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which will be held in August 2013 in Athens

   None of the 15 listed in the program of the Congress themes, can not fruitfully discussed without addressing the targeted development of the universe and humanity. It is clear that, if the universe, including - humanity evolve purposefully, then all of modern humanity must take account of this regularity. If there is a universal law of targeted development, the modern society, by entering into intervention in natural processes, including building their own artificial social systems must be aware of its existence. Otherwise, you can, as they say, a lot of mangled wood. You can not run the satellites, not knowing about the existence of the law of universal gravitation. You can not build and rebuild the social system, not knowing the law of the World targeted development.
   I proposed a simple solution to this problem. It is published in the scientific literature (collection of scientific papers of international scientific congresses devoted to "The fundamental problems of science and technology", and took place in St. Petersburg in 2004, 2006 and 2008, and other publications. And the Internet (website www.sciteclibrary.ru , etc.).
   According to the proposed decision by me, the development of the universe (and humanity, as an integral part of it) is a natural, INFORMATION deliberate process, and the immediate goal of it is a logical-minded cybernetic (controlled from a single center) SYSTEM "humanity." The law of universal purposeful acts of acceleration: the closer to the target, the higher the rate of development (and the greater the resistance.)
   On this issue, I asked via e-mail January 31, 2013 to the Chairman of the Program Committee VFC Mr. I.Kondrashin, but on the merits no response. Therefore, appeal directly to the participants in the Congress with a proposal to discuss the issue.
   The problem focus of the universe and humanity is the most urgent scientific problem, and who, if not philosophers to discuss it at its World Forum.
   Sincerely, Haim Breiterman
February 11, 2013

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