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Torah. The doctrine of the androgyne

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    Man was artificially created and on earth he is a space alien.

  TORAH is a sacred word for every Jew. For Christians, it is known as the Pentateuch of Moses. They make up the first five books of the Bible:
  The book of Being is also called "Sefer haYashar"
  The book of Exodus is also called "Sefer ha Sheni"
  The book of Leviticus is also called "Torah ha Kohanim"
  The book of Numbers is also called "Humash ha Pkudim"
  The book of Deuteronomy is also called "Mishneh Torah"
  Revealing the symbolic language of castrated priests allows us to understand the hidden secret of all the books of the Torah, as well as special traditions and concepts associated with its history, such as the ritual of circumcision, Easter, androgynous spaceship and others.
  Tradition claims that Moses wrote down five books of the Torah, but every word was dictated to him by God on Mount Sinai. The words of the Torah are the words of God. At the same time, God gave the Jews the Oral Torah as a collection of laws and prohibitions.
  For a long time, Torah study was prohibited:
  "... a non-Jew who studies Torah must be put to death."
  It was also forbidden to teach non-Jews the Torah, especially the Written Torah. It would seem strange, because God created Adam as a man, but it is not said that this was the creation of a "Jew". The main proof of the Torah's belonging to the Jews is the text of the book "Exodus", which speaks of their hard life and flight from Egypt under the leadership of Moses. But the text of the Bible was written by castrated priests in a symbolic language, and without knowing the meaning of the symbols it is impossible to understand what this text is about. Indeed, the text of Exodus speaks of Jews and Egyptians. But these were symbols behind which completely different images of truth are hidden. Firstly, Moses himself symbolized the image of the androgynous ark, which was created to transport human embryos to our Earth. Jew - symbolized androgynous embryos, which were created for Moi-si as his offspring, but of a different genetic nature. The Egyptian is the embryo of a human son as a carrier of new sperm. They served as the embryos for the recreation of the second generation of earthly humanity, with improved genetic characteristics. These embryos of sons, like doubles, were implanted into the double womb of the androgynous ark of Moses.
  A group of seven androgynous arks was formed under the common name Moses. The castrated riests tried to hide this fact as much as possible. For the first time this is presented as a covenant with God, in the form of a "rainbow". The entire group of androgynous arks was sent on a spaceship accompanied by a crew to our Earth, where the first generation of people died out. The project to recreate a new generation, a more perfect kind of people, assumed the use of women who were still able to give birth to healthy children from new men. Thus, it was expected in the continuation of several stages of evo-lution to obtain a stable reproduction of new people. At the same time, the old generation of aborigines had to be systematically destroyed. For this, the descendants of Moses, young androgyns, were required. They were called to protect and accompany human sons. As the "rainbow" splits into seven pri-mary colors, so all the androgyns and human counterparts were settled on the surface of the Earth, for the revival of their nation and nationalities.
  However, the history of the Torah goes deep into the whole process of the development of the new humanity. In the symbols and texts of their religions, the peoples preserved the same knowledge that our androgynous Creators passed on to the ancient priests. The first was the religion of the Great Mother Goddess 35-40 thousand years ago. In Russia, she was known as Makosh. In ancient Egypt, rituals were performed in her honor in the underground chambers of the Menkaur and Hufu pyramids. But it was the image of the Androgynous Uterus, the creation of which is described in the Seven Days of Creation of the book of Genesis. The name of the Egyptian god Osiris is well known, but he was the prototype of Moses, as the androgynous ark. Sacred knowledge was passed on throughout the history of human deve-lopment. It was a mystery written in the symbols of the sacred texts and the rituals of religions. The secret about a unique genetic experiment that began in the laboratories of the superconscious civilization of androgynes on their planet and ended with the creation of a new generation of earthly humanity.
  Therefore, the Torah is the property and gift of all people on earth, so that they know their past and future.
  Man was artificially created and on earth he is a space alien.
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