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Something for an alien in Liverpool

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Something for an Alien in Liverpool

Something was right today
and yesterday
and something went wrong,
something was easy to take 
and something was like a sting,
but tomorrow will rain
and nothing will happen again
and I`m still waiting 
for the Liverbird to sing
her song.

The Mersey`s running its way
and the Irish Sea looks rough,
but I`m happen to stay 
right here
and drink this beer,
wonderful if you are drunk enough.

Hey, girls, hold on!  It`s the Irish blood,
it`s the Irish way not to control your heart.
It`s something reddish, it`s something bloody, -
bloody beautiful whoever you are.

Don`t hide your beauty, 
your nipples, your legs, 
your lips, your breasts.
Your difference from the rest of Europe 
I like the best.

Your accent, your simple feelings,
all your stuff, -
it`s something true, it`s something real.
To change it to a pint of beer
I must be drunk enough.

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