether is casual
  these countries practically have made almost nothing for
  rescue the European Jews from genocide? Whether casually
  they have blocked the borders (except USSR) for the
  refugees - Jews, and also with foam on their lips denied
  the fact of atrocities of millions of Jews carried out by
  fascist Germany? A large part of a the leadership of these
  countries sympathized the fascist Germany and its reforms.
  These politicians had the long-term strategy and developed
  their own plans, what will be the post-Soviet (post-fascist)
  world, too. They regretted that because of opposing USSR
  they were forced to give too much freedom and opportunities
  to the peoples of their countries - and would like to take
  them away. They would like to keep a nucleus of fascist
  Germany as a grain of the future antidemocratic development.
  Through negotiation of Brand-Kastner in 1944 these political
  forces tried to rescue Germany from a complete disaster,
  to reach a unilateral sees-fire without participation of
  USSR or even with Stalin's participation. There are some
  information that Stalin has already has agreed for the
  sees-fire with Germany provided that USSR will receive wholly
  Poland and Baltic coast of Germany. All these negotiations
  were ordered through the Jews - but the last were not
  ordinary solders in this game, but also not in it main
  figures. In the last minute Stalin has decided to refuse.
  There are no items of information, why. When it has become
  clear, that the fascist Germany can not be rescued from a
  complete disaster, the same forces have made the rate on
  establishing of the state of Israel as a unique piece,
  that remained from the fascist Germany. They hoped, that
  it will be that grain, from which in the right time
  a future antidemocratic revolution in the world will begin.
  [My remark:
   "Of course, let's mention such a sinister political figure
  as Churchill before all. It was him, who played a double
  game in Palestine, secretly playing against his own state.
  It was him who could become Stalin's "relative", or Hitler's
  friend. His worthy successor - Margaret Tatcher, one more
  post and pro-fascist political figure.
  - L.G. " ]
  > On my view, Jews are a sword, which - as well as
  any other weapon - is used more often by the forces of
  evil, than good. It is very tempting to accuse the Jews
  that they themselves have put a hand to the tragedy of the
  Hitler-Stalin's genocide (you correctly have noticed it:
  Hitler-Stalin's crime, and not just fascists') of millions
  of European Jews. But it is not so. Zionists of the 1930-s -
  40-s were the same puppets as the present State of Israel.
  Yes, puppets of Devil, I would tell in your manner. But for
  a serious researcher such and similar expressions, even if
  reasoning in a letter - are unacceptable.
  You have provoked me slightly for a similar level of
  dialogue. Probably, because I meet people interested in
  this topic exceptionally rare.
  > Yours faithfully,
  > L. F.
  (...) The most disgusting and immoral article of
  the Israeli bagging is making money at the expense of
  memory of those burned alive, poisoned, and murdered,
  on bones of killed by Nazis millions Jews. Even
  voluntary, spontaneous compensation from the parties,
  bearing responsibility for Jewish genocide (Germany,
  Austria, Switzerland), from the moral point of view
  is problematic. But an active hunting for money
  "in the name" of the millions of killed is one of the
  most humiliating and shameful pages in the Jewish
  History. Yes, there are speculations, that Switzerland
  and Canada (and - in smaller volumes - other countries
  (for example, USA and Great Britain) might
  "expropriate" vast sums, which belonged to destroyed
  by the Nazis, Jews and also to many escaped Jews,
  and that these countries have received by that or
  otherwise values, property, real estate and
  intellectual property of the Jews, having no intentions
  to return all to the lawful owners. But once - immediately
  after the war - the picture was already maximally clear.
  Where then there were the chiefs of the World Jewish
  Council, influential Jewish communities, government of
  the state of Israel? What did they waited for tens of
  years (!) - before standing up and declare: you have
  robed and have plundered us, the Jews! The answer is
  simple. They waited, while the generations of the direct
  owners and successors will pass away, and that huge,
  unimaginable of the sums of money will go not to the
  personal use, not to specific people, but to the Jewish
  leadership and - half-and-half to the state of Israel.
   And compensation to the Jews compelled to run from
  fascist invasion to evacuation, compensation to
  people who found themselves in fascist concentration
  camps, and property compensation, and compensation,
  connected with the loss of natives and
  relatives, and so on - who got them? Who has
  received the money? What part of the applicants? I
  know many examples, when the applicants received an
  official refusal. But there is a lot of other
  examples: when the money was issued, but also never
  came to a claimant. An example? Yes, even my own
  mom! I tried to convince her: do not ask compensation,
  it is immoral. She was always considering me as an
  idealist, and my approach as anti-practical: a source
  of all my problems. So, she did not listen to
  me, and claimed the compensation. Her claim was
  approved, and she had received a note that money will
  be transferred to her account. But never came, and she
  could not find out, what's going on. When we already
  have left Israel, my mother has received a notice from
  a relative about a note that the money was transferred
  from my mother's "special account" back "to the
  foundation". When my mother has tried to request the
  money from Canada, she was refused.
  How many such victims of this wide and outraged fraud,
  like my mother, exist: deceived and humiliated? Hundreds
  of thousands? Millions? How many have not received the
  money in a result of death? And where were directed all
  these amounts? As we see there is no independent non-Jewish
  body on supervision and check, and even such a Jewish body
  does not exist. The whole system of administrative
  management of proceeding the compensation claims and
  financial management was designed to make stealing
  from the claimant maximally convenient and easy for the
  state of Israel. Even in case of reception of these sums
  people sometimes are waiting for years. Where are kept
  all these years all this money? For whom they work, where
  and who puts it, receiving the percents - dividends?
   Here, in Israel, I read once that in a moment when Germans were advancing to Palestine,
   the "Yishuv" leadership made a statement about their whole loyalty to Hitler and pointed
   out: "We are not Jews like in Europe, we are another nation: Israelis". We can read about a
   shameful relationship between Zionists and Nazis not only in anti-Semitic compilation
   books, but also in serious historians' (such as Yosef Orlizky, A. Rutkowsky, V. Miiller)
   works as well. About non-cut off connections with Nazism testify the whole atmosphere
   in the country, Nazi publications in Hebrew aboriginal press (such as a scandalous
   publication in "Ha Aretz" of Aviva Lori's article) aimed against immigrants from the former
   USSR, statements made by ministers of the two last governments assaulting and
   disgracing representatives of [Jewish] ethnic minorities, the history around "expropriated"
   from parents-Yeminites - and sold abroad children, as well as other terrible events.
   The leadership of state founded in 1948 many times has renounced from getting a
   politico-ideological heritage from any country in the world. And only about Nazi Germany
   they kept a meaningful silence.
   Working on my book about the history of Jews in Bobruysk and searching in archives and
   libraries, I often met speculations, indirect testimonies and even real facts in different
   authors' books that some ordinary Nazi war criminals escaped to Palestine by claiming that
   they are Jews, and settled themselves in Israel. An amateur historian, Novacek, of Czeck
   origin, whom I met in Warsaw, even devoted a part of his life to investigating this.
   Unfortunately, among other things, which were confiscated from me6 were notes and
   citations relating to this topic.
   A controversial question about Israel's recognition of Victory Day is not purely academic. It
   is a direct question: So, was victory over Fascism a fact or does Fascism continue to exist?
   From Editorial Staff
   When this letter arrived, we had a long hard dispute: Does our civic awareness let us offer a
   newspaper's page for such a "philosophy"? (We apologize for calling it "philosophy".)
   However, most of us were tending to a conclusion that "Vremia" readers may be informed
   about insinuations of a person who had enough courage to lump together what is the most
   hateful for us, Jews, and what is for us, Israelis, dear. Mr. Gunin had enough courage and
   enough chosen with tendency "citations" and "facts" for that. So, do we really have not
   enough [patriotic] conviction and not enough knowledge to destroy all his works
   (compositions) forever? Look over page N4 of Vremia newspaper from the past Tbursday;
   the truth about how prepared Jews-Zionists were to fight Fascism on their land is there...
   We could give you hundreds more crying examples of the heroism of Jews who could tell
   about thousands of fighters with the most terrible enemy of our nation. But we decided to
   give a word to you, our readers, our non-indifferent compatriots. No doubt: You have what
   to set off against "unmaskers" such as Lev Gunin!
   Copyright љ Lev Gunin & Co
   Montreal 1998
  Recently I have received new proofs that my ideas are true.
  Two new information, two new facts.
  First came from a person, who came to Canada as a refugee
  claimant. He told me that he met an old man in kibbutz
  (where he used to live). This old man sometimes used to
  speak in German, and told that he's not a Jew, but a
  German, and a former GESTAPO officer.
  The second one - new UN declarations and draft resolutions,
  discussions and decisions, where the Israeli regime always
  called a Nazi (or racist) regime.
  Remarks of Ury Kozharov, a thinker and anti-fascist,
  living in Moscow (from discussion forum in the Book
  of the Comments concerning my article "Returning of
  330. Mark 2001/09/28 23:15 [answer]
   > > 328. Ad Scodra
   >>>... If ambassador Kurtzer already spoke out,
  all doubts have vanished. Eventually, who is this
  general Schwarzkopf? Could not accommodate in the
  civilized society, so spreading the Anti-Semite
  rumors, fascist...
   > At an associative level the semantic line "Anti-
  Semite rumors --- Jewish genocide --- Hitler's Germany ---
  fascist" [is clearly a message]. This line is understandable.
  But with reference to the particular person there are no
  any substantiation given: why he can be related to fascists.
  As a result - ungrounded usual label, given without
  explanations (justification).
   No. At an associative level another semantic line
  is carried out:
  " Criticism of Israel = a fascism ". I have commented the
  statement of Schwartzkopf by the same way, by which the
  Zionists, who became permanent participants of this forum,
  have commented Gunin's essays, in which he speaks out the
  truth about Israel. (However, I have softened the lexicon).
   However let it will be known (not to you, gentlemen
  Bmnei-Brits, but to other readers of this conference), that
  the traditional Judaism has resisted the Zionist movement
  from the very beginning, and the known rabbis named secular
  Zionism "Heresy", as it really is. They marked, that Zionism
  substitutes Tora by nationalism. And the Israeli
  nationalism is fascism.
   Therefore Anti-Zionism = antifascism.
   Jews, who kept the belief and instructions of ancestors,
  and observing them, sharply object Zionism and the very
  existence of the state of Israel. They object not because of
  the "zoological hatred towards the Jews", but because they
  know perfect about what Gunin writes and what he's describing
  in his works on Israel. [Zionism] is an infringement of the
  instructions of Judaism. It is because the Judaism says, that
  the Jews became refugees at the God's will, and it was a
  punishment for sins (so speaks Tora). And consequently they
  were forbidden to undertake any measures for returning the
  [Jewish] state, until Messiah will come. But Zionists
  have broken all religious instructions and have created the
  state of Israel on blood of a huge number of people.
  Therefore religious Jews deny Zionism.
   And here, these religious Jews calling the powerful
  group of the Jews (Zionists) "organized Jewry". But they
  (the religious group) are not fascists. On a web site,
  www.jewsnotzionists.com (I do not know, if it still works)
  they were giving the Zionists (without expecting to receive
  any answer) 10 questions. I shall quote:
   IS IT TRUE that in 1941 and again in 1942, the German
   Gestapo offered all European Jews transit to Spain, if they
   would relinquish all their property in Germany and Occupied France;
   on condition that:
   a) none of the deportees travel from Spain to Palestine; and
   b) all the deportees be transported from Spain to the USA or
   British colonies, and there to remain; with entry visas to be
   arranged by the Jews living there; and
   c) $1000.00 ransom for each family to be furnished by the
   Agency, payable upon the arrival of the family at the Spanish
   border at the rate of 1000 families daily.
   IS IT TRUE that the Zionist leaders in Switzerland and
   Turkey received this offer with the clear understanding that
   the exclusion of Palestine as a destination for the deportees
   was based on an agreement between the Gestapo and the Mufti.
   IS IT TRUE that the answer of the Zionist leaders was negative,
   with the following comments:
   a) ONLY Palestine would be considered as a destination for the
   b) The European Jews must accede to suffering and death
   greater in measure than the other nations, in order that the
   victorious allies agree to a "Jewish State" at the end of the
   c) No ransom will be paid
   IS IT TRUE that this response to the Gestapo's offer was made
   with the full knowledge that the alternative to this offer was the
   gas chamber.
   IS IT TRUE that in 1944, at the time of the Hungarian
   deportations, a similar offer was made, whereby all Hungarian
   Jewry could be saved.
   IS IT TRUE that the same Zionist hierarchy again refused
   this offer (after the gas chambers had already taken a toll of
   IS IT TRUE that during the height of the killings in the war,
   270 Members of the British Parliament proposed to evacuate 500,000
   Jews from Europe, and resettle them in British colonies, as a part
   of diplomatic negotiations with Germany.
   IS IT TRUE that this offer was rejected by the Zionist
   leaders with the observation "Only to Palestine!"
   IS IT TRUE that the British government granted visas to 300
   rabbis and their families to the Colony of Mauritius, with passage
   for the evacuees through Turkey. The "Jewish Agency" leaders
   sabotaged this plan with the observation that the plan was disloyal
   to Palestine, and the 300 rabbis and their families should be
   IS IT TRUE that during the course of the negotiations
   mentioned above, Chaim Weitzman, stated: "The most valuable
   part of the Jewish nation is already in Palestine, and those
   Jews living outside Palestine are not too important".
   Weitzman's cohort, Greenbaum, amplified this statement with
   the observation "One cow in Palestine is worth more than all
   the Jews in Europe".
   Because there is an occasion, please, answer these 10
   I think that it will be interesting for many people to read
   a quoting from rabbi Michael Dov Weissmandl, a dean of the
   Nitra Yeshiva.
   The excerpt is a literal translation of the letter the Jewish
   Rescue Committee in Czechoslovakia received from the Zionist
   "Jewish" Agency Executive Offices in Switzerland.
   This was in reply to the call of the Jewish Rescue Committee
   for help, with documentary evidence furnished, concerning the
   fate of millions of Jewish people in Nazi occupied Europe.
   "We are writing to remind you of the one factor of which
   you must never lose sight: that ultimately, the Allies will win
   the war. After their victory, territorial boundaries will be
   reshaped as they were after the First World War. Then, the way
   will be clear for our purpose at this time, with the war drawing
   to a close, we must do everything in our power to change Eretz
   Yisroel to Medinat Yisrael and many steps have already been taken
   in this regard. Therefore, we must turn a deaf ear to the pleas
   and cries emanating from Eastern Europe. Remember this: all the
   allies have suffered many losses, and if we also do not offer
   human sacrifices, how can we gain the right to sit at the
   conference table when the territorial boundaries are reshaped?
   Accordingly, it is foolhardy and brazen for us to negotiate in
   terms of money or supplies in exchange for Jewish lives. How dare
   we ask of the allied powers to barter money for lives while they
   are sustaining heavy casualties daily? So, insofar as the masses
   are concerned: RAK B'DAM TIHJE LANU HAAREZ, (Eretz Yisroel will be
   ours only by paying with blood), but as far as our immediate
   circle is concerned, ATEM TAJLU. The messenger bearing this letter
   will supply you with funds for this purpose".
   After I accustomed myself to the peculiar writing, I
   trembled when I realized the import of RAK B'DAM TIHJE LANU
   HAAREZ. But many weeks passed, and I was still confounded by
   the meaning of ATEM TAJLU. Until one day, it struck me. ATEM
   TAJLU meant "You escape", for the word "tiyul" (walking trip)
   was used by them as a euphemistic code for "escape". They meant
   to say - you fifteen or twenty "party members", escape from
   Czechoslovakia and save your hides.
   I hope, everyone know English. This is how the state of Israel
   was created.
   And now they want to cause to collide (to set on) the
   Planet in an opposition and by drowning the [Nations] in blood
   to execute prophecies and become the misters of the world.
   However prophecies predict them a defeat. Because here all
   depends on interpretation. Therefore, gentlemen Bnai Briths,
   I also advised you (in the beginning of this discussion) to
   reflect the prophecies.
   And the primary sense of religion.
  Sultan Khabbibulin
  "Publication of Lev GUNIN - is curious"
   The publication of Lev GUNIN is curious.
   It seems, that Jews experience a natural "party" stage
   of establishing development (just Establishment, instead of
   restoration) of the state, and the appearance of irreconcilable
   Jewish Parties - a natural stage of development. A situation is
   not simplifying by the fact, that Israel is a boiler, where
   origins from the countries represented the whole world are
   cooked in.
   There were Vlasov followers. Why not to be Jews -
   supporters (let say - tactical) of Hitler? All participants
   (later) of the future anti-Hitler coalition made advances
   (played) with Hitler: there was also Munich, and the
   "non-agression pact". Politicians are eating shit, mould from
   castles with towers from shit, and are thrown excrements to
   each other. Why the Israeli politicians should be angels?
   Look the truth into eyes. The world Jewry has significant
   common interests only in the dreadful nightmares of the Anti-
   Semits. In reality a suffering from obesity professor of
   Harward has nothing in common with Scharansky or a female
   clerk from Paris.
   Besides an illusion of national unity (at the best,
   just it - an aspiration to the unity of the Jewish people -
   should bother the modern Israeli radical Zionists) there is
   an opportunity of a real unity. But to achieve it simply a
   bit more realism is needed - for it is impossible to build
   the state on confrontation with all neighbors, and to
   consider peoples as meat in struggle for idea.
   At least half of the politically active population of
   Israel understands it.
   Disorder and hesitation are inherent in all more or
   less advanced national political landscapes. There is the
   same happens in Tatarstan, where there are moderate
   nationalists led by Shaimiev, there are radicals from
   Ittifak to TOZ, collaborationists, there is a herd of
   mankurts, and also a tautological and obscure (but,
   existing in really even in such quality) position of the
   internal Tatar Diaspora in Russia, there is a radical and
   heat-compassionate, but small and less informed Tatar
   Diaspora abroad...
   By one word, the theme, discovered in Gunin's article,
   is very instructive and interesting.
   Statement of Arie LEIB
   Gunin's essays is a super-cluster of an extreme zoological
   hatred towards his (his?) own nation. This is where the
   concentration of a pathological lie comes from.
   However, more then by anything else I was outraged and
   irritated by his extra-mean introduction that - as he claims -
   it is prohibited to mark the Victory Day on the official level.
   As any lie, this lie is based on distorted explanation of
   some real facts. Here are these facts:
   1. Yes, the Victory Day was celebrated on an official level
   rather modestly and that is why. If for other nations
   this day was really a Victory Day or a day of liberation -
   for our people this day has become a leading mark of
   horrible results. In Europe the Jewish population was
   destroyed almost completely. Not the German nation, but
   the Jewish has suffered a defeat in this war, a defeat,
   from which we till now are not capable to recover.
   Nevertheless Day of a Victory was celebrated by us always.
   There is an abandoned wood of Red Army near Jerusalem - and
   there celebrations have took place, though these celebrations
   were organized and attended exclusively communists.
  2. Yes, in the first years of existence of the State of Israel
   was feeling of shame concerning that 6 millions Jews went,
   ostensibly, to be killed as a herd of sheep. Later, with a
   deepening of study of the Holocaust history the natives of
   Israel have understood for themselves, that it was not a
   "slaughter of cattle", and that the Jews in most terrible
   conditions resisted, resisted on any other circumstances:
   and with the weapon in hands, which was taken to the ghetto
   and even had in ghettoes illegal schools for children, that
   children learned to read to count and to sing. That the
   teachers prepared children for almost inevitable death and
   taught their adequately to meet destruction. Such resistance
   has no precedents in a history of mankind.
  3. Today the Victory Day is celebrated much wider and more active
   than earlier as well because in last years many veterans of war
   have arrived and they are proud carry the battle awards.
   Concerning "cooperation" between Nazis and Zionists.
   1. From 1933 till 1941 Nazis aspired to push out the Jews
   from Germany. Zionist movement and the [geographical region
   of] Palestine were represented for them an ideal solution for
   this problem. Therefore Eichman was sent to Palestine to
   study how serious are the plans and opportunities of
   Zionists to free Europe from Jews. In Germany, probably up
   to 1941 there was a Palestinian Bureau, which was engaged
   in emigration of the Jews to Palestine. The emigration went
   slowly, because the Englishmen, by then the owners of
   Palestine, very limited the entrance of the Jews to
   Palestine. Besides to this time a rapprochement was reached
   between Nazis and the Arab Nationalists - and consequently
   Nazis have refused Jewish emigration to Palestine.
   2. Somewhere in 1942 in Palestine the Jewish terrorist
   organization LEHI (Lochamei Herut Israel - Fighters for
   freedom of Israel) under a leadership of Yair (Schtern)
   was found. This organization had a goal to liberate Palestine
   from the British by any means, also because the British blocked
   the access to Palestine for Jews, committing them to death.
   Yair has addressed to Nazis with an offer (it can be found in
   archives and besides was published) to render the German army
   any help in liberating Palestine from the British.
   The plan was more than naive, Germans never answered to this
   offer. It is necessary to note, that the Yair's group was
   considered as renegades among the Jewish population of
   Palestine. It was a hunting after, as after a crazy dog
   [here Arie is using an "illegal" method, trying to make an
   impression linguistically that the Jews hunted Yair, when it
   was a British operation - translator's remark] - and with the
   active help of the Jews he was finally killed. [There is no
   considerable proof - and also no any indication that the
   "Jewish help" was there because of Yair's fascist position -
   and not because of simply inter- fractional war between
   various Zionist groups for power]
  3. In 1944 Nazis have offered a famous Zionist figure in
   Hungary - Kastner a bargain: 10000 lorries for saving
   800000 Hungarian Jews. Nothing came out of this bargain:
   Kastner could move only over a thousand Jews to Switzerland,
   and the others have been sent to Auschwitz.
   If that all is called cooperation with the Nazis, - then
   yes - Zionists have cooperated with the Nazis to rescue
   at least some of the Jews.
  Instead of arguing with famous Arie, let's first
  depict the personality of the "responder". Arie
  works at Israeli state radio "Kol Israel",
  which is in general the same, what was the
  Soviet radio in the Stalin's epoch.
  For those, who do not agree with this comparison,
  I advise simply to take into account, that Arie -
  one of the leading and old employees of this
  governmental radio. Even if someone will not agree
  with our comparison, it is difficult to deny, that
  the "Kol Israel" - is a special radio, main function
  of which is the ideological propaganda, because
  "The country, where the permanent "military state"
  extreme rules were never cancelled, should protect
   itself not only with the army, but also on the
  ideological front" (from "Kol Israel" statements).
  Since 1999-th year the main Jewish organizations
  continuously admit, that for them the ideological
  war is henceforth equated to "military" war and
  that they begun to consider any critics of the
  State of Israel as terrorists - and also ready to
  fight them by any methods, including military.
  Arie participates in all political chats on
  Internet, intimidating, offending opponents. He
  calls editors of political Internet-magazines,
  and it does not matter, where they live: in Russia,
  in America, or another country, and threats with
  Then, radio "Kol Israel" has defamed me any many times,
  in Russian, and in Hebrew, once trying to provoke a
  Linch punishment on me, distorting my work "Unknown
  Israel". Why do I mention that all? Because Arie's
  remark - this is not a remark for the private persons,
  but a reflection of opinions and receptions of the
  Israeli regime itself, which loyal dog is ours Arie
  And again - we shall not argue with him. Let's
  summarize his remarks.
  1. Methods, which uses Arie in the beginning
   of "discussion": dirty, personal attacks
   in the Stalinist style, frank deception.
   Here they are.
   "A clot of the most zoological hatred to
   his own nation"
   "Concentration of the pathological lie".
   Here they are, the largest arguments of Arie.
   And HIS lie:
   "More then by anything else, however, I was
   outraged and irritated by his extra-mean
   introduction that - where he claims - it is
   prohibited to mark the Victory Day on the
   official level".
   Let's remind, that neither in the article, nor in the
   foreword to it I did not tell, that in Israel the
   anniversary of the Victory Day was banned, and to
   celebrate the victory over the fascist Germany was
   officially forbidden. What I said is that the Victory
   Day was not a Red page of the Israeli calendar, such,
   as, for example, the Day of Independence. Moreover.
   the overwhelming majority of the population of the
   state of Israel lived in a complete ignorance that
   for the given month (May) falls the anniversary of
   the Victory over fascism. If the State of Israel
   did not want to accept 9 May as the Victory Day
   date because it was the same in USSR, it was
   possible to choose the Western countries' date for
   the Victory Day's celebration.
   Although it was not in the introductory word before,
   I'll put the clause "almost forbidden" now to the
   foreword before my essay.
  2. Deception with an element of agreeing
   with the author of the article:
   "Yes, the Victory Day was celebrated on the official level
   For him it was difficult to recognize, that
   at an official level the Victory Day in Israel
   it was not celebrated in any way. But in general,
   he writes, yes - we agree with Gunin, putting his
   eyes down modestly. Why? - a routine State Israeli
   propaganda justification was given.
  3. Than Arie presents this problem in such a way,
   to give an impression that the Victory Day celebration
   is a burden of the communist ideology, and that nobody
   except of the communists does not need it. He pushes
   us to make a conclusion: Victory Day is a concession
   to the soviet tradition.
  4. " Today the Victory Day is celebrated much wider
   and more active than earlier ".
   Again - the same tone: let us - with grimaces
   - but agree with the author of the article.
   Wider and more active. Well - well.
  5. " From 1933 till 1941 Nazis aspired to push out the Jews
   from Germany. Zionist movement and the [geographical region
   of] Palestine were represented for them an ideal solution for
   this problem. Therefore Eichman was sent to Palestine to
   study how serious are the plans and opportunities of
   Zionists to free Europe from Jews. "
   Well, it is simply an ideal confirmation of correctness
   of my article.
   Besides - it is spoken about Eichman's trip in such a
   tone, as usually "Kol Israel" speaks about trips of
   Israeli chiefs. It looks that Arie actually has
   fallen in love with the fascist Germany.
  6. " Besides to this time (1941) there was a rapprochement
   between Nazis and Arab Nationalists, and consequently
   Nazis have refused Jewish emigration to Palestine. "
   Indirect recognition that up to the middle (approximately)
   1941 such immigration went by a complete course.
  7. " Yair has addressed to Nazis with an offer (it can
   be found in archives and besides was published) to
   render the German army any help in liberating
   Palestine from the British."
   Again - a confirmation of the indication in my works
   that the Zionists actually were at war on the fascist
   Germany side. Because Yair only openly expressed what
   was happening de facto: a war against any member of
   the anti-fascist coalition (and Britain was one of the
   main members of coalition) meant by that time actually
   a war on the German's side.
  All this shows, that there are no even traces of a
  dispute. There is no dispute as the author of the
  remarks practically in everything agrees with me.
  With only one point. Between the lines we can read
  a hidden sympathy towards the fascist Germany, in
  opposition to communist USSR. Arie is a right-wing
  extremist, for whom the fascism is "better" then
  communist - as he did not understand that both of
  them were the first signs of the neo-feudalism
  Arie's comments are very important because he is
  a super-loyal employee of Israeli state propaganda
  machine. Therefore his methods and accents are the
  methods and ideological clichйs of the state Israel
  official propaganda style. And for those, who
  studied speeches and methods of Gebbels, the
  similarities are not coincidences.

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