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   Comments the book Ken Wilber's "Brief History of Everything."
   Ken Wilber (1949) - the world-famous American philosopher and writer, who is known as "Einstein in the field of human consciousness" (Wikipedia), author of "A Brief History of Everything" ("A Brief History of Everything". 1996), translated into Russian Language in 2006 year1, and many other works.
   The author writes: "God, life, the universe and everything" - something like this can be determined by the theme of this book ... "," It's about the matter, life, mind, and spirit, as well as those evolutionary flow that seems to unite all of them into a single coherent picture. ".
    Speaking of these "flows", the author presents the fundamental chain of hierarchy "holons" (a term, according to the author, it is taken from the Hungarian-English writer and psychologist Arthur Koestler (1905-1983)): ... atoms - molecules - cells - the body - family ...
   This sequence not fully reflect reality. From the text of the book it is clear that the author sees that the scheme has continued in both directions, but the scheme does not result in full. If you draw it so, it is in reality, it would look like this:
   ? ... - "elementary" particles- nucleons - nucleus- atoms - molecules - chemical compounds - cell - organisms on Earth - family - childbirth human - tribes - States - unions of states - ?
   One can understand why the physicist V. Weisskopf finished his "quantum stairs" сrystal:
   the core of atom-molecule-macromolecule life-crystals (V. Weisskopf. "Physics in the twentieth century.", Atomizdat 1977, p.48, 49), why physicist Nambu Ёitiro finished his scheme as "etc . ": quark-baryon-nucleus of the atom-molecule-organisms - etc. (Ёitiro Nambu. "Quarks." Moscow "MIR" 1984 str22), but it is difficult to understand why the philosopher Ken Wilber did not draw the whole scheme. Meanwhile, if you draw the whole circuit, then immediately there is a simple question: what's next, what should be the next "holon"?
   The author has no clear answer to this question, since it did not draw the whole scheme. But the answer can be given, if we analyze the whole universe traversed path depicted in the diagram above. Such an analysis is easy to detect common patterns that govern and space, and the development of human society, and the development of consciousness. This analysis finds that the basis of uniform laws is a primary INFORMATION, and really there is an endless source of information and the laws of nature. These patterns are extrapolated into the future, and their analysis helps to answer the question: where there is a humanity? The analysis of this scheme allows certain way to answer the question posed at the beginning of the scheme. And then the author will have to make very significant changes in his theory. The author will have to take into account that the universe is evolving patterns and focused, there is vision, and his immediate goal is a unified, scientifically-controlled consciously created system "Mankind", created by their projects secondary system from the primary, creating a secondary world. In this system, not the spirit will dominate, and the logic, science, and the reality of God as an infinite source of information and the laws of nature, are generally agreed to be at the level of logic and science. When will create a unified system of "humanity", and this will inevitably happen in the next hundred years, then begins a truly new era, an era of mankind without war.
   More answers to your questions, I gave in my papers published in the scientific literature (for example, in "Proceedings of the International Scientific Congress" held in St. Petersburg in 2004, 2006 and 2008) and on the Internet.
   Haim Breiterman
   Member of the International Society of philosophical and cosmological.
   1 I am deeply grateful to the Russian scientist V.N.Romanenko for information about the book Ken Wilber's "A Brief History of Everything."
   The English translation is made by Google translator.

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