Гунин Лев : другие произведения.

Refugee Story 1. Israel Against Christians

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками

S. Agrilev

Born in 1972

Former citizen of USSR

Former citizen of Ukraine

УCitizenФ of Israel


In Ukraine

I was born in Ukraine. Mostly I lived at city of S., Lugansk area. There I have graduated from a secondary school, then - from a Chemistry-Mechanical Technical School, and have started working. In 1998 I got married, and began to live separately from my parents: with my wife.

Since 1992, when Ukraine has become an independent state, and the authority there was not stabilised yet, a practice of apartments (condominiums) swindle has received a wide circulation over there. Sometimes Mafia has simply taken away apartments by force.

Since 1994 I was an owner of my private apartment. It located at *** Prospect, **, apartment **. Approximately in 1996, IТve been persistently offered a contract on "protection of apartment". Two young men have came and politely proposed services, which were rendered by one local agency. I have refused; then they have warned me, that anything can happen: there are arsons and robberies at some selected apartments. I have repeated that I have no need in their services.

Later other people have began visiting me - and - again - insisted that I have to accept the contract. When I have asked, which name their firm carries, they have answered that they will tell me, when I shall sign the contract.

I felt a potential threat - and have addressed to police (militia). There they have attentively listened to me - and have finally told that it is better indeed to make such a contract: it is safer, and they'll have less work.

I have decided that a best solution would be to sell this apartment and buy another one, in another city. When I have announced about my apartmentТs sale in a newspaper, the same young people came - and told me, that, if I do not want to conclude the contract on protection, they can buy my apartment. I have answered them that I already have a buyer. They have responded that they give me two days for reflection, and warned, that I shall regret. Two days later they were waiting for me near my home - and have asked about my decision. When I've answered them that did not undertake any decision, they have told that my apartment is needed to one very important man. They have told me to think (again) during another day, and have added that will return for my answer.

Then, in October, 1996, I have addressed to police again (the second time). In police they have listened to my story and have told, that, if I am going to sell my apartment anyway, what a difference for me, whom to sell it to. I have explained that I am afraid of these people and I do not want to connect myself to them by any relations like seller-buyer. Then they have told that this is my personal business, and they can not help me.

This very day, in the evening, when I came back home from my parents, near an entrance I saw four unfamiliar men. When I passed them by, they called me. One of them has started to ask about some address. In this moment I've received a strike from behind at the head. I fell down, and they all four have started to beat me.

(My injuries were): left rib (was broken), and brain concussion; my whole face, my lips were smashed (to blood). Blueses and bruises were at my whole body.

Neighbours have called "Quick Aid" (ambulance), and I was taken to a hospital, where received medical help, and there was an attendant policeman. He has asked me, what and how happened, and whether I know somebody from the attackers. When he has heard that I do not know any of them, he has noticed that it will be simply impossible for police to find them. When I have tried to connect the attack to threats and rough claim on my apartment, he simply has burst out laughing and has told: "your head was, probably, really strongly damaged".

After that event I lived by parents about a half a year, and did not spend nights at home. Just by this time my apartment was at first plundered, all valuable things were taken out, and then somebody tried to set a fire.

In January, 1998, I has married and began to live with my wife in my own apartment. In March, 1998, strangers have began to wait for me near my home again. Once three men came to my home and have told that I am their debtor who has not executed the obligations. They have told me that about one year ago I have promised to sell them my apartment, and till now did not fulfilled my promise. I have answered, that has promised nothing to anybody. Then they begun to shout at me, threatening, and have warned me that anything can happen to my wife.

I repeatedly addressed to militia, but has received no protection.

Then we have left for my brother, for city of *, Lugansk area, where stayed approximately half a year.

In this period we have taken a decision to leave Ukraine.

When we lived in *, there were some ugly cases with my wife, on ground that she is a Jew (her father was a Jew). It happened after parents of my wife came to visit us. These incidents have strengthened us in our decision to leave Ukraine.

In December 1998 we were compelled to return home, as could not live by my brother any more.

Once in the evening, when I've left home with my dog, unknown man have attacked me. They have knocked me down and have started to beat me. I have begun to shout and call for help, and then they have dragged me to a vehicle. My neighbours have begun to go out to their balconies, and near that entrance, where the vehicle was standing, people began to gather (I has learned about it later). At this time my dog has rushed on the attackers. They have left me and run to their vehicle.

My wife has called "Quick Aid" (ambulance) from the neighbours - and I was taken in a hospital. In the hospital again was a policemen (another then the one, who was at the first time), who has written down my testimony, but has warned me in advance that the police will hardly find someone. Then I have told that I remember the model of the car, its colour, and also - that the neighbours have seen the registration plate number of the car, but he has noticed that there are a lot of such cars, and the neighbours could memorise the number of the car incorrectly.

For one month I have left for Moscow, and my wife at this time was by her parents.

We were compelled to leave secretly, saying no goodbye to anybody.



In Israel

We have arrived to Israel in March, 1999. Before arrival we knew almost nothing about this country. We thought that Israel is a country like West-European countries, and were shocked by people's behaviour, their mentality, general atmosphere, and that Israel is similar not to Europe, but rather to the countries of Soviet Central Asia.

At once on arrival, at the Ben-Gurion airport, we have told the immigration official that would like to reside in the city of Eilat (as our friends have recommended us), but he has told, that, as we have there no relatives or friends, they could send us only in Beer-Sheva, in hotel for new immigrants. In that hotel conditions were horrible: there was no hot water and no bath-room; huge cockroaches have crept around; sole room was not ventilated; the only window was closed, and it could not be opened. We were forced to pay for this room as for an expensive hotel, and at once: for three days in advance. About half of the money, which we (as new immigrants) have received at the airport, have disappeared at once after we paid for the room. One hour later we have decided to leave from this centre for the new immigrants, because we have understood that living in this room is impossible. Money, which we have paid in advance, has not been returned.

We have bought a bus ticket - and left for Eilat.

In Eilat we have dropped our things at a left-luggage office, where they have extorted superfluous money from us, too, and have set off on searches for an apartment. A Russian assistant of a housing broker has explained us that there were free rooms for rent at a villa of his employer. We have signed a contract for three months, and the owner has told that the next day will bring us our copy (of the contract). However, when he has brought it, the term of the contract was roughly corrected from 3 months to 12. I've turned to a lawyer and to Sochnut, but it gave nothing.

In the next room an Arab lived. He has rented this room through a telephone call, but has found that the room did not match in anything to the description, which he has received. Therefore in three days he has gone away - and has declared to the owner that refusing to pay. Frequently, he helped us much - with learning Hebrew, with important information on life in Israel... One evening, when Nidal (our friend-Arab) was by us on a visit, the furious owner has run in and jumped over us, crying out damnation, and has demanded that henceforth any Arabs will not visit us. He has pushed out Nidal from our room, by applying a physical force.

When I have addressed to a lawyer, he has told me that, under the Israeli laws, the owner of an apartment has the right to rush into his property, which belonging to him, even if it is occupied by tenants, and also to supervise everything, which the tenants are doing in his apartment. Later at work I heard about numerous cases of evictions of the tenants from their apartments by the owners, and in the same time the last were obliged to continue paying the rent for the apartment (even after the eviction) - up to the end of the contractual term.

I also heard about many conflicts with neighbours, who scoff at new immigrants, vandalising their property and even beat them. We did not have such conflicts, because we lived in a private (individual) villa.

One week after our arrival we were given out the internal passports - tehudat-zehuts. In the column, where onesТ nationality is normally mentioned, in both mine, and at my wife's tehudat-zehuts - a "skipping" mark stood. When I have asked a clerk at the Ministry of Internal Affairs, what means this sign, she has answered that in Israel there are two categories of inhabitants: human beings, that is, Jews, and not human beings, that is, all others. Who are not Jews, are animals, which have no rights in Israel.

We were convinced of the correctness of her words very soon. In Israel the presentation of a tehudat-zehut is necessary (required) everywhere. Every day this document should be shown at entrance of different establishments and organisations, and also when arriving at work or study, when refereed to a medical doctor, and so on. Even the driving licence must to be shown only together with tehudat-zehut. And in tehudat-zehut it is visible, who's a Jew, and who's not a Jew.

In April, 1999, we (me and my wife) went to my work - to find out about the time-table for the next week. I have left her near the hotel, and have step down inside, to the personal premises. When I came out, my wife has rushed to me in tears, and has told that she was attacked by an Israeli: a Sefardish origin. He has began to pull her by hand, simultaneously lowering his trousers and crying out "Russian prostitute, go with me". When he pulled her across a road, they hardly avoided being ride over by a car. The car has stopped, and after it a police vehicle went. The Israeli attacker has escaped then, but stayed near-by - at the other side of the street, - and therefrom observed the occurring. At the moment of my appearance the police car has already went further, not stopping. I have made a sign (to them) to stop, but a female policemen has not reacted in any way to it, continuing moving.

We here have addressed to police, which was literally a stone's throw away. There they ordered us to sit down and have told to wait. We waited for 40 minutes, and then they have told us to wait again, till an interpreter will come. So we have stayed three hours in there. The interpreter has took my wife and let her to inspector's room. There they asked her to tell her name, and ordered to tell everything about the incident. The inspector was surprised that my wife has waited at the police station so long only to tell "such triviality". The story of my wife was accompanied by sceptical comments and mistrust. When the policeman wrote down her testimony, he cheerfully laughed at her story. Then they have announced to us that will send the summons, but so far nothing have been sent.

At first I worked as a waiter in a hotel's restaurant. Simultaneously I have attended a course of Hebrew, and under the law the administration of the restaurant was obliged to schedule my working hours in free from my studies time. However, they have told me that they can not arrange working shifts under the whims (cranks) of every Russian, and that, if I want special conditions, I should go back "to Russia". At the same time young Israelis, who worked with me - and attended formation courses, - worked at hours, convenient for them. All other workers in the restaurant were driven to work by a service car, and I was almost never taken to work by car. Because of this - regarding the climate conditions in Eilat - my work has become impossible. Because of these two reasons I was forced to leave my work.

At the end of May, I have found another work. There I worked almost 1,5 years on different positions. At first I was an instructor in a swimming pool. However, nobody wanted to carry out my instructions that were given by a Russian. They have openly said to me that the Israelis should not obey orders of the Russian bastards. Sometimes dogs were lashed on me. Once I was bitten by a dog. The owner of the dog laughed cheerfully and was pleased by what happened. When I have addressed with my complaint to my employer and have asked him to intervene, he has answered that can not quarrel with the tenants of the hotel. Then I have turned to police, but there they only laughed at me - and have declared that they don't investigate such trivialities.

Later I was transferred to another work as a night watchman (auditor). It was a hostel for youth working in the large hotel. They frequently came after taking drugs or alcohol, and threw dust, bottles, and stones at me. Once a bottle has got me - and dissected my eyebrow. I had a long bleeding, and wanted to go to a hospital. When I have called the superviser, he has told that we, Russians, are too gentle and that we should get used to life in Israel. And, if I shall leave by my own, I will be expelled from work, and will not be paid the lay out money - and I shall bear the liability for everything that can happen in my absence.

In summer, July, 1999, my father has died.

In the Ministry of Internal Affairs - they have refused to issue an International passport to me. They have pretended that it takes a lot of time, not less then a month, and that - if I want to fly to Ukraine, - I can use my Ukrainian passport, and go with it, but I shall never enter any more to Israel. They have also added that Russians have nothing to do in the Jewish country.

In 2000 my son was born. We have named the child by my father's (his grandfather) name. But when we came to obtain the birth certificate, they have categorically declared to us that to register a child under a Russian name in Israel is equivalently to treachery of the state of Israel. They have refused to register the Russian name, and have told that they give our child a Hebrew name N. An advice was given to us not to call the child by Russian name, for his own safety.

In hospital they have us persuasively forced us to make the boy circumcised. The doctor came every hour - and persistently asked, when we go to perform a circumcision. He has told that the circumcision can be made by the doctors, or rabbaj, but it is absolutely necessary. The medical nurses did not want to bring our child because we did not agree for the circumcision. For the same reason my wife preschedully - on the second day - have been sent home, though she still should be in the hospital.

At work, my owner constantly asked, when we will call him for the brit-mila (circumcision), and, when he found out that no circumcision will take place, he became furious - and has told that, if I, a Russian, not circumcised, a "second grade" citizen in Israel, it does not mean that I should force to suffer my child. He has added that my son can not neither marry in Israel, nor buy a property, neither to serve in army as a normal boy, nor to attend a kindergarten or study at school.

From that moment the owner has become carp at me, irregularly paid me or delayed my salary, underpaid, did not give a day off, so, that a chronic under-sleeping has began to develop in me, and did not give me a day off even when my wife was ill, and I should sit with the child. Therefore subsequently I have left from this work, too.

I was forced to agree for poorly paid and very hard work - as a loader (mover). There I was exposed to constant sneers and insults - because I am Russian. Nobody greeted me and also nobody talked to me. In this period, when my wife went for a walk with the child, with a carriage, she was constantly offended by the neighbours, who called her a Russian prostitute, and Jewish children were throwing stones at her. At this time we already lived in a new apartment, as the owner of the villa, where we lived at first, has declared that people, who are not circumcised, have no rights to rent rooms, belonging to him.

In March, 2002, I went to Ukraine, to my father's grave.

I have learned from my brother that - after my departure - people, who were looking as gangsters, have interested, where I've gone, and he has told that considers that it will be better for me to go back, to Israel, quickly, and not to come any more.

In September, 2000, I was called in the Israeli army. Passing the medical commissions, I was told by the doctor (who has noticed that I am not circumcised): "How such an animal can serve in the Israeli army?". One week, when I was at a training center, in the evening, I have gone to take a shower. Young Israelis of the Moroccan origin have approached to me there - and have asked, why I am not circumcised. I've answered that I am Russian, not a Jew. He called two friends and has told them: "Look, what pig is washing here". They begun to speak that these Russians are worse than the Arabs, and someone from them has pushed me, and I fell down. Then all three have started to beat me by kicking. I tried to protect my head and other important organs, but they tried to strike at the stomach and genitals. When two Russian soldiers have come to the shower-room, the Israelis have left me, and went away.

I was not immediately taken in hospital. Only next day, when they found out that I can not move independently, and the genital organs in me have swelled, a doctor was called to me, and then I was sent to a hospital. In hospital nobody has announced me the diagnosis, or told me how far my traumas are serious, and nobody has taken an interest in what happened. When I have told to the doctor that I would like to address to police, he has answered that now I am a soldier, and I have no rights to declare anything to civil authorities, and must, when returning to the my army regiment, address to the commander. The military representatives, who are sitting in Israel at every hospital, have also announced to me that I can submit a complaint about beating only after returning to my military regiment. But after the hospital a document has been issued to me that I should have some time off till the latest day of my army training. And, when I have arrived in the last day, I was given out a certificate that I have passed a complete course of training in the army, though it did not correspond the truth. Also I was told that now, when it shall be necessary for the army, they will call me again. When I have told that would like to submit a complaint about beating, they have answered me that "nobody is present here (because all commanders have already left), and "how do you want that we now should find someone"? I've understood that I'll find no justice, and that nobody will bear any responsibility for what happened to me.

All described above cases were not only ones. Persecutions, discrimination and attacks used to happen all the time during our stay in Israel. But the final decision to leave Israel we were forced to take because of the threat to our child's health and even his life.

My son, N., was constantly an object of attacks and aggression in the kindergarten. He came home bitten, in bruises, crying, and he frequently had hysterics, when we took him the kindergarten. He was sufficed by hands of his mother - begging not to go there. Once in afternoon I have arrived before usual - and have gone to take away the son from the kindergarten. He has slept separately from other children, on the floor. When I have asked the worker, why heТs sleeping separately, she has told that they can not put him together with others, as heТs not circumcised. When my wife with the child has used to go to children's playground, she went there only when nobody was there. If someone was there, she was banished by the parents of children, - or children began to push and to beat our child.

Once, when I, serving in army, came to JerusalemТs orthodox church - and has asked the priest, how I could baptise the child, he has answered that as an Israeli (that is, as the new immigrant) under the laws of Israel have no right to baptize my child.

When once we have addressed with the child to a doctor, the doctor did not want to render medical help, referring that we Russian - and our child is not circumcised. Once we have addressed to polyclinic of the hospital cash department "Maccabi", when my son had a fever (temperature over 40), and he was rattled and choked. The children's doctor on duty at first has shown concern by childТs condition - and has told, that, maybe, it is necessary to send him in the hospital, but when has seen, that the child is not circumcised, has sharply changed the attitude. He has told us to go home, and that all will pass by itself. When we begun to insist that a medical aid should be rendered to the child and the treatment is nominated, he suddenly has become angry and has started threatening us, and told that will call police, though nothing was provoked from our side.

When my son was ordered an obligatory inoculation, they did not want to do it, delayed, and postponed for weeks and months.

In July, 2002 there was a case in pool, where all three of us came in the afternoon. I took N. in children's pool. He played in water; I observed him, sitting next to the pool. He has casually got a ball, flown away from other children. When he has touched the ball, a boy of Moroccan origin has run up, taken my son by head, and has shipped him under the water. I have jumped up, seized my son on hands: he has ingested lot of water, cried and coughed, and the boy - Israeli has shouted: "Take away this bastard and go away". Then his father with his comrades has run up, and have begun to shout, that we are desecrate their pool. They begun to shout to us "go away" - and we were forced to leave, as were afraid, that they will attack us, and were afraid for the child.

After that incident we have understood that our child cannot live in Israel. He does not have any future there, and he will be threatened with fatal danger during all of his life. From my friends I heard that those who claim a status of a refugee in any country, and then come back in Israel, are forced to give away their children to Jewish religious boarding schools. Despite of such a risk all of us equally have decided on departure from Israel, in a hope, that in a Christian country our destiny will be considered with understanding and sympathy

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