Гулак Анна Александровна : другие произведения.

The Witch"s Prayer

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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  • Аннотация:
    The English version... "I shall be a prayer... I shall..."
    (почти перевод "Молитвы Ведьмы")

The Witch"s Prayer

An hour is left, an hour...
Submerging into Your power...
I"m praying for being the last
Whose dance in the night is so fast.
Who"ll dance in the Fire soon,
Whose soul"s as bright as the Moon.
The icons of You will smile,
While looking at me for a while.
And then they will see the Gift
That shines in my eyes with Belief
The Gift to believe and predict
That people will soon maledict
The Gift that is got from Your hands...
...The road of my soul never ends...
I"m praying for wings at my back.
I"m asking to allow coming back
To Heaven from chaos of Hell...
I shall be a prayer, I shall...

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