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Persecuted for Being Human

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками

Leon (Lew) Gunin



Denying citizens' rights not to be watched 24 hours a day, and to move freely within their cities of habitation, Harper's regime came zoomed close to North and South Korean models. North Korea is famous for her ban to move freely (restricting the "permission to walk" exclusively to work and from). South Korea is known for her "ubiquitous cities", where every inhabitant, personal apartment and each thing indoor become a Web file, watched through the Internet 24 hours a day and forever. Present-day Canada under Harper and his Israelo-philia is the closest real-time reproduction of the famous cinematographic Matrix. We live today in a nightmare.

We were completely restricted from the forests and other "wild nature" zones. The government has built fences and "Chinese Walls" around them. We are banned to enter parks, river and canal banks, many alleys and lot of other places, and even some squares and streets after darkness. Elite's cottage villages and residential complexes - growing as mushrooms - expropriate public (municipal, and other) lands, and form huge closed zones, denying ordinary citizens any access to them.

We are forced to live under a kind of a house arrest, watched in our "last fortresses" (residences) by the cameras, which eyes have been hijacked by the government. Our last castle of shrinking privacy (home) is rapidly becoming our prison cell.

Optical cameras with enormously high resolution and various scanning devices (dangerous for human health) were deployed in paranoiac - fantastic - numbers in the busses, metro, and city trains, in the streets, trade centers: everywhere, brutally intervening into our private life, i.e. stripping us from our human values, features and nature. Secretly paid by authorities, and on behalf of the government, gangs of morons are vandalizing our cities: to provide the regime with an excuse for putting more spying devices, and for pushing further the denial for humans to be humans. Without realizing it, our rulers became servants of electronic machinery, which functionality's goal is to enslave people on an unprecedented scale, and - after - to bring the whole human race on verge of extinction.

Below is my story how and why I am persecuted just for being a human.

Here is a short story of my struggle for not been watched and move freely around the city and my misadventures [note that some of these events could relate to my political writings]. Viewed separately, each of the events can be regarded as an ordinary accident, occurred occasionally (as coincident). However, interpreted in a complex with all other similar events, and in combination of heavy police surveillance, it will fit into another logical scheme. For example, police and video cameras monitoring, with their unprecedented intrusion into people's private life, viewed in complex with unlawful searches in dissidents' apartments, can show us, how the intruders know if the owner is out of his dwellings. Analyzed together with police escorting and surveillance, physical attacks on dissidents under Harper's regime can show us a much wider picture. Simultaneously, all the events, even if viewed as separate accidents, combined with the denial of medical help (treatment of injuries) show something else (state terrorism). If someone is hit by a car at a pick of police's aggressive surveillance, it can explain how the police or / and maybe a driver involved in an accident were used without their knowledge. If you forget that the new metro-bus pass (Opus) is nothing else but a smart card with a chip inside, which allows someone to monitor all your movements, you'll see suspicions about police cars that show up too often at the trajectory of your movement as your own persecution mania. We're also tend to forget that the policemen may think that they're escorting and monitoring you for protection but whoever gives orders may use obtained information for the opposite goals. When, in Harper's era, security and surveillance, medical software and its maintenance, telephone conversations' tapping, and Internet monitoring are given to a pirate foreign state (Israel): nothing legal and fair can be produced by such a symbiosis. If such companies as Verint, Websense, or Comverse are given a marshal law authority - and Mossad received an exclusive right to persecute people on Canadian soil: it's a marasmatic degradation of justice.

1. Since approximately 2001 I started to notice more and more surveillance cameras in the metro and underground city. I made a number of photos for Internet to show that the cameras have been doubled, tripled, etc. Later the whole bunch of photos has been vanished.

Soon it was forbidden to photograph in the underground city. It outraged me: they don't allow us to make photos while watching us non-stop through their cameras!!!

There is no doubt that the principle and sudden aggressive surveillance policy started in Montreal in august 2001, prior to alleged "muslim" "terrorist attack" on N.-Y. and Pentagon. It was later excused retrospectively "by the attack". Montreal's Jewish Zionist activist Jil Troy and other Zionists have been threatening people by such an attack, "if we'll oppose to non-judicial persecution of the critics of Israel" (spring-summer, 2001). Prior to the attack, Israeli Mossad's firms (similar to Websense and Verint) have been hugely penetrated European and North American market, and the 9-11 gave them new colossal profit all around the globe.

2. Since approximately December 2001 or February 2002 I started to notice that I am followed. A task to monitor me was given to young men of 16-17. They were very aggressively chasing me. Principle changes have been occurred in the end of 2004 - beginning of 2005, when I noticed at the first time that whoever coordinated the young men received an access to surveillance cameras. Actually by then Canadian conservatives, backed by Israel and the Jewish lobby in Canada, have started to gain more and more power. When in the end of 2005 Steven Harper literally hijacked the Progressive Conservative Party of Canada, and unlawfully usurped the political power in Canada, I was subjected to a demonstrative, intimidated and harassing monitoring, executed by experienced people and in cooperation with the police. I am nor sure if it was a response to a series of my articles, which depicted Harper as an Israeli creature, and predicted an electronic tyranny (surveillance mayhem), and conversion of Canada into an Israel-controlled police state.

In 2001 small municipal tractors that clean the snow on the pavement harassed me and my mother almost hitting us in a place where it was no escape.

3. When in the residential building, where I was living at Aylmer, Michele was replaced by a new concierge [according to rumors: a former secret services agent], a surveillance camera was installed in the lobby, and it was banned to exit through the backdoor. Immediately, one or another police car started to intercept me at the corner of Milton-Aylmer, or Aylmer-Sherbrook, or just near my home. If I used to exit ("illegally") from the backdoor, no police car intercepted me at my area. However, the new concierge somehow knew about my escapes from the camera view, and threatened me by "criminal charges" (!) and even beating. Soon he started to follow me in the streets, in the process changing his coat and cap, hiding behind trees, and employing a number of other professional tricks.

4. In 2005, a newly "elected" (the opposition called his victory "a forgery") mayor Trambley, protégé of Israeli-Jewish lobby, has launched a campaign of expulsion of under-paid and even middle class tenants from downtown. Landlords have received green light and marshal-law authority to unlawfully expel tenants. We and other tenants were harassed, warned, and illegally plundered in building's administration's attempt to force us to leave. The camera in the lobby was used to see if no one is at home, and search the apartment and destroy tenants' property. In two occasions, small quantity of marihuana were found at student's apartment, and the concierge has blackmailed them, and they left. I managed to collect tenants' signatures under a letter, questioning a need of camera in the lobby, and protesting against intervention into tenants' private life. However, in our absent, our apartment was searched, and the petition with all the signatures stolen. The landlord has started a true war on us, destroying our property and terrorizing us in many different ways.

Let me stress that before approaching Harper's era nothing (incidents or accidents) has happened to me.

5. In November or Devember 2004 a car hit me on the corner of Milton-Aylmer, when I was returning from a Dépanneur. The driver stopped, telling me to cross the street, and then suddenly rushed on me. By luck, I had no broken bones, but received a painful and very slowly healing trauma.

6. In April or March 2005 I was standing at a bus stop at Park-Milton, when a motorcycle rushed from Aylmer to the pavement, and hit me. I grabbed the driver, and we both fell (I on top). The driver attacked me with his fists, but a found a refuge in the bus. I had bruises, and almost a year: pain in my right shoulder.

7. Living in McGill ghetto, I had some influence on McGill University students, and was in contact with the student radio stuff. Once, in the end of 2005, when I was attaching my leaflet with a pamphlet against the surveillance cameras to a billboard at McGill, an alleged "municipal worker" has approached me, and said that I might be "so angry" because of my harsh housing conditions, and several days later we received a municipal "logement" at Pont-St.-Charles. We had no choice, because the pressure from the present landlord became outraged, but I never used to a new location, and am always missing the McGill area. For half a year I was so depressed after being expelled from Aylmer that did not compose and did not write anything.

8. It is not excluded that the authorities (Canadian or not: it does not matter...) knew that I am so attached to McGill ghetto. They could learn this only from one man: a former Soviet and then an Israeli citizen (let call him "B."), who was "sent to me" from Israel, and started accompanying me in my walks around the city. The same man has encouraged me to learn to run a bicycle, and in my age of 51 I became a bicyclist. What if through him someone hoped to get rid of me (starting bicycling in my age and without any previous experience prospected a big expectation of future accidents. My successful debut as a bicyclist has provoked me to start running on rolling blades, and this was even more dangerous.

9. In December, 2006, around 17.00, the same driver that hit me at Milton-Aylmer in the end of 2004, almost kill me when I was crossing Notre-Dame at De Lima, and I fell, receiving a bad injury.

10. October, 20, 2006. Going back home around midnight from Bord de Lac, I miraculously avoided a deadly accident, when a man in all black was standing under the railway bridge from one side, and his huge black dog: on the other side. An abrupt running off and sharp virage prevented me from hitting the brakes. All lights around the tunnel were suspiciously turned off, and a train was accurately by then passing by (with its all noise).

11. Between 5 and 12 of May, 2007, at day time, a police car went to the trottoir at St.-Patrick, and almost hit me (I was walking). I had to jump, and slightly injured my tender ligaments. In the same day, when, on rolling blades, I was going home from the opposite bank of the canal, oil was splashed on my way, and, falling, I seriously injured my hand. Perhaps, I could avoid the injury of not the previous trauma in an incident with a police car. At the same day, earlier, 2 policemen have called from downstairs.

12. End of May, 2007. Oil was splashed on the ramp that I use to access the bicycle trays. Simultaneously, a girl on a bike was "pressing" on me from behind, which contributed to the accident.

13. Mid June, 2007. An "administrative dame" in a uniform (came in a Volkswagen, Quebec 065 MXE) has inspected the yard, and went to my balcony.

14. End of September, 2007. 2 individuals have attacked me near Glen and St.-Catherine. I met them before only one time: when they approached me and "B." (see paragraph 8) near Viger and Berri. By then, I had no conversation or contact with them. I managed to defend myself but received bruises, scratches, and ligaments' trauma. These 2 individuals looked like young homeless men. Few days later same 2 types were chasing me at Côte-des-Neiges and Sherbrook. I found a refuge in a bus.

15. October the 2nd 2007, Tuesday (21.10). I was badly hit by a car 988 PPH. Knowing some facts about the modern technologies, and a possibility of using the driver and his car as a weapon even without driver's knowledge and his consent, I am not guarantying that it wasn't an attempt on my life. The driver was 100 percent guilty. Before I was hit by the car, police cars 98-07 and 50-92 were following me. Besides, there is a link between this car and a car 492 LTJ that attempted to kill me next year. Also, on 9 of January 2008, the car 988 PPH was pursuing our car for some time near Villa Maria metro. It is also very possible that the driver of black Tojota Yaris 325 VXK (Quebec) that was during one year monitoring my movements many times and in many different areas - is the same person that hit me in the car 988 PPH. Read the full story: "License to kill" (full version is available only in Russian (use online translators)

In St.-Mary hospital and other medical institutions, I was denied ANY medical treatment. The thrombosis resulted from the injuries could finish my life if a thrombus traveled to my heart. I was lucky that few days later, blood from my leg traveled down to the foot area, forming a terrible hematoma. I spent about 2 months (actually around 3 months) in bed, unable to walk and receiving no medical help. I had terrible pain, and still: no prescription. Only an obsessive self-treatment and advises from medical doctors from abroad brought me back to life.

16. April 23, 2008. Going back home around midnight from Lachine, I miraculously avoided a deadly accident, when someone placed a canister filled with water on my way. The canister was artificially cut to form sticking pieces, sharp as knives. It was placed under the bridge and at a steep turn just few second before my passage. When, at a considerable speed, I was going down the turn, another bicyclist has appeared from "nowhere", behaving strangely. The road was wet; no light was on; and, in addition, someone covered fluorescent marks on a small wall by a garbage bag. 2 girls were standing on the bridge and laughing, but, seeing that I noticed them, rapidly left. Hiding behind shadows and trees I secretly followed them, and saw that the same bicyclist later joined them.

17. June 7, 2008, Saturday (9.15). The car 492 LTJ did an attempt to hit me, abruptly turning form the road, when I was walking on the pavement. Trying to avoid the car, I received lot of bruises and scratches. On June 14, 2008, Saturday (12.15), the driver of the same car attacked me with a knife, and cut my left hand. Several times me or my friends: we saw both cars, 988 PPH (that hit me in October, 2007), and 492 LTJ, standing side by side. I think that the same man was driving the car that hit me in December, 2004, at the corner of Milton and Aylmer (see paragraph 5), and he was the driver that almost killed me in December 2006 at Notre Dame (see paragraph 9).

18. October, 18, 2008, Saturday. When, after accompanying my wife and daughters to a bus station I came home, I found the door open. It was a mess in my apartment. All lights and all computers were turned on, and signs of an illegal search were everywhere. Same day my telephone stopped working. I called my telephone company and Bell, but the phone was dead. Later, in the evening, young guy's from the 1-st floor friend smashed window of another neighbor's apartment. I was an only witness. I have a well-grounded suspicion that they both are gendarmerie's informers. The second, a black guy, and his gang, have harassed me several times in the Old City and Old Port of Montreal. When the policemen came in police car 15-11, they went to my balcony, and next day I found out that my bicycle's wheel is pierced (cut). It doesn't mean that the police non-doubtfully sabotaged my bicycle, because it could be done by someone else to provoke me to accuse the police.

19. Since October, 2008, electrical-electronic devices in my room started to burn "for no reason". I made a supposition that the electrical system in the corridor and my room is defective. I've contacted the municipal office, but they dismissed my complaint as "nonsense". I lost 3 computers and other devices. On March 15, 2009, Sunday (23.30), it was a blackout in our apartment, after a loud click. Interestingly, it happened when I was speaking on the phone with about mentioned "B.". Concierge did not repair the system, and forbid me to approach the panel. Nest day he announced he going to call specialists from the company that installed and maintained the electrical system. Few days we were without electricity. When the "specialists" came, they took out an interrupter that did not match the panel and looked as an object from outer space. Without the "interrupter" everything was working fine, and better then ever. However, the specialists came back, and told that it is "forbidden" to use the panel without it. They brought another, a normal interrupter, looking as most interrupters, and completely different from the previous one.

20. March 17, 2009. A letter from the municipal office has urged us to provide a copy of the key from our apartment. We called them, and explained that we did it right away, when moved to this apartment in 2006. Besides, I wrote them a letter, demanding to show us the duplicates that we gave them, or explain where the keys are. However, they never called us in this matter or sent an explanation. A good question: if they don't have the keys' duplicates, then who has?

21. May, 2009. After discussing with a bus driver high resolution cameras, placed at 5 cm from passengers' faces, I was met on exit by the police and questioned. They knew exactly, where I must get out.

22. August, 2009. A poly-functional player was stolen from me at the Jewish General Hospital, where I had to bring my mother, and later was thrown to me in a metro train.

August, 3, 2009. 4 separate incidents. 1. Going home from my mother, I had to pass two policemen from the Pr?vention d'incendie team. When 5 minutes later I turned from St.-Catherine to Glen, a motorcycle run on me from a shelter, where was hiding, and only miraculously I manage escaped. (21.20-21.50). 2. Bicycling after 11.00, I was stalked by the same young man that was standing with his dog on my way on October 20, 2006 (see paragraph 10). Near Des Seigneurs he went at my lane, threatening me by a collision. 3. Near Wellington and Peel I was attacked by 2 young individuals, one black and one white, who did an attempt to beat me down. I recognized the white guy as a bicyclist, involved in the incident with the canister on 23 of April 2008 (see paragraph 16). 4. On my back way from the Old Montreal, in the end of De La Commune, two black individuals have intercepted me and started to chase. One was a head of a gang that intimidated and harassed me around the Old Port. Only 2 years later I discovered that he's the same guy that smashed my neighbor's from the 2nd floor window (see paragraph 18), lives nearby, and friend of my neighbor's from the 1st floor stepson. I went much faster then them, but at a very narrow passage I lost too much time, and the friend of my neighbor intercepted me and pushed my bicycle, which run into a post. Only miraculously I wasn't killed or injured. Without seeing, what happened to me, he gave me a death threat in French: "Tu veux encore jouer? Si tu continue ton jour, tu est mort!"

23. From 12 to 13 March 2010 someone broke the barrel of my bicycle's rare wheel. In the same time lot of pounded glass was dropped in the backyard (coincident?).

24. May, 3, 2010 (15.01). Policeman in the car 70-45 that was involved in monitoring my movements, has stopped my wife, and issued a fine for no reason. He claimed that (driving the car) she did not allow a pedestrian to pass, but there were no pedestrians, and, besides, the passage for pedestrians is forbidden in that particular place. 16.40, on the our back, the same police car 70-45 was following us at Notre-Dame, and then was hiding in one of the backyards.

25. July, 14, 2010. Around midnight, when going home after bicycling with "B.", I was almost hit by a car, and had no doubt that the driver tried to hit me intentionally. Later, closer to my home, a smoke cartridge was thrown at the road while I was bicycling, and just by luck I had avoided an eventual collision with a car. During our "joint venture" "B." several times spoke on the cell phone.

26. 21, July, 2010. Me, and my wife, we attended a birthday party. On 24 of July, 2010, I have discovered that 4 volumes of my diaries have vanished.

27. August, 1 - 29, 2010
When (August, 4th) Daniel S., an English-speaking anti-Zionist activist, has paid me a visit, there was a call at 14.15 from my Internet provider, with a claim that ostensibly a massive spam was sent from one of our computers (ip-id's). Was it a warning about Daniel's visit? (Our Internet worked from Lunix DVD, so, the claim was ridiculous)

Same evening an RCMP car (Canadian gendarmerie) has intercepted me around Atwater 6 times.

On 5th of August 2010 someone called me, and told that dialed a wrong number. However, my id-caller display has identified the call as made from Verint: an Israeli Mossad - CIA company that installed and maintains the surveillance system in Montreal's metro and buses. I dedicated several works in Russian, uncovering the truth about Verint and denouncing Verint's intervention if many countries' internal affairs.

This very day a drone was flying along the canal of Lachin with two sparks: green and white. It came up and over a roof of my dwellings.

On 6th of August, Friday, the same drone was against my windows again.

From August, 7th till August, 14th a police car (15-10, 15-3, or 15-30 (a "new one") met me every evening, during my walks, and waited on the bridges when I was going back home.

Since August, 15th police cars (3 or 4) appear 15-20 times in half an our of my "promenade", mostly 15-9 (that "replaced" 15-10 and 15-11). Each time we are leaving in our car, this police vehicle 15-9 is lashed at the tail-end.

September, 1st - November, 25th, 2010
A new level of contacts with police is defined by the fact that the policemen have started talking to me from the police vehicles. Two policewomen have discussed abstract subjects with me from approximately 11.30 in the evenings near IGA at Charlevoix. Before they have turned to me from the vehicle, they "have cut" me in miscellaneous streets 8 times.

I was intercepted by police vehicle 15-3 near my home at a silent and small street St.-Charles, and the policeman has stopped me, and asked, "how are you doing". In November (at 5 o'clock in the afternoon), two policemen have discussed with me some miscellaneous subjects.

December, 1st, 2010 - March, 20th 2011
In the beginning of February, 2011 they started to follow me extremely obsessionally. Each time, When I leave my home, I see a police vehicle (15-3 since end of January, and 15-13 since February, 12th). On 28 of February, 2010, I walked from Mont-Royal back home, playing "games" with a police car that followed me: just for "fun". It intercepted my way 13 times without seeing me. I was noticed only near Notre-Dame, by an undercover black jeep. When I crossed Notre-Dame, a drone was flying perpendicularly to the street. A usual helicopter at a distance could not skip over street's sectional view so wantonly: it's not a bullet! Plus, it would vanish behind arbours.

1-2 minutes later, when I was at canal parkland, a police car 15-14 have rushed directly at me from a shelter behind brushes and trees, where there are no passages, streets, or roads. It's necessary to add that I have not walked towards the bridge, and have decided to cross the canal on sluice (canal lock) just because did not wish to be intercepted by police. I suggested that on such an islet of wilderness - among bushed and trees (and, in mid-winter!) - a police vehicle can emerge just in a... dream... in a dreadful dream. The police car has sharply braked just near me, and policemen have stopped me, and began to interrogate.

In not French-speaking areas some policemen can be rude and mock me, bearing malice. In one municipality far away from my area, policemen in a patrol car 27-8 were haughty gloating over, when they managed to catch me while trying to escape from shadowing.

In March-April, 2011, surveillance, escorting, intimidation and chasing came to a worse faze (or level), because the police was now not just escorting and (or) intercepting me, but - as a rule - stopped me and questioned. They were still speaking with me politely, but now more formally, and less friendly. The situation, therefore, has been threateningly changed. To the end of April (since February) I was stopped and questioned by police 15 times. This is not just abnormal, but very threatening.

And on the 26th of April, 2011, I was intercepted, stopped, searched, interrogated and punished by police. This brings a dramatic and principle difference from all previous persecutions, as every one can see. If disconnected from all previous events and permanent police monitoring, it can be interpreted as just an unjustified penalizing in an attempt to bring some money into impoverished municipal treasury. However, it brings a full gamma of questions about police's (globally) implementation of marshal law (including curfew), and harassment of citizens in deserted areas or (and) after darkness. In my case it brings even more questions, damasking very sinister things, and putting my health, life and freedom under a permanent threat.

Another crying fact is that many of those events were reported to police. However, I never heard from the police, and my statements were left without any attention. Both incidents with the cars were reported to police. Some time after reporting the 1st incident I came to police station at Decarie - Van Horne, asking for conclusions of the inquiry, but was told nothing.

Here I must stop the description of this kind of events, because I gave enough examples. Yes, this was not a full chronicle, but just some selected facts. It can be easily suggested that not all of the described incidents, accidents, conflicts and troubles were parts of someone's malicious "conspiracy". However, regarding a huge number of omitted events, and number of above mentioned, they are too multiple and too specific for just coincidental "bad luck".


In all my movements around the city I am strictly controlled and closely watched by police. In the serial of my articles under a common title "License to kill" (full version is available only in Russian (use online translators) I am giving examples of permanent police's monitoring of my everyday life. At the very moment of showing up at the street I often see a police car - waiting downstairs or passing by. Then a police car that was just standing goes after me.

In all other cases, a police car appears within 2 or 5 minutes after I exit my home.

The police intercept my way at key points: on or under the bridges; and so on.

Sometimes they are demonstratively following me with my own (pedestrian) speed, and, if I turn left, they turn left, if I turn right, they turn right, and so on. In some occasions they're doing so with the alarm lights and siren.

If I manage to disappear from their sight, they search the whole area, calling for enforcement. Sometimes if I escape for 10, 15, or 20 minutes, later 2 or 3 police cars with flashing alarm lights and sirens block my way in a "punishment". Levels and categories of the "punishment" are strict enough: for vanishing from police's "observation", for expressing (by looks or a gesture) my protest against unlawful and illegal espionage, for trying to hide my contacts, for "escaping" from my area to a neighbor or distant area. The last is "awarded" by an inevitable direct contact with the police, accompanying by interrogation (questioning). Lowering the window, a police officer starts asking me - where I'm going, and what I am intended to do. This happens near gates, bridges, tunnels, or passages between two neighborhoods. The same happens, when, after vanishing from police's sight, I appear near my home.

I can not be mistaken when in francophone areas I feel a palpable police officers' sympathy towards my case. They do what they were ordered to do, but they feel uneasy. And in non-francophone areas a number of policemen openly mock on me, or express their triumphal superiority when catching me while trying to escape "observation". My location is detected instantly when I pass under a first surveillance camera.

By experience, now I know that all cameras, installed for private use, are virtually "expropriated" by police, secret services, local mafia, and foreign intelligence. Cameras in the stores, banks, pharmacies, café and restaurants, etc., are used against the customers and customers' essential interests. In rare occasions repressive "services" just hack into the transmission of the video signal, but in the most of the cases companies that install and maintain the surveillance are willingly handing "a second" (or third, fourth, etc.) access to police, or whoever is paying / intimidating.

Many (if not most...) of the security and surveillance companies in Montreal are literally owned by Israeli Mossad. Israel-found and Mossad-owned (and linked to CIA) company "Verint" is a contractor of STUM (Montreal transportation system). The whole monstrous system of surveillance inside Montreal Metro (underground trains' lines) and underground city (biggest in Canada) is in the hands of Verint (Mossad). Such huge security companies as IsraGuard are based in Israel, owned by Mossad, and employ almost exclusively former Israeli Army's officers. All innumerous security and surveillance companies became a real mafia that does not serve Canadian national or even governmental interest, but (the opposite) undersubordinated the whole country to their interests and needs. This mafia was given a status of private police, with the authority of police and secret services, and a "real" police became just "a supplement". In my work Matrix a la Canada [in Russian only; use online translators] I give detailed information about many of such companies, their "origins", location, hidden links, etc. They are a symbol of Harper's era.

As a rule, police starts to follow me after my location has been noticed by an undercover. First contact takes place when a civil car (often without a registration plate, or with a plate covered by dirt) intercepts me near one of the "key points" (tunnels, bridges, or near my home), aggressively "accompanying" me. Within a minute, a police car appears.

For short periods of time police surveillance completely disappears. I can walk an hour or two without seeing a single police car. Or, if sometimes I notice one, it's just passing by, performing a routine patrol, with no interest towards my person. In such days the whole procedure of surveillance is handed over to undercover. Most of them are taxis: 6 or 7 with the same registration plate numbers, which I know pretty well. Those are, in my opinion, police agents, and I'm not afraid of them. But among "undercover" are also strange cars with no ID, pseudo-"military" vehicles, or very old and "smashed" Fiats or Peugeots, without lights. In a police state like Canada, under unimaginable for people in Russia, Belarus, Lithuania or Poland police surveillance, cars without ID-s and / or lights "can not exist": or must be "authorized". Drivers of those cars have a very clear Israeli "phenotype", and typical Israeli behavior. Sometimes I am confronted by luxury and very expensive cars, in which people of this type are sitting. As I suggest, those are the "coordinators". I think, THEY are lashing the police at me. They also coordinate (keeping police in darkness) and combine police surveillance with attempts on my life, attacks, and dirty provocations.

I think that I know at least three of the "coordinators". One is a former Soviet citizen, who also spent 5 years in Israel. Another one is an alleged Israeli-born "businessmen" and an owner of several stores in Montreal. The last one is also an Israeli-born bureaucrat, who confronted me at Canadian Immigration (St.-Antoine 10/10). I believe that they are responsible for number attacks, attempts on my life, and other incidents.

Before Harper's era I was never subjected to massive police surveillance, and was never confronted, stopped, or questioned by police. This can be linked to so-called Canada-Israel treaty (about security of "common borders"), which official and secret articles have subverted Canadian authority over the enforce institutions and submissed them to Israeli intelligence (see in: "Matrix a la Canada" ). Israel received unrestricted access to persecution of Canadian citizens and to personal confidential information on every Canadian.

Harper is the most pro-Israeli leader in the world, who declared his course of the "defense" of the "Jewish State" and "Jews" "more important" then the national interests of Canada, and whom Israeli Prime-Minister Netanyahu called "friend of Israel Number 1" ("better" then even USA).

In combination of unlimited privileges, and the status of impunity, superiority, and permissiveness of the leading powerful Jewish organizations, institutions, and communities, the "Canada-Israel Treaty" made a destiny of anyone, whom they "don't like" plausibly pitiful.

No wonder that attacks and attempts on my life came together with the massive police surveillance. They are combined with the denial of medical help. My injuries and infections were left completely untreated. Many of my serious health problems are simply ignored. Blood tests and other tests are "normalized". Presently, the consequences of untreated infections and injuries became so alarming that I am preparing myself to the worse.

My medical file is obviously a subject for enforcement agencies' studies, because each police intimidation and interrogation, or attacks and other incidents are "attached" to my most recent complains to a doctor, and, regarding my age and cardio-vascular problems, aim to finish me out. When Quebec Immigration gave me a permission to stay, the Federal Immigration, headed by Ministers with potential or actual Israeli citizenship, launched a "medical terrorist" campaign against me and my mother, based on fake and falsified medical records. My mother's torturing heart disease and her stroke came as a direct result of those "medical persecutions". They "accused" me of having "syphilis", "malaria", "leprosy" and "tuberculosis", and ordered a forcible treatment. If I agreed with this cruel and outraged decision, I could be dead by now. Instead, I turned to famous medical doctors, human rights and public organizations, political activists, deputies, etc., and, of course, I did independent tests in private laboratories. The amazing (totally opposite) "differences" between Immigration and "civil" medical tests can fully explain the blatant "normalization" ("overage data") of my today's medical tests.

A new wave (and level) of intimidation in last weeks (I'm omitting description of pre-26 of April events) could be an attempt to trigger a dramatic decline of my state of health. The same can be said about the last intimidation, suspension, interrogation and punishment by police.

Manipulations with a medication that I need to control my blood pressure - and the joint campaign of medical - police terror indicate that I might not have a very bright future.


Saving space and time, I'm skipping events, giving just the date and short information on police vehicles. Obviously, each number and date was entered not occasionally but because of real events on my way from "point A to point B".


January 2007 044.80 STUM. Followed obsessively.

March 2007, Daniel's visit (Daniel S. is an anti-Zionist activist). Police car 15-6 (mostly), and other 17 police vehicles escorted us while we walked.

March 2007. Police car 97-12, escorted me every day for a period of time.

Mid-March, 2007. Police car 11-5 demonstratively escorted me several times.

Second half of March, 2007. More and more often metro police car 088.90 STM intercepts me.

End of March, 2007. Police car 15-9 has come up in 2 minutes after my location was discovered by a lame undercover ("captain").

End of March, 2007. Police car 15-11 has come up in 1 minute after the lame undercover ("captain").

March, 29th, 2007. Police car 15-9 has come up in 1 minute after the lame undercover ("captain").

April, 07th, 2007, 15.30. Police car 15-1.

April, 16th, 2007, 9.00. Police car 15-6.

April, 17th, 2007, near 22.00. Lame "captain" (undercover), emerged 4 minutes after my exit from home, and in 3 minutes after him police car 15-6 came to escort me.

April, 18th, 2007, near 13.45. Police vehicle 15-6, appeared immediately after the lame undercover ("captain"). Around 14.30, in a bank, they demanded a check verification (possibly, to hold me on). At home I found traces of an unlawful search: all my matchmarks were displaced; search tracks were visible. Several DVD-s vanished.

April, 21st, 2007, Saturday. Police vehicle 15-5 came in 7 minutes after my exit from home to escort me.

April, 22nd, 2007, Sunday. Police vehicle 15-5 came to escort me in 5 minutes after my exit from home and in 1 (2?) minute after the lame undercover ("captain").

April, 24th, 2007. The police vehicle 15-6 emerged in 2 minutes after the lame undercover ("captain"), and he - in 1 minute after my exit from home.

April, 28th, 2007. Police vehicle 15..... emerged in 3 minutes after my exit from home, and 88-091 STM came just after the 1st one. This car at first persistently escorted me, with the pedestrian speed, and then was following the bus (which I took). Then the men from 88-091 STM have ordered the bus driver to stop, and a grey-haired mister from the vehicle 88-091 has climbed into the autobus and long time and expressively has looked at me.

April, 29th, 2007, Sunday. In the morning: the lame undercover ("captain") escorted me right after my exit from home, watched near the dwelling. Right after him a police car appeared, but without approaching. Evening: a police car appeared 11 times, but from afar. It was their new tactics (on distance, I could not see car's number).

April, 30th 2007, Monday. Police car 15-9 was waiting for us at Notre-Dame (2-4 minutes driving from home).

May, 16th, 2007, 9.00 a.m. 88-095 STUM.

Mid-June, 2007. the "administrative" lady, in SMT-like (metro-like) uniform, (came in a Volkswagen, Quebec 065 MXE) has inspected the yard, and went to my balcony.

June, 22nd, Friday, 2007. 88-058 STM. Followed obsessively.

June, 23rd, 2007. Police car 42-85 has escorted me from 8.00 to 12.00.

July, 12th 2007. 80-40 and 78-92, police.

July, 12th, 2007. 80-40 and 78-92, police.

September, 2007. Massive police surveillance, without approaching (on distance).

In October-November, after being hit by a car, I spent almost all time in bed, leaving my home only 3-4 times in the car. On October, 2nd, 2007, before I was hit by car, police vehicles 98-07 и 50-92 were escorting me.

November, 27th, 2007. Mail van L347766 (Quebec): blocked us an exit from near my mother's home.

Even in December I spent almost the whole time at home, which explains the absence of my notes. However, it also seems obvious that - after the incident with the car that hit me - the massive police surveillance has temporarily stopped. In general, in 2007 the demonstrative police surveillance was intensifying non-stop, and reached its extreme right before I was hit by car. This incident was like an orchestrated culmination, which can not be just a coincident.


January, 9th, 2008, 14.00. The vehicle 988 PPH (same that hit me in October, 2007) was obsessionally "after" us "in circles".

On January, 20th 2008. The autobus 083-1 (?) 8, and later police car 98-07 were escorting us.

My notes from February and March, 2008, must be scanned or retyped.

April, 4th, 2008, Friday. Police vehicle 15-6 came 6 minutes after my exit from home and intercepted me when I did an attempt to pass unnoticed through backyards.

April, 5th, 2008, Saturday morning. The lame undercover ("captain") has waited for me near my home, and right after 3 police cars appeared, but did not approach. I took the bus 107 to Sherbrook, and at Sherbrook a young STM employee, from metro's police car 88-090 STUM, came into the bus, looking for me. When she discovered my presence, she has closely looked at me, and left. I remembered her voice. Then I took bus number 24, and the same young women from 88-090 STUM (I recognized her voice) has contacted the bus driver by radio, described me, and asked, whether such a passenger is on the bus. Then another car, an already familiar vehicle 88-091 STUM (see April 28, 2007) came from behind, and the same grey-haired mister was sitting inside. However, this time, when the car was longly going side by side with the bus, this mister tried not to display the face.

April, 6th, 2008, Sunday. The same young woman (see April 5, 2008) from the car 88-090 STUM " was escorted me around the metro station St.-Henry, trying not to lose me from her sight. On my way back, a police car 51-90 was obsessionally following me.

April, 7th or 8 (Monday or Tuesday), 2008. A car 492.... J (Quebec) did an attempt to hit me at 12.00.

April, 10th, 2008. The lame undercover ("captain") emerged right away, near my home, and immediately - a police car.

April, 11th, 2008. A police car traced me from afar.

April, 15th, 2008. 1) Lame undercover ("captain"), and right away - a police car.

April, 20th 2008, Saturday, 8.30 a.m. One young "tail", whose face became familiar, was hiding near school, opposite to the metro station St.-Henry. At 8.35 a police vehicle 15-12 was escorting me at St.-Antoine street though it's a patrol car of my area, not St.-Henry. At 8.40, after police, a taxi vehicle T11707A / 2460 Pontiac has started to escort me. This car has approached me many times, and in many different parts and most unexpected and in miscellaneous places of the city, in last few months.

April, 21st, 2008, Sunday. Police, traced me from afar.

April, 22nd, 2008. Police, traced me from afar.

April, 25th 2008. Lame undercover ("captain"), police and STM police.

May, 27th, 2008. Police car 60-40 came 3 minutes after my exit from home.

May, 28th, 2008. Metro police car 88-057 came 5 minutes after my exit from home.

May, 30th, 2008. Police car 15-10 has been escorting me in the morning, and same day in the evening.

May, 31st, 2008. Police car 15-2.

June, 30th, 2008, 16.30. Metro police car 88-087 STUM came to my home, and spent a significant time here, though here are no metro stations, bus lines: nothing, and they had nothing to do here.

July, 8th, 2008. I was escorted first by a taxi 3536060, then by metro police car 88-087 STM, then by police patrol car 20-83.

Mid-July, 2008. A car 531 ELX did an attempt to hit me.

September, 21st, 2008. 8.49: a light colored car, Hyundai 698 KMJ, was obsessionally following me, and 5 minutes later police car 50-92 came to escort me. A civil car from the province of Ontario, AYBN 828, has appeared many times in different parts of the city, on my way.

September, 28th 2008, Sunday. 7.45 a.m.: police car 70-45 came 3 minutes after my exit from home to escort me. Police car 27-6 has approached me several times, at one moment intimidating (passed dangerously close while I was crossing the street). Police car 27-5 has appeared several time near my destination at a remote area of Montreal, and then on my back way home: just 7 minutes from my arrival home. Police car 70-45 has appeared just 1 block from my home, as well as a STM car.

September, 29th, 2008, Monday. Police car 70-45 came 4-5 minutes after my exit from home (3 blocks from home). Police car 12-8 came to escort me 3-5 minutes before I came back home.

September, 30th, 2008, Tuesday. 15.20: police vehicle 70-40 came 5 minutes after my exit from home to escort me.

September, 28th, 2008, Sunday, 7.45 a.m. Police car 70-45 appeared after 3 minutes from home, and escorted me to the bus stop, and then waited until the arrival of the bus.

- - On my way back:-------
Police car 27-6: almost hit me.

Police car 27-5: escorted me closely.
Police car 70-45: escorted demonstratively.

September, 29th, 2008, Monday. Police car 70-45. Appeared 5 minutes after home. Escorted me from to the metro station Lionel Groux, and then (the same car!) from metro station Cote-St.-Catherine to my mother's home.
---- On my way back ----
Police car 12-8: escorted me from metro's exit to my home.

September, 30th, 2008 Tuesday, 25.20. Police cars 70-40 and 70-45 appeared in 5 minutes after home, and escorted me up to the very end of my destination.

October; 3th, 2008. Police cars 15-12, 12-8 and 15-8 have escorted me one after another, vanishing just one block from my home. A civil car from Ontario, AYBN 828, was accompanying my movements in different parts of the city, and then was parked near my home.


It is also very possible that the driver of black Toyota Yaris 325 VXK (Quebec) that was during one year monitoring my movements many times and in many different areas - is the same person that hit me in the car 988 PPH in October, 2007. Just on Sunday, August, 31st, 2009, this vehicle has attracted my attention in midday time not less than 15 times.


March, 10th, 2010, 22.00 - 22.30. I, my wife and my daughter - we went (by car) to Super-C. At the bridge Charlevoix and St.-Patrick, our vehicle was "undercut" by police car 15-86 (superviser). At Super-C parking my wife and daughter left, and I remained sitting in the car. Soon police car 80-6 has approached. Policemen have ordered me to get out from the vehicle, and have shone with a small lamp into my face.

March-April, 2010: BELL car FGE (++++ I am consciously avoiding to provide the full number) (Quebec number) is spying on me for a while. The driver is a young women (25-30 y.o) of Quebec origin. This car was parked in many places I have been visiting, but when once I saw the driver for the first time, she tried not to show her face, parked the car, and then escaped from my sight rapidly and violently. She is accompanied by another car, a "driving school car" FGE (++++) (!) - same number (!!!). Once, when a police car 15-2 5 times has crossed my way, I looked at a policewoman beside the driver, and identified her as a driver of the BELL car.

April, 17th, 2010. Police car 15-2 escorts me literally everywhere, and very aggressively. Sometimes they turn on the flashing lights - and escort me with the speed of pedestrian (my speed). If I turn right - they go to the right; left - they do the same; and also if I just go back - they copying my manoeuvre.

Since May, 10th to 22, 2010. Now the police car 15-2 was "replaced" by 70-45 (the driver of the same car has issued an unjustified fine to my wife), which started to escort me every evening.

May, 23rd, 2010, Sunday. Same police car 70-45 was spying on me at George Vanier street.

July, 23rd, 2010, Friday. Near George Vanier metro station a police car 20-15 was monitoring me, just one minute before I was attacked by 2 young black individuals inside the metro station (I was going to visit "B."). Going back home, I was almost hit by a taxi at street Center. Just near my home, a police car 15-3 waited (for me?), and later drove into the 2nd section of my backyard. But, before moving there, the policeman from the vehicle 15-3 has quite friendly asked me (as an old acquaintance) where I am going and why. Later this car was just standing in the backyard for half an hour, and then - at the street.

July, 26th, Monday. Metro police car 82-2 STM was spying on me when I had a walk with "B.".

July, 28th, 2010. A familiar police car 82-2 STM was spying on me when I was walking with "B.".


August, 1 - 29, 2010
When (August, 4th) Daniel S., an English-speaking anti-Zionist activist, has paid me a visit, there was a call at 14.15 from my Internet provider, with a claim that ostensibly a massive spam was sent from one of our computers (ip-id's). Was it a warning about Daniel's visit? (Our Internet worked from Lunix DVD, so, the claim was ridiculous)

Same evening an RCMP car (Canadian gendarmerie) has intercepted me around Atwater 6 times.

On 5th of August 2010 someone called me, and told that dialed a wrong number. However, my id-caller display has identified the call as made from Verint: an Israeli Mossad - CIA company that installed and maintains the surveillance system in Montreal's metro and buses. I dedicated several works in Russian, uncovering the truth about Verint and denouncing Verint's intervention if many countries' internal affairs.

This very day a drone was flying along the canal of Lachine with two sparks: green and white. It came up and over a roof of my dwellings.

On 6th of August, Friday, the same drone was against my windows again.

From August, 7th till August, 14th a police car (15-10, 15-3, or 15-30 (a "new one") met me every evening, during my walks, and waited on the bridges when I was going back home.

Since August, 15th police cars (3 or 4) appear 15-20 times in half an our of my "promenade", mostly 15-9 (that "replaced" 15-10 and 15-11). Each time we are leaving in our car, this police vehicle 15-9 is lashed at the tail-end.

September, 1st - November, 25th, 2010
A new level of contacts with police is defined by the fact that the policemen have started talking to me from the police vehicles. Two policewomen have discussed abstract subjects with me from approximately 11.30 in the evenings near IGA at Charlevoix. Before they have turned to me from the vehicle, they "have cut" me in miscellaneous streets 8 times.

I was intercepted by police vehicle 15-3 near my home at a silent and small street St.-Charles, and the policeman has stopped me, and asked, "how are you doing". In November (at 5 o'clock in the afternoon), two policemen have discussed with me some miscellaneous subjects.

December, 1st, 2010 - March, 20th 2011
In the beginning of February, 2011 they started to follow me extremely obsessionally. Each time, When I leave my home, I see a police vehicle (15-3 since end of January, and 15-13 since February, 12th). On 28 of February, 2010, I walked from Mont-Royal back home, playing "games" with a police car that followed me: just for "fun". It intercepted my way 13 times without seeing me. I was noticed only near Notre-Dame, by an undercover black jeep. When I crossed Notre-Dame, a drone was flying perpendicularly to the street. A usual helicopter at a distance could not skip over street's sectional view so wantonly: it's not a bullet! Plus, it would vanish behind arbours.

1-2 minutes later, when I was at canal parkland, a police car 15-14 have rushed directly at me from a shelter behind brushes and trees, where there are no passages, streets, or roads. It's necessary to add that I have not walked towards the bridge, and have decided to cross the canal on sluice (canal lock) just because did not wish to be intercepted by police. I suggested that on such an islet of wilderness - among bushed and trees (and, in mid-winter!) - a police vehicle can emerge just in a... dream... in a dreadful dream. The police car has sharply braked just near me, and policemen have stopped me, and began to interrogate.

In not French-speaking areas some policemen can be rude and mock me, bearing malice. In one municipality far away from my area, policemen in a patrol car 27-8 were haughty gloating over, when they managed to catch me while trying to escape from shadowing.

In March-April, 2011, surveillance, escorting, intimidation and chasing came to a worse faze (or level), because the police was now not just escorting and (or) intercepting me, but - as a rule - stopped me and questioned. They were still speaking with me politely, but now more formally, and less friendly. The situation, therefore, has been threateningly changed. To the end of April (since February) I was stopped and questioned by police 15 times. This is not just abnormal, but very threatening.

And on the 26th of April, 2011, I was intercepted, stopped, searched, interrogated and punished by police. This brings a dramatic and principle difference from all previous persecutions, as every one can see. If disconnected from all previous events and permanent police monitoring, it can be interpreted as just an unjustified penalizing in an attempt to bring some money into impoverished municipal treasury. However, it brings a full gamma of questions about police's (globally) implementation of marshal law (including curfew), and harassment of citizens in deserted areas or (and) after darkness. In my case it brings even more questions, damasking very sinister things, and putting my health, life and freedom under a permanent threat.



On the 26 of April, 2011, I was intercepted, searched, and interrogated by police.
The police car 12-16 stopped me at the corner of St.-Catherine and Glen around 12.35 a.m. when
I was waiting for the red lights to be replaced by green, and holding my bicycle.
Prior to this, I was walking up from under the bridge, pushing the bicycle beside me...
At the first moment, the police car did not approach, and I was given a sign to stop (not to cross St.-Catherine).
I was waiting for them half a minute or so, and when the car came closer, the policewomen in the passenger's seat just asked me, if everything is OK. I responded affirmatively. However, they did not let me go, and, after 3 or 5 minutes of silence and hesitation finally asked me, who I am, and what I am doing here (the whole conversation was held in French).
I explained that I'm just making "a promenade" before going to bed, but they still were blocking my way.
Only now the policewomen demanded an ID.
I asked them - what wrong did I do, and why they're interrogating me. They did not answer. I posed the same question again and again, receiving no answer, but when the policemen stepped out of the car, he pretended that they have stopped me because I am "nervous" and "afraid of the police".
(Later they added that I have "glazed at police car's direction as if was followed".)
I disagreed, and said that 1) I am not nervous, and 2) they could not detect my emotional state from where they were standing. Then I added that a claim that I'm nervous now, while speaking with them - can not serve as a motive for stopping me before they're approached. (Besides, retention for an emotional state is absurd anyway).

The policeman was smart, and instantly grasped the meaning of my words. He told me that I gave "a suspicious glaze" at the police car, and that it is natural for police to suspend a man walking "after 1 in the morning" (actually, it was not later than 12.45).
A hospital card that I gave them as an ID had no photo, so they warned - they'll incarcerate me if I can not prove - who I am. I said that I see no reason for stopping me at the first place, and, as a result, all the consequences will be unlawful.
At this, the policeman said that "any one walking after 1 in the morning" is "a suspect". In disbelief, I pointed to the street signs, adding that there no signs of curfew and marshal law...

He gave a surprisingly smart counterargument: there is nothing about interdiction to cross on red, and still - it is forbidden. Meanwhile, the policeman also scoured me, searched my pockets, and sled his arms down along my sleeves. Finally, the issue of my ID was solved (I asked the policewomen to call my home), but they did not relieve me, claiming, that, allegedly, I was "cycling" on the pavement ("dans le trottoir"), and they must suspend me, or issue a fine-ticket.
Thus, a claim that I was "circulating" on the pavement" was raised at the very end.

I managed to express my disagreement, and stressed that was stopped when standing separately from the bike, and "avant être arrête" was also walking, not biking.
I must admit that the policemen spoke very politely, without intimidation or threats; did not interrupt me - and even answered (basically) my questions.
Writing this document, I'd like to use an opportunity to appreciate this. However, appreciating, and having a real sympathy towards both policemen*, I can not agree with 1) the fine and 2) non-motivated suspension - interrogation - search - ID verification - record: because the truth (la vérité) is that I was not bicycling, but walking, having done nothing wrong.

Every police check-task of where I am at a given time, what I do and where I am intended to go is a serious and unacceptable intervention into my private life.

P.S. In addition: the hill up Glen from St.-Jacques to St.-Catherine is so abrupt that not every athlete (in my opinion) will be able to climb it atop a good bike. Obviously, I am not a Supermen. Before suggesting that - regarding my age and health condition - I could reach the top of this climb in the saddle: try it yourself. The task is much harder if, instead of the road, you're using the pavement (conditions, the bicyclists are aware of...). I am not a sportive type, and,
besides, learned how to run a bike only at age of 52 or 53... I have a very old, overused, and problematic bike with only 1 functioning speed (for the fastest run, not "for mountains")**.
When the police stopped me, I was breathing normally, and spoke without hectically catching air. One can imagine, how long I would breathe forcefully, if (under my age-health combination) would accomplish the climb atop of my bike.
Anyway, a suggestion that I am capable to cross (on a bike) even half a way between St.-Jacques and St.-Catherine - sounds fantastic.
Could the police take me for someone else (who passed just before me)? Who knows?

One is very clear: even if I would run a bike on the pavement, suspending and penalizing for "cycling" at absolutely deserted areas in the middle of the night is unusual, unfair, and unethical. (We must also take into consideration that Quebec in not Germany or Norway, with their pedantic approach to each letter of the law, and that the rule about bicycles is not a criminal code, but simply a municipal bylaw). However, I was NOT running my bike, but walking, which makes a big difference. And if I had no bike at all: wouldn't they find another pretext to stop and punish me?

This creates an atmosphere and condition for an unlimited terror, when everything that you do is always illegal. Thinking is illegal, walking is illegal, breathing is illegal, being human is illegal.
*I am not among those who hate the
police; policemen are just doing their
**In the same time, my bicycle corresponds
to basic technical conditions, posing no
danger for me or those sharing the way.



I left home around midnight, April, 26, 2011.

On bike, I moved from my place, along the Lachine canal, to the West, and crossed the canal by a pedestrian-bicycle bridge near Beaudoin street. Suddenly, a police car 15-9 literally emerged from darkness, illuminating all the lights. Preventing me from approaching and seeing their faces or something else, two men have ordered me to go off the bicycle trays, and to move up along the square George-Etienne Cartier.

Something terribly wrong was about this police car, and, terrified, I moved to Notre Dame, closer to people and lights. Expecting that the same car will make a circle to meet me further at Notre Dame, I stepped from my bike, and walked under the bridge to St.-Jacques. A taxi of a light color, with 11T in the beginning of the registration number, followed me demonstratively,
zigzagging in response to my zigzags, and going backward if I went against the traffic (all that time I was walking). There and then a police car 12-16 with alarm flashing lights and siren has intercepted me at the corner of St.-Antoine (Park), and - after intimidating - ran away. I've decided to return home through Maisonneuve street, with its bicycle trays, and approached the Glen street. Having no intention to climb the hill atop my bike, I have placed myself in the saddle, just to rest for few minutes and to consider if to continue several meters, and then to walk. I was standing there unmovable, when a small police car, like one of the metro police squad (STUM) cars, almost smashed into me, and a policemen, looking out from the window, shouted me to displace my bike to the pavement, and to go up atop my bike. I've pretended that I am obeying the order, but as soon as the police disappeared, I have stepped down from the bike, and climbed Glen Street walking. The car 12-16 first appeared from under the bridge, moving towards me, and disappeared from my sight somewhere at or after St.-Jacques' corner. Only then it returned to intercept me.

What happened after refers to the previous chapter. However, in my "official version" of what happened, I have not mentioned few things.

1. Interrogating me, the policemen suggested that I look at them as if I was thinking that they know me. I confirmed this, and told that it's not the first time I am followed by police, and in the past was stopped and questioned around 15 times, just without my ID verification.

2. At one instant, when the policewomen was questioning the onboard computer, the policemen told me that I have a criminal record, but quickly corrected himself, saying "ah, no, not really". However, I received an impression that I am somewhere on a black list.

3. I told that was bicycling along the Lachine canal, until the police car 15-9 stopped me and ordered to step off the bicycle trays, and later I was ordered from another police car (calling this a conspiracy) to run atop my bike on the pavement. They have contacted the police car 15-9, and received an answer that this car did not approach me today. In this case I tend to trust the police officers, and this leads to a sinister supposition that a car, which intercepted me near G.-E. Cartier was a fake. It is also very significant that the car 15-9 was on duty by exactly that time, and that the patrol officers said that did not approach me TODAY.

4. When I objected accusations, and stressed that was stopped while standing on my feet, separately from bike, they've agreed that this is true, but added that saw me cycling on the pavement (when: a month, a week, an hour ago?). Then, I said, they had to stop me for that right away, not after.

5. The policemen have warned me that in the future I should not run out from a police car, but must stay in sight if followed. I must stress that not occasionally was stopped and interrogated by police at the corner of Glen and St.-Catherine. As a rule, in my everyday life I am intercepted on the bridges when crossing the canal (at Peel, Seigniors, and Charlevoix), or when walking under a bridge.

I have no doubt that the police car 12-16 was sent specifically to catch me down Glen (Courcelle), near the railway, because the "coordinators" might seen this as an only scenario possible. They were absolutely sure: after being ordered to go up to St.-Catherine atop my bike I had to do the opposite. Normally, sorrounded by 2-3 police cars I usually go to an opposite direction. They have also calculated my logic. Directed by a smaller police car to St.-Catherine, I was actually directed to a place of arrest and interrogation, as for this the policemen often tell motorists or bicyclists to move to a place more suitable for them. Besides, St.-Catherine is another borough, with stricter and more severe bylaws. Thus, to avoid a very predictable police action against me, I had to run. They foresaw that I'll try to escape on my bike, on maximal speed - towards Notre-Dame, crossing the railway. If I did so, they would pursuit me with the siren and alarm, and would lay criminal charges. However, they knew nothing about an "imposter" police car 15-9 and my fear to go back "to it".

Thus, passing the bridge, the policemen in 12-16 did not believe that are seeing me, and continue chasing "would-be me" down Glen. When they didn't meet anyone who looks like me down there, they came back to St.-Catherine. If they were bad people, they could confiscate my flashlight, and pretend that I was cycling without it. They also could add that I'm wearing no helmet. And, of course, they could question the technical condition of my bicycle. Multiple charges could open a wide road for a criminal case. Probably, ordered to accuse me in any kind of misconduct by any mean, they have chosen not the hardest.

However, next time the authorities will send stonehearted policemen, who will fabricate enough crap to put me behind bars.

The specifics of my health problems and my psychological state (no wonder!) are such that any serious stress is killing me. My enemies know that, and their real goal is to finish me out. I'll not survive even a short detention, as I'll not survive without outdoor activities. Anyone who can do something about my situation, please, help me!


We, humans, are "diminished" to digital files, and "restricted" to a "Human Ghetto", which territory is constantly shrinking. New totalitarian (neo-feudal) regimes treat us as a commodity (non-leaving "property"), denying us our human functions. For them, the interaction with people under their usurper electronic tyranny became an obsessive computer game, which fascination is growing in direct proportion of the "amount of power". More power and authority: more fun. They exercise their electronic toys on us (from surveillance cameras to "medusa" killing devises; from drones and helicopters to police vehicles; from scanning machines to robots-murderers) as if we were characters within their computer's monitor. More power over individuals: more addiction. Rulers' addiction is growing, and consequently tyrannical restrictions and violations of our human rights are growing proportionally. An understanding that the privacy is a cornerstone of our survival as humans and simply living beings became a core issue, which absence is the most essential tragedy.

Boycott of restaurants and stores with the most intruding into our private life cameras; iPhones and other champions of spying on users; busses with the spying cameras and the most "intruding" metro stations; ICQ, Twitter and Facebook; software that demands "web registration" or "installation over Internet": all this could become a message - that enough is enough. Instead, the public is accepting mass psychosis and addictions that were "vaccinated" by the governments, making the future of the Mankind hopeless...

Montreal, April, 2011.

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