Балашов Александр Сергеевич : другие произведения.

In these days of pleasance...

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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    in english

In these days of pleasance,
In this day of lovely mates
I"m alone, I"m desperate.
I"m starting all to hate.

Everyone is coming, asking:
"How do you do?
How, how do you,
Do you, do you,
How do do?"

I am fine, I"m happy!
I am doing super-well!
Would you all just go?
Would you all just go to Hell???

My love once had told me:
"I don"t love you any more".
And my hands were shaking,
And my valentine was torn.

Now, all fully happy,
Jumping naked into pool,
Asking me sincerely:
"And how are you?
How are you, oh, how
How, how, oh, how are you?"

Blam it all forever!!!
Maybe I"m just a fool,
I can"t stand this boolshit,
Spending days without you.

I can"t take the love from heart.
I"m waiting them to leave.
I supposed I"m so cool,
Now I"m drying tears with sleeve.

I will put myself in pool
So the water could get in.
The unshared love is assassin.
Sink, my poor weak heart.
Die, my sacred aching love,
Cause the life is bluff...

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