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Israeli Terrorism (7)

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками


                CHAPTER 2

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We have already learned (in previous chapters) that the source of Israeli war crimes, discrimination of ethnic and religious minorities, bordered with genocide, cruelty and unprecedented violation of human rights in general are Israeli law. We have already learned that Israeli law consider non-Jews as commodity, that slavery and slave trade is OFFICIALLY LEGAL in Israel, that it is absolutely legal in Israel to possess female sexual slaves and profit from them, etc. We have already learned that Israeli law defend predatory interests of Israeli medical personnel and the governmental protectionism policy towards the medical economic tyranny in Israel for the cost of patients' rights and (not just by connotation - but in its direct meaning!) for the cost of their lives.

Another sinister pretext for justification of refusing medical help, killing people for donor organs, and using medicine as a terrorist tool - is a concept of the collective punishment, an official Israeli doctrine.

For the sinister minds of Israeli lawmakers non-Jews (Christians, Muslims, and others) are guilty before Jews "by nature": because they were born from parents, who (or whose parents) killed and discriminated Jews. It is highly typical for Israeli ideological stereotypes to claim that non-Jews are born with an instinct to kill (and - first of all - to kill Jews), and that Jews are the only, who don't have this instinct: ""The Arab has the instinct of murder and killing like all gentiles, and only Jews do not have that instinct — that is a genetic fact." — says the Jewish Nachshon Ben-Haim of Israel (just recently the Catholic Pedro Mendosa of Peru)" [taken from Aspers' press]. This is how to kill someone for taking out victim's organs for transplantation purposes is justified by Israeli law and mentality. Killings for transplant organs - and donating killed Christians' or Arabs' organs to Jews is a form of a collective punishment: according to perverted Israeli minds.

One of Israeli High Court decisions permits collective punishment as a "legal" and "justified" measure:

Amnesty International On-line. http://www.amnesty.org

ai-index    MDE 15/127/2002     06/08/2002


AI Index: MDE 15/127/2002 (Public)
News Service No: 137
6 August 2002

        Israel/OT: High Court decision gives green light for collective punishment
Amnesty International condemned today's decision by the Israeli High Court of Justice that will allow demolition, without the right to judicial review, of homes belonging to families of people who are believed to have carried out attacks against Israelis.

"This judgment gives a green light for collective punishment in the Occupied Territories," said the organization; "Destroying Palestinian homes to punish whole families for a crime committed by others, is a war crime."

"Up until today, people whose houses have been demolished as collective punishment could at least appeal to the court. Now even this possibility is denied them." In recent months the Israeli army has demolished the houses of those believed to be involved in attacks on Israelis often at the same time, demolishing or causing damage to neighbouring houses.

The Israeli High Court of Justice accepted the use of Article 119 of the 1945 Emergency Regulations (from the time of the British Mandate). The article allows the military commander to demolish any house where any person or member of the household has not only had any weapon, gun or incendiary device, but also has helped anyone with any weapon, gun or incendiary device.

Article 119 of the 1945 Emergency Regulations states that, "a military commander may by order direct the forfeit to the government of Palestine of any house, structure or land from which he has reason to suspect that any firearm has been illegally discharged, or any bomb, grenade or explosive or incendiary article illegally thrown, or of any house, structure or land situated in any area, town, village, quarter or street. The inhabitants or some of the inhabitants of which he is satisfied has committed or attempted to commit or abetted the commission of or been accessories after the fact to the commission of any offence against these regulations involving violence or intimidation or any military court offence. And when any house, structure or land is forfeited as aforesaid the military commander may destroy the house or the structure of anything growing on the land".

Palestinians in the Occupied Territories are protected by the Fourth Geneva Convention, including Article 33, which prohibits collective punishment. Extensive destruction of property not justified by military necessity and carried out unlawfully and wantonly is a grave breach of the Fourth Geneva Convention.


We must be aware that in Israel it is not just a single law, which gives Israelis an exclusive right to kill innocent people, damage or destroy their property and economic situation, deny them medical help, treat people as commodity, but a combination of laws and regulations, designed in such a way that a string of laws may deride any moral concern and any ethical norm. Property code and civil code, labor code, penal code and religious laws, Law of Return and special extraterritorial laws: all together are serving the most inhuman (potentially), most brutal and racist regime's in human history goals.

Israeli ideology removes the most holy moral restrictions, giving a green light for:

1) Killings of children
2) Tortures and arbitrary detention
3) Collective punishment 
4) Denial or blockage of medical and humanitarian help
5) Utilization of medicine as a terrorist tool
6) Killing people (mostly children) for donor organs
7) Demolition of houses and elimination of the source of life:
to provoke degradation, inhuman conditions, starvation, and
death of millions of people.
8) Compelling people to participate in military operations and to act as "human shields"
9) Unlawful killings

This creates a perfect background for Israeli medical terrorism as a part of Israeli ideology and methods.


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