Гунин Лев : другие произведения.

Arkady Korovin.Lev Gunin's Biography

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками










I wrote Lev Gunin's biography on his request in 1995. He has explained to me that he dreams about making a new edition of his prose and poetry collection, and would like also to have his biography written by another person.

Even if I'm doing this work for 3-4 potential readers, I would like to explain, who I was for Lev Gunin.

We have been born and grew up in the same city - the city of Bobruisk. He has chosen a humanitarian, and I - a technical specialty. We were not steady close friends. In general we just knew each other. We met from time to time, spoke about that - or about this, then - were separated for an unknown term, each time could be - for ever. I consider myself a fan and connoisseur of Russian art, prose and poetry, certainly, not a professional. A halo of a writer and poet, formed around Gunin, maybe, warmed up (among other factors) our interest to each other. But mainly what distinguished me from others in Lev's eyes is the following: I was his entrusted person, his "attorney".

Copyright љ Lev Gunin & Co
Montreal 1998

Справа налево: Лев (Лев Гунин), Лапоть (Юрий К.), Моня (Миша Куржалов-Шнайдман),
Димус (Дима Макаревич);
From right to left: Lev, "Lapot" (Ura K.),
"Dimus" (Dima MAKAREVICH),


Since 1985 I did not live in Bobruisk at all. By pure co-accidents we continued to collide with each other during my arrivals in Bobruisk. Just because it wasn't a constant friendship between us, and our common circle of friends was insignificant (and because of my "practicism", realness of thinking), and also my technical specialty - it made me in Lev's eyes a person of another world, and induced him to share with me his memories, diary, consulting - without being afraid of rumors.

Лев со своей сокурстницей Ириной, с которой дружил во время учебы в Брестском муз.училище
Lev with his schoolmate ("girlfriend") Irina: Musical College in Brest (Litovsk)


It may be strange, but returning back to Riga, I was catching myself on thinking about Lev's stories, and tried to solve, to unbind mysteries and questions, given by him.

Lev Gunin was living in an illusive, imaginary world, and his estimations - evaluations of reality have been coming from sophisticated complexes of innumerous connections inside this illusive world. He never judged an event directly, according to its appearance. Often he could not tell, what color of eyes or hairs has his best friend, he put no attention, what dress wearied yesterday his girlfriend, used to loose the most important fraise from what he've been told.

Софа Подокшик, занимавшая видное место в дневниковых записях Льва и в его жизни после короткого романа с Неллей Веразуб
Sofia PODOKSHIK. Lev's girlfriend and a source of his diaries after an affair with Nelly VERAZUB


From the other side, he had a marvelous memory, quick reaction, could defend himself even from two people attacking him simultaneously, was not a bad chess player, knew physics, geometry and trigonometry wery well, could memorize "word in word" a long conversation, could investigate and solve complicated, malicious intrigues. This extremely rare combination of a practical, warrior nature - and qualities of a personality "not from this world" became - in my opinion - the main ground behind all Lev's life tragedies. Because of this "double personality" he was taken for somebody else, and was afraid of (consequently fought and persecuted), when he was under this angle absolutely non-dangerous. From the other hand, other citizens of the illusive worlds saw a stranger in him, and were afraid of him, but now because of the contrary reasons; boycotting him, refusing to allow him into their circle. However, because of this life of Lev Gunin is unique, fantastic, and just few people have felt, experienced, and did what he did. (end of an extract of Korovin's biography)

Short English Description + Russian Original (CLICK HERE)

//Translated from Russian original by V. Samonov//

Arkady Korovin was Lev's childhood friend. They grew together before Lev moved to another area of Bobruisk. After graduated Arkady moved to another Soviet republic. They have used to meet frequently - and Lev used to tell Arkady about what happened to him since any previous Arkady's visit. The biography was written on Lev GININ's request as an introduction to first self-published collection of Lev's works. However, because of clear reasons it was never used for that purpose.

Korovin's biography of Lev GUNIN is criticizing and "negative". He claims that Lev GUNIN could not live without strong emotions, risk and dangerous adventures. According to his suggestions, Lev's games with KGB were a sort of entertainment, or gambling, to which Lev became addicted. He's blaming Lev in destroying his own life, and - indirectly - in playing a role in his brother's death, in ruining all his close relatives' lives and in other tragedies. Arkady thinks that Lev GUNIN provoked persecutions and therefore was responsible for them. He also claims that even when Lev was already practically persecuted by Soviet authorities, he had power to stop them by showing indifference and stopping to respond to his "enemies'" actions. Instead, Lev continued to play his dangerous games and did not attend to Arkady's advises. Lev - as Arkady claims - also needed to train his brain by these dangerous games.

Arkady suggests that behind Lev's actions also stood some even more egoistic, selfish stimulus. As a talented person he needed recognition of his abilities and achievements in literature and music, and it forced him to be ambitious. But he was afraid to hear devastating (negative) words about his creativity and avoided direct approach in literary and music circles. However, to compensate his need to be important and powerful he has chosen to play with KGB and other Soviet authorities.

Arkady claims that Lev went so far that it could take away his life. He intervened behind the scene in top political matters of the Soviet state, stalking top political figures, spreading rumors and desinformation among political elite. Lev accumulated secret military, liaison, espionage and political information, and used it to accelerate the end of the Soviet Russian empire. He has collected information about top political officials, KGB staff, secret telephone codes and passwords, etc.

In his ordinary life - according to Korovin - Lev also balanced on the verge of violation of criminal laws - if not violated them. In search for new information he used to meet Mafia's Godfathers, dissent KGB and military functionaries, as a "pimp" used "foreign currency prostitutes" to extort information from KGB members with whom they slept. Having no driving license, Lev used to travel with one of his girlfriends, driving her father's car, chased from road police (GAI), and had sexual relations with teenagers under 16. Claiming that he never has any affair without love, Lev, according to Arkady, is not sincere because Lev had too many lovers and too often - to believe in what he claimed. Arkady disputes also another Lev GUNIN's claim: that "KGB is guilty" in Lev's "tragedies in love". Arkady describes most of Lev's love affairs - and concludes: that such gorgeous, rare, beautiful, and smart women simply could not stay long with such a person as Lev GUNIN was.

[(By the way - in his unpublished work another Lev's biographer, Alexey K. wrote that he once discussed Lev's troubles in personal life with Ury ZELDIN, Vitaly and Lev GUNINS' friend. Ury - a medical doctor - suggested that Lev is a combination of a rare sexual type, which needs sex from 3-4 to 6-7 times a day, - and a special psychological type, who can not be sure, what a message gives him an opposite sex. Because of inability to understand, what this or that sigh or glance means: a green light to seduction - or not, he was forced to rely on women, and w a s chosen by them rather then to choose. Because he probably had a complex about his steady sexual desire, he just let the women to take him by hand - and was taken directly to sex. In the future it was throwing a grimy shadow on this relationship. However, if Lev could interpret his women just as sexual partners, not as brides, he could peacefully separate them - or stay with them. But for that his marital status had to be changed. K. has suggested that such a type is well described in belletristic; they are mostly married men with wide extra-marital relations, whose initiators are women. Therefore Lev's tactics had to be a waiting tactics: when he did some signs to preferred women, but waited until they should start to shorten the distance themselves. Probably that kind of uncertancy dominated him when he called himself "Lev", "Laib" (in Yiddish), "Leon" (Polish) or "Leo". Maybe this also was an attempt to escape a bad karma. )]

All others Lev GUNIN's biographers contradict Arkady Korovin's attitude. They claim that Arkady had personal reasons to describe Lev GUNIN as a gambler and not a victim of the Soviet system. They show that in all his conclusions Arkady was wrong. But Korovin's biography of Lev GUNIN is the only literary, poetical Lev's biography, the only one, which was written by somebody, who was an amateur writer himself - and was the first collectionner of GUNIN's works.


Оля Шадурко, родственница Льва Гунина Ola SHADURKO, Lev's relative

Лев и его двоюродная сестра Люба. 1986 год Lev and his cousin - Luba

Алла Басалыга, студентка, 1984
Alla BASALYGA, a student

Яся Янджеевска, теперь живет в Париже
Yasia YANDRZEEVSKA, presently lives in Paris

Лев Гунин в Литве. 1973 год
Lev GUNIN in Lithuania. 1973

Лена Н., подруга Лены Шандригось, кратковременное увлечение Льва
Lena N. - a friend of Lena SHANDRIGOS', Lev's frequent lover

Лена Н. с женой Виталия ГУНИНА, Леной ШАНДРИГОСЬ
Lena N. with Vitalik's wife, Lena SH.

Фото Виталия ГУНИНА

Лев - руководитель юношеской рок-группы "ШАНС"
Lev - director of a group "CHANCE"

Фото Виталия ГУНИНА

Та же группа
The same group

Лев Гунин и Лара Медведева (позже - фотомодель, Париж)
Lev GUNIN and Lara MEDVEDZEVA, later - a model in Paris

Лев - руководитель рок-группы при Поликлинике номер один. Бобруйск
Lev - a director of a young-age group in Clinics N 1

Лев со знакомой Лены Барановой, Ниной
Lev with Lena Baranova's friend, Nina

Лев с Ольгой Петрыкиной, солисткрй группы "Караси" (Солнечная сторона"), основной группы, в которой он участвовал
Lev and Olga PETRYKINA, singer in rock-group "KLARASI" (Solnechnaya Storona)

Маша С., одна из подруг Льва периода его романа с Аллой Басалыгой
Masha, one of Lev GUNIN's girlfriends

Лев ГУНИН, Ольга ПЕТРЫКИНА и Вадик САЖИН, саксафонист
Фото Виталия ГУНИНА

Лев с Машей, солисткой ресторанной группы, в которой он играл
Lev with Masha, singer for wedding parties group

Lev with friends

Лев с француженкой Мишель - переводчицей в Жлобине Lev with a French girl Michel - a translator for foreign workers in Zhlobin

Lev and his daughters - Ina and Marta

Такова жизнь...

Фотографии Виталия Гунина
и Виталия Катасонова

Copyright љ Lev Gunin & Co
Montreal 1998


Short English Description + Russian Original (AFTER DESCRIPTION)

//Translated from Russian original by V. Samonov//

Arkady Korovin was Lev"s childhood friend. They grew together before Lev moved to another area of Bobruisk. After graduated Arkady moved to another Soviet republic. They have used to meet frequently - and Lev used to tell Arkady about what happened to him since any previous Arkady"s visit. The biography was written on Lev GININ"s request as an introduction to first self-published collection of Lev"s works. However, because of clear reasons it was never used for that purpose.

Korovin"s biography of Lev GUNIN is criticizing and "negative". He claims that Lev GUNIN could not live without strong emotions, risk and dangerous adventures. According to his suggestions, Lev"s games with KGB were a sort of entertainment, or gambling, to which Lev became addicted. He"s blaming Lev in destroying his own life, and - indirectly - in his brother"s death, in ruining all his close relatives" lives and in other tragedies. Arkady thinks that Lev GUNIN provoked persecutions and therefore was responsible for them himself. He also claims that even when Lev was already practically persecuted by Soviet authorities, he had power to stop them by showing indifference and stopping to respond to his "enemies"" actions. Instead, Lev continued to play his dangerous games and did not attend to Arkady"s advises. Lev - as Arkady claims - also needed to train his brain in these dangerous games.

Arkady suggests that behind Lev"s actions also stood some even more egoistic, selfish stimulus. As a talented person he needed recognition of his abilities and achievements in literature and music, and it forced him to be ambitious. But he was afraid to hear devastating words about his creativity and avoided direct approach in literary and music circles. But to compensate his need to be important and powerful he has chosen to play with KGB and other Soviet authorities.

Arkady claims that Lev went so far that it could cost him his life. He intervened behind the scene in top political matters of the Soviet state, stalking top political figures, spreading rumors and desinformation among political elite. Lev accumulated secret military, liaison, espionage and political information, and used it to accelerate the end of the Soviet Russian empire. He has collected information about top political officials, KGB staff, secret telephone codes and passwords, etc.

In his ordinary life - according to Korovin - Lev also balanced on the verge of violation of criminal laws if not violated them. In search for new information he met Mafia"s Godfathers, mutiny KGB and military functionaries, as a pimp used "foreign currency prostitutes" to extort information from KGB members with whom they slept. Having no driving license, Lev used to travel with one of his girlfriends driving her father"s car, chased from road police (GAI), and had sexual relations with teenagers under 16. Claiming that he never has any affair without love, Lev, according to Arkady, is not sincere because Lev had too many lovers and too often - to believe in his claim. Arkady disputes also another Lev GUNIN"s claim: that "KGB is guilty" in Lev"s "tragedies in love". Arkady describes most of Lev"s love affairs and concludes that such gorgeous, rare, beautiful, and smart women simply could not stay with such a person as Lev GUNIN was.

All others Lev GUNIN"s biographers contradict Arkady Korovin"s attitude. They claim that Arkady had personal reasons to describe Lev GUNIN as a gambler and not a victim of the Soviet system. They show that in all his conclusions Arkady was wrong. But Korovin"s biography of Lev GUNIN is the only literary, poetical Lev"s biography, the only one, which was written by somebody, who was an amateur prose writer himself - and was the first collectionner of GUNIN"s works.

Copyright љ Lev Gunin & Co
Montreal 1998




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