Браславски Даниэль : другие произведения.

We Did't Really Feel

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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   * * *
   We didn't really have
   We didn't really feel
   Have nothing really lose
   Have no one really leave
   But who I missing now
   And who I thinking of
   The one who lights my nights
   The one who adorns my thoughts
   Do not give me a chance
   Forget about you
   You still owe me a dance
   One sweet dance to the moon.
   It was dark,suddenly seemed
   That night became longer,
   And a moon was look at me ,
   And it was such enormous.
   And stars were falling down
   To sleepy quiet earth,
   And time didn't stand it crawls,
   And I was one of stars.
   And a lonely cool feeling
   Was dancing around a moon
   And I didn't want the begining
   Of new dawn ...
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