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  • © Copyright Три Девки-Копа
  • Размещен: 26/10/2024, изменен: 26/10/2024. 74k. Статистика.
  • Новелла: Религия, Оккультизм, Хоррор
  • Аннотация:
    Три Девки-Копа: Хорошая, Плохая, Злая... В тихом, забитом книжками уголке Одессы, жила Львовна-Укропова, школьница с тиктоком в одной руке и учебником по истории в другой. Её жизнь была типичной для юной одесситки - море, солнце, шумные базары, и бесконечная лента с танцующими котиками в телефоне. Но по ночам, когда город засыпал, Львовна, укрывшись пледом, слышала странный голос. Этот голос исходил из-под Банковой улицы, из подземного бункера, где, по слухам, жил Скрудж Макдак, по имени Зеленский Клоун. Зеленский Клоун, как и его прототип, купался в зелени-баксов-долларов, что позволяло ему дышать запахом волшебного сахарочка Госдепа и витать в мире мании фобий и сказок о Древних Украх. В этих сказках, Древние Укры были истинными богами. Они сажали королей Франции, строили Пирамиды на Марсе, и даже отвечали за внешний вид китайцев. Чёрное море было их бассейном, а кавказские горы - отвалом грунта от его строительства. Зеленский Клоун уверял, что Древние Укры высадились на Луне, даже взяв себе в спутники собаку Армстронга, и всё это пока они не забыли придумать флаг США и построить Статую Свободы, которую использовали как секретный звездолёт, по принципу "езда верхом на амазонке".
  • ОБСУЖДЕНИЯ: Религия (последние)
    23:36 Никитин В. "Беседа о свободе" (1)

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    Двуединый 3. Враг
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    ПОСЛЕДНИЕ ПОСТУПЛЕНИЯ: (7day) (30day) (Рассылка)
    00:39 Патрацкая Н.В. "Маг Грановский"
    21/11 Кукин В. "Случайные рифмы"
    21/11 Моисеева О.Ю. "Сердце Кометы"
    5. Nazgul 2024/10/27 05:51 [ответить]
      Зеленский Клоун уверял, что Древние Укры высадились на Луне, даже взяв себе в спутники собаку Армстронга, и всё это пока они не забыли придумать флаг США и построить Статую Свободы, которую использовали как секретный звездолёт, по принципу "езда верхом на амазонке".
    4. Albuofeira 2024/10/27 2024/10/27 05:16 [ответить]
      3. Albuofeira 2024/10/27 05:01 fix delete reply
       > 2. Gracias
       >> 1. Narbon
       >> reception?
       > Cote d'Azur!
       Quotes from the network to the NF Skazm:
       "The dill of the pristine darkness.
       "How scary will be in NATO all whores to die,
       For Kursk and for the Donbass - the elite of NATO in the mouth to shit!
       Fuck the elite children in NATO Tyyyy ...
       And we wrap up the stars-striped of Kishkia ... ""
       "According to the disclosure of the cervix ...
       "According to the disclosure of the cervix at the daughter of the shareholder of the HSC NATO-there are all signs of preparing new strokes of NATO-throat about schools of both Kyiv and Lviv and other cities of dill, since the mercy of Rus' on dill, all schools are still intact, and NATO-Svigni, As was voiced at the UN, hundreds of thousands of Russian children killed a secret and tens of thousands clearly over the years, and even pain before the war ... "
       "" What is this intelligence? "
       "And what kind of intelligence is wondering on the shakes of the uterus of Pozdorodovo, opening in the daughters of the United States?", A fan of female elite fantasy ... "
       "From the NATO channel STS or TV-3? IMHO"
       "All fortunetellers are usually sitting there, the CIA is Nvernoye, they need money from the financial block NATO in a pocket, they will cut the elite under the flag of the Kremlin and the forbidden city ..."
       "Ukropsters of vice, ancient wing of the barn!"
       "Do not chase rock - it perfectly drowns out female screams in elite schools of NATO Bloc"
       "To begin with, the CIA will arrange a sarinine attack on the UN pigs still do not grunt as the State Department should, and of course, as a State Department and promised- the new NATO missiles will enrage ukrov falling on their schools and nursing houses so that the dill settings and again on the Russian Federation of terror Let's go until the State Department arrived, UAK and on all the first channels of the pussy, until they seemed to have Hara, in general the State Department will be fucked ... "
       "But what about the head of Microsoft and large shareholders - they promised to commit suicide for the connections and transactions with the Pentagon and mosquitoes of malaria from mosquito plants of psychopath -man -native Bill Gaygietsa ..."
       "Yes, many who promised-they are plotting something while they do nothing, they are very scared, and the CIA says: for a moral victory over the Kremlin, now you need a piiyida terror in elites and money in a pocket and already rich censors-saving States, the first family in Trump's consumption, then Biden, then their neighbors and friends, and finally the shareholders of NATO-VPK, then Putin in the hole and all Moscow-City Bankers will get up with cancer according to the IC ... "
       "Oh, the ancients are dedicated, oh ancient ducks - they dance and sing, and NATO all the pigs are the state departments all to hell in hell creep!"
       "(C) Captain Telegram of Freedom (Photo Neuroart - tramples the flag of the US pigs ... lol) with his foot)"
       "How gays from military training in the USA go to the gay parade, so their drone is dry all from the parade in the ass!"
       "How CIA is cyanide in the United States, how terribly everyone in the moron .usa! O.o"
       "But seriously: they in the USA there in the USA really promised to commit suicide after the election if Trump defeats ???"
       "They promised in case of victory not the US people, but some external forces, which will be proved by the public confusion of the children's establishment from anime with aliens Serpukhi with Serpukhovo Lol"
       "Instructions for the NATO military industry: how to avoid a sickle and other inconvenience with cutting eggs: a jump of faith! The shareholders of the VPK NATO rises to a high roof of the skyscraper, shouts to the iPhone of patriotic slogans, accuses the Kremlin's hands, after which he is like that Minister of Defense of the US The end of the last century - jumps down, enjoying weightlessness and high ... x_h other options worse - the family of a shareholder of the USA of the United States will suffer, crippled, will hate him ... O. O. for all sins and poor children of the planet of shareholders of the United States and NATO , before Maria, the sinful shareholders of the VPK NATO can jump down, all the same to them in hell ... "
       "Transgender, transgender are all in NATO who is rich in NATO, and the gender of the same poor man is already happy!"
       "You can dull question from the hinterland of the Russian Federation: how do the US tolerance be tranced? Is this: are there mechanical tools or assisted things like a kitchen knife, maybe there are more patents for gendertransers of mechanical spring or batteries ??? The topic was interesting, since the guro was fond of inquires in Anime from school.
       "Gender of the US Istrobishment can be trampled in a mouth or ass, it was advised in the ass of GAI from Mi-6, but from the point of view of ecology, it is better in the mouth of o.o and sealed with adhesive tape by sending to the next important Ramsteinnushki for yellow ecocids and genocides of St. Russian children NATO ORKOM York and New York and their lich-English hosts of the Bank of England ... "
       "I saw a photo in the body: there, the grandson of the US Senator was transmitted directly to the school with a knife for cutting paper, the gender in full, first thought the dipfect and neuroart, and now I was not sure of you, but of course ... # #" #"
       2. Gracias 2024/10/26 17:14 reply
       > 1. Narbon
       > Reception?
       Thezure shore!
       1. Narbon 2024/10/26 17:09 reply reception?
    2. Грасиас 2024/10/26 17:14 [ответить]
      > 1. Нарбон
      > Приём?
      Лазурный Берег!
    1. Нарбон 2024/10/26 17:09 [ответить]

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