Гунин Лев : другие произведения.

A.-M. Augestad. For Support of Lev Gunin (Gunin's Biography)

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками

__________________________________________=============_______________________________ Л М Г









(en extract from the letter to the Minister of Immigration)
A Part Of Humanitarian Case


     PART 6

Anna-Maria Augestad
To the MInister of Immigration, Honorable M-ne Lucienne Robillard

(Anna-Maria - was Gunin's immigration adviser (beside his 5 lawyers he has 2 consullars). A fillologist, skilled in Romanian language and literature, journalism and history of literature, Anna-Maria is a good English stylist, and knows Russian, French, and other languages, translates from Romanian, Russian, English and French. Together with L. Gunin she was an editor of 2 issues of Romanian newspaper "Voce Romanescu".<

I. and M. G., Montreal 1998
Photo: Parvin Almasuque
(P. Almasuque is a doctor of Economics, a professional photographer, designer and one of the best Leo's friends)

Original (English)


Copyright ? Lev Gunin & Co
Montreal 1998




Raesons for Appeal - Riles: Paragraphs A and B

Lev Gunin - Humanitarian  & Compassionate Cases
IMM     Second Additional Document [refers to the form 5283 (02-98) E]

Exceptional contribution, which Gunins could bring to Canadian cultural heritage

Grounds for Exemption - Adjustment to Paragraphs A and B

Three members of Applicants' family can bring an exceptional contribution into Canadian cultural heritage.

1. Mr. L. Gunin is a productive musical composer, journalist, historian, poet, writer, and amateur photographer. He is also an advance computer designer and HTML programmer.

Mr. Lev GUNIN is an editor of two non-commercial Montreal-based newspapers: in Polish and in Russian languages. He is an owner and editor of 11 web sited on Internet; 7 of them are E-Zines. His newspapers and E-Zines became wide known among International Internet community. People submitted him tenth of mails and thousands of E-mails. They expressed their interest and approval. His creative works in Russian (poetry and prose) became known on faculties of Russian Literature in a number of universities, for example, in Gomel University (Belarus) or Moscow State University (Russia). A number of famous personalities like a famous Russian writer Vladimir Batchev or poet Andrei Voznesensky spoke with warmth about L.Gunin's poetry. Mr. Josef Brodsky, Noble Prize-winner, has marked his poetry as unusual and sophisticated. Mr. Gunin's essays were published in huge number in Belarus, Russia, Israel, Germany, France, Poland, and Canada. Interviews with him were published by the leading Russian newspaper "Vesti" in Israel (1994) and by the Radio "Russian Aliance" in Montreal, Canada (1998). World-famous writer and scenario creator, author of the famous American movie "Hostages", Mr. Grigory Svirski, citizen of Canada, gave the highest approval to L. Gunin's creative and social activity. Gunin's prose and poetry were added to the most complete and famous electronic Russian libraries (Alex Farber & Maxim Moshkov's library, for example).

Mr. Gunin is an author of numerous contemporary compositions for piano, orchestra, choral, instrumental duets, trios, etc., and also electronic music and songs in jazz, pop and rock styles. In Montreal he took part in a number of music festivals, concerts, and other types of musical activity. During his Montreal's life period he released several musical albums with other musicians and poets - both immigrants and Canadian citizens. He created several songs with relatively well-known Montreal poet Miguel Lamiel. His music was placed on Internet. He participated in so many musical events that they hardly could be listed. Mr. Gunin is a member of Montreal-based Saint-Lawrence choral (the leading in Quebec) and Union Des Artist.

Mr. Gunin is a known human rights activist, recognised by many informal human rights groups all over the world. He maintains contacts with the leading human rights organisations.

Mr. Gunin's works about the history of Belarus were approved by all leading professional historians in Belarus, including A. Gritzkievich, A. Tarasov, O.Dadiomova, V. Posse, etc. His work "BOBRUYSK" is a unique monograph of that kind among the books about Belorusian cities.

He is also an author of works in music history, musicology, theory of music, counterpoint, art, and culture. He is an author of a number of philosophical essays and works in political science.

As an amateur photographer he has a fresh, colourful and original style.

Mr Gunin is an advanced amateur computer technician, designer and HTML programmer.

He is also an amateur architect.

All about mentioned information is supported by documents, referrals, photos, diplomas, certificates, etc. This supplementary information evaluates each sphere of Mr. Gunin's activity separately, and could be divided on next parts:
1) Music plus works in musicology
2) Poetry
3) Prose
4) Journalism
5) Works in history
6) Computer skills + HTML programming
This 6 groups of documents will be submitted 1-2 days later or could be presented on your request.

One can ask: Why - if he is so talented - we never heard about him?
This is because in the former USSR Lev was seriously persecuted (read over folder Applicants, document 2), his creative works were not compatible with the communist ideology - and therefore could not be officially presented for publications or awards. All doors were closed before him, and his carrier was broken in advance.

Could he make his carrier in Israel - country, where he never wished to go and where he was taken by force; country, which he criticised long before he was taken there? (See: Applicants, Documents 1, 2, etc.). Of course, not!

In Israel he was also widely persecuted. He was not permitted to work in his profession; even an employment authorisation was refused him: formally an Israeli citizen! Newspapers in Israel called him "an enemy"; Israeli State radio called him "an enemy"! (See other documents). He could not advance in his attempts to be treated like other people (see attached documents)...

Now, in Canada... In spite of the pressure of his tragic immigration situation, uncertain status, time and money-consuming fight for not to be removed from Canada, time-consuming self-training to polish his French and English, French course, low social status related to his immigration situation, hardness of accommodation period, and myriad of other obstacles, Canada became the first country in his life, where he is little by little - but advancing. For almost 4 years in Montreal (taking in consideration his unstable immigration situation) his achievements are just great! You can learn more about them in supplementary information (see the bottom of the previous page).

There is another part of Mr. Gunin's activity, which is hidden and not so evidently impressive among his achievements, but - in the same time - is very important and means a breakthrough for him. This activity could play a role of his achievements or substitute them in some cases, or explain why more impressive results can be predicted because of next reasons:

a) He was and is still restoring some of his manuscripts, confiscated by the former Soviet or by the Israeli authorities.
b) Before showing his musical or literacy works to potential publishers, managers or sponsors he had to make them readable, retype, print and fold them, make musical records in professional recording studios, what he did during 3 years. This process is almost finished by now.
c) It took time also to meet important people and find other musicians with whom he could record his music.
d) To do that all and to avoid ignorance in creative people' environment, to keep himself technically updated, he had to buy (or get as an offer) expensive equipment, which he could not get just instantly. By now the most important part of such equipment has been purchased or obtained.
e) Typing, retyping, scanning, printing hundreds of pages, making professional recordings, translating if necessary, and creating musical arrangements was a long, money- and time-consuming process, but it was absolutely necessary for preparation of a potential future success.
f) Editing and preparing his works for presentations, Lev Gunin did a huge, monumental job in relatively unfavourable situation.

In spite of his hard attempts and his present achievements he can not complete and persuade his goals without any stable status in Canada.

By these 6 above-placed paragraphs ("a" - "f") we wanted to show that he is not just a talented person but also a hard worker; and he did maximum of the possible in his situation to gain success, and deserves to be given a chance to make society benefiting from his talents.

It would be absolutely unfair if such a person will be removed from Canada as if he was an ordinary person without any creativity and without monumental creative goals...

The former Soviet Union was a classical totalitarian power. This power took away Lev Gunin's future, prevented the society from benefiting from his talents, and made his life tragic and unbearable. An evil force sent him to another country: where he did not want to go and where the verdict against him, taken once by the Soviet authorities, was confirmed. It is not in the best interests of Canada to maintain the consequences of what one of the most brutal regimes in History did to this man. It would be a tragic mistake if Canada will manifest support to a former brutal regime's decision and will regenerate in time the destructive effect to Lev Gunin's life, which was originally generated by the former totalitarian regime.
Will Lev Gunin become a famous musical composer or a poet, will he concentrate on literature or on history, will his creativity been targeting just his closely friendship environment; will he get a professional job in music or will work as a volunteer on the amateur scale (as a member of a choral or an instrumental group), the society will benefit from his creativity anyway.

We were not committed here to discuss social mechanisms, which put up one talented person to the top of success, and another one, may be, more talented, don't. We are not here to analyse why J. S. Bach, V. A. Mozart, F. Schubert, Van Gogh, and other genius, died in poverty and obscurity. But we know that the society benefited from their talents even without recognising their creative superiority. In the same way it might benefit from Lev Gunin's creativity if he would be left alone, out of the threat of deportation.

We strongly believe that the rejection of his refugee claim came as the result of extreme generalisation, partiality and was generated by the influence of the state of Israel. It is in the interests of justice to let him stay in Canada.

2. Alla Gunin is a creative and hard-working person, reliable and honest.

During all  years of persecution, instability, sometimes financial difficulties, and threat of deportation - during the last 4 years, she always was with her family, with her husband and children. In spite of her deep depression, caused of the immigrations situation, she gave all her love, her creativity, and her support to her husband and children. I don't  know any other example, when in similar situation, which could be compared for that poor family with the war-time, another woman did so much for her love ones! Gunins children's excellent performance in that tragic, drastic situation could be explained not only by their father's participation in their education, but by their mother's creativity and love.

3. Ina Gunin is a perspective talented musician, music and storywriter.

From her very young age Ina Gunin was a gifted and promising musician, good in both instrumental and theoretical spheres. She is an advanced for her age piano player (certificates and other documents are enclosed), a flute player, a member of F.A.C.E. Junior Tremble choir, conducted by well-known Erica Phar, and another choir, conducted by Mr. Yvon Edwards. Ina is also a young musical composer, and a good theoretician.

When she was just 4 years old, Ina started to create tales and stories. Now she is an advanced storywriter. She has written tenth of them in French and in English.

All necessary documents are enclosed.
(Some of them might be submitted in an additional envelops).

4. M. G. is a talented ballerina, recognised by all ballet teachers as an exceptionally talented young ballerina, may be just one of 2-3 in Canada. She was chosen by the National Ballet of Canada among many other children as the one of the most talented.

M. is a gifted ballerina. She is dancing from 4 years old. She has good skills and abilities, good physical form, esthetical and rhythmical feeling - and she is very nice in movements and in everything she is doing. The director of the National Ballet educational department M-me Bishop recognised M. as an extremely talented person.

All M's ballet teachers predict her a great future. She already participated in several big performances in several theatres, including Jean-Mance theatre, Clark Theatre, and she must participate in the big "Nutcracker" (ballet) Christmas performance.
M. is also a storywriter, a musician and an amateur young musical composer.

All necessary documents are enclosed.
(Some of them might be submitted in an additional envelops).

Gunins are a peaceful, harmonically-established, honest family. The both adults are working. What will gain Canada by deporting such nice people? As far as I see it is impossible for them to apply for immigration from outside Canada, and it must be obvious for everybody. They suffered so much... much more then any other family on Earth. Maybe, it is enough to torment them? Try to imagine yourself, your children, your love ones on their places! If Humanity and Compassion is not for them, for whom then?!

Anna-Maria Augestat,
Canadian Citizen
Tel. (450) 923-2967

( ! ) Brochures, prospects, photos, diplomas, memos, referral letters, albums, and material evidences of GUNINS' participation in Montreal's cultural life are so numerous, that most of them might be presented during the time of an interview

(BOBRUISK, 1974 - 1991)

1. Lev GUNIN with rock-group "Karasi".
This rock-group performed in various places. They played their own compositions, including L. Gunin's. They worked sometimes for Moscow and Kostroma philarmonies, but mostly performed in Myshkovichi, an entertainment center near Bobruisk (1982 - 1987). They had the most advanced by that time musical instruments (keyboards, guitars, drums) and equipment. A disc was released.

2. Lev GUNIN in Myshkovichi (see the previous paragraph).

3. Lev GUNIN with rock-group "Duration"
(he's sitting in front of that group's singer, 1988).
4. Lev GUNIN in Lenin plant club, with the club's rock-group. 1977.
5. Lev GUNIN with his group "Waterfall"
He performed with that group in 1976 - 1987, parallel with other groups. It was his main group. They played popular songs as well as Gunin's compositions.
6. The group of students of the Music College in Brest (Belarus), theoretical faculty, with their teacher, Irina Morikh. Among them - Lev GUNIN. 1974.
7. Rock-group "Iles" from Hungary, once very popular in Eastern Europe.
Lev Gunin happened to substitute their keybordist.
8. With that group Lev GUNIN played on marriages, parties, birthday parties, restaurants, etc.
9. L. GUNIN is the teacher, composer, artistic director for 3 rock-groups of young musicians. One of these groups.
10.  Touring over Belorusian villages with an amateur rock-group.
11.  The same tour as "10".

12.  Members of "Raduga" rock-group, who played for the Management of  the restaurants of Bobruisk-city. L.Gunin among them. 1991.

13.  The same as "8".

14, 15. L. GUNIN is the teacher, composer, artistic director for 3 rock-groups of young musicians. Two of these groups.

16. Playing with the group "Raduga" (see paragraph 12).


1. Request For Exemption From Immigrant Visa Requirement (application form IMM 5001)
2. 3 copies of above mentioned form
3. Additional Sheet Of Paper With Jobs Listed (refers to IMM 5001 form, p.3, section "G")
4. 3 copies of above mentioned sheet
5. Explanations (refers to Additional Sheet Of Paper With Jobs Listed: see point 3)
6. Supplementary Information (IMM 5283) form
7. 3 copies of above mentioned form (see point 6)
8. A copy of the Federal Court's decision ("Ordonnance")
9. Authorization by applicant (his spouse) for release of police certificates/clearances
10. Identity documents, issued for the members of family GUNIN by Immigration Canada and Quebec's Immigration: 11 documents
11. Copies of the last salary checks for Lev and Alla Gunin as evidences of their employment
12. Official Immigration Canada DOCUMENTS CHECKLIST
13. REASONS (Adjustments to Supplementary Information (refers to IMM5283 form). 12 pages.
14. Exceptional Contribution GUNINS Can Bring to Canadian Cultural Heritage
15. Copies of 3 letters to UN High Commissioner of Refugees Mrs. Kim Mancini (14 pages)
16. Motion of extension of time (5 pages): refers to REASONS: see point 10
17. My final word

1. Control copy of IMM 5001 and 5283 application forms (to show what applicant they belong to)
2. Folder "APPLICANTS": 7 main documents, 11 total, which must show that the applicants can not go outside Canada, that they were exposed by IRB to an additional danger, and faced deep psychological traumas because of the way they were treated by IRB, and their health or even lives might be completely destroyed
a) folder "Administrative Pressure" (67 documents, which show that before coming to Canada applicants were under excessive administrative pressure: they were refused full employment authorization and welfare in the same time; tax exemption, diplomas equivalent and professional courses, which were obvious for all new comers, registration with the state labor exchange; the departure authorization - permit to leave the country - was given only after 3,5 years, and so on. This pressure will never give them any possibility to apply for immigrant visa from outside Canada)
b) sub-folder "Medical" (24 documents, 31 pages show that even the threat of the removal from Canada itself already slowly damaging their health, and the eventual real removal will finish their lives tragically)
4. Folder "REFERENCES"
a) Lev GUNIN (46 + 22 documents)
b) I. G. (16 documents)
c) M. G. (9 documents)
All documents refer to "Exceptional contribution GUNINS can bring..."



I had two affidavits from refugee claimants families who (one of them) was removed from Canada, and another one left after they were refused. Both of them were linked with the movement for Russian speaking people rights in Israel. In the first family the International ("foreign" as Russian speaking people call it) passport was confiscated from their single son (27 years old) when they came to extend their expired passports. The confiscation was related to their refugee claim in Canada. Passports were confiscated from the members of another family right in the airport.

Because the member of IRB, assigned to our file, Mrs. Malka, contacted Israeli embassy and denounced our refugee claim, I don't feel secure to any information, submitted to Immigration Canada. This is why I have no rights to put security of people, who submitted me their affidavits, in danger. And this is why I decided finally not to reveal them to you. I live it for your consciousness to believe or not to believe me. I am an idealist, probably, a naive man. I still believe in goodness and in consciousness, and hope that in spite of a potential pressure from the state of Israel, or, rather, from the public opinion in your working environment or/and from your supervisors, you could act according to your consciousness.

You can also go to next web sites for find out more about administrative terror in Israel against Russian speaking people:

                      Copyright ? by authors
                          Montreal 1998

Copyright ? Lev Gunin & Co 
Montreal 1998 

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