Авдеев Михаил Петрович : другие произведения.

In And Highway Of N Yo To Y Y Hell

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    как меня лечили в госпитале им.Вишневского. Переведено на английский язык для расширения круга читателей

CHERRY HELL - the tragedy in three сценах? M.P. Avdeev.


(the tragedy in three scenes)

"The highest and most characteristic feature of our people is sense of justice and her thirst".

Fyodor Dostoyevsky

Until itself has clashed with ours, now democratic medicine, considered stories by my acquaintances, friends, about doctors, no more than jokes for circle cheerful and resourceful.


- behind curtain the song performed by Alexandrov's ensemble sounds - "GET UP


Everything began and, as always. At the end of last year doctors of our small garrison hospital called as Branch No. 4 of Federal State Budgetary Institution ? 3 CVKG im A. A. Vishnevskogo of the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation have found prostate cancer in me and have directed to consultation in the Main Military Clinical Hospital of N.N. Burdenko. In hospital the oncologist has quickly accepted at me glasses, for control inspection and has handed the direction on passing of medical researches for the subsequent decision-making on treatment. CT (computer tomography), our hospital has executed instantly, and here Osteoscintigraphy could make only in Federal State Budgetary Institution NMIC VMT im. A. A. Vishnevskogo" the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation (No. 3 TsVKG it A.A.

Vishnevsky of the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation.) This new name of hospital it. A.A. VISHNESKY, granting to him the rights - NOT to TREAT PATIENTS, and to learn possibilities of patients in every sense. HERE AND UNDERSTAND. Not at once, but nevertheless, and not through doctors, and through officials of garrison, I was accepted, have carried out survey, at the same time even prompted that this hospital


CHERRY HELL - the tragedy in three сценах? M.P. Avdeev.

can carry out remained to me - resonant tomography, and then at once to make the decision on carrying out operation in the same hospital. Our military policlinic, from branch No. 4 of Federal State Budgetary Institution ? 3 CVKG im A. A. Vishnevskogo of the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation, being part of the 150th military of hospital as branch of the central hospital of Vishnevsky, the direction in Federal State Budgetary Institution NMIC VMT im. A. A. Vishnevskogo" did not give to the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation. Today I am sure that the Central branch of A.A. Vishnevsky has forbidden our doctors to disturb them - on "Pettiness".

To get from branch to the central hospital, to the colonel in resignation, even with the direction, it was almost impossible. Refused, because of epidemic virus crown, then referred to the special military operation in Ukraine (treatment of wounded heroes, hospital with which yak it would be crowded). Doctors, in reception - Federal State Budgetary Institution NMIC VMT im. A. A. Vishnevskogo of the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation, with nightingales were filled in that I in resignation, so for them, I - NOBODY, and would go I to podobr, on healthy, to any institutions of the Ministry of Health, private clinics of the country, and even the world.

With fights, on nerves, there passed the fourth month of disease. To recede was not where. Through officials of the Krasnoznamensk garrison, it was succeeded to get nevertheless referral on final inspection and operation. Have taken in the 43rd urological department (for oncological patients) Federal State Budgetary Institution NMIC VMT im. A. A. Vishnevskogo" to the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation, the manager YESIPOV ALEXEY SERGEYEVICH, the candidate of medical sciences and even обнадёжили?

Happy wandered I about department, studying hospital, monuments, church and life of the archbishop ЛУКИ?

Has passed four days, neither the doctor, nor appointments. Something became disturbing to me. Disease that does not stand still as doctors of our local (Krasnoznamensk) hospital assured me. It is necessary to be in time still initial stage of disease. The words of friends were remembered: - "in this hospital nobody will approach you until money you give". It was a shame to think of "bad", but result on лицо?

As the Soviet person, the former member of the CPSU, the person until recently solving the serious problems at one of the most important boundaries of defense capability of the country - in development космоса?, has appeared now - NOBODY, IN ANY WAY and NI KUDA? For the fifth day of the stay in hospital has gone to look for the doctor, and if will not carry, it will be provided to the chief of hospital, I will listen to it before addressing the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation with the letter on devil-may-care attitude in military establishment of the country to the officer, let and retired.

Unexpectedly, rather accidentally, the way to me was partitioned off by the chief of medical part of hospital - A.G. Kolosov. It has appeared, my fellow countryman on the city of residence and even at its place of residence

mothers in Penza. "We DO NOT LEAVE in TROUBLE of the"- (THREW)

he has assured me and has begun to call, specify everything on me and mine

Head 43 otd. - A.S. Yesipov.

to the person, in search of my doctors. My attending physician, there was chief already famous to me 43 departments, itself - Alexey Sergeyevich Yesipov. - "The NEPHEW - MOST ?" - the chief of Federal State Budgetary Institution NMIC VMT of A.A. Vishnevsky. The Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation - Alexander Vladimirovich Yesipov so that it was not necessary to look for long. Every other day in department the NEPHEW - MOST has appeared itself "..." has also begun with offense, with anger, "to chmurit" me that is called - popolny. Of course, it it was necessary


CHERRY HELL - the tragedy in three сценах? M.P. Avdeev.

to send or put at least into place, but in my situation it meant - to be left without operation, having tightened loop at itself on neck. It was necessary to listen silently: - "How I dared? To me never to reach operation. Even the cardiologist will not allow you!!!..." It was necessary to agree that it has not well turned out, it is guilty, has not understood with whom I deal. As a result has dared and has put to it, the pension in package. "Mother's darling" pouting and frowning long still explained me complexity of operation, possible consequences, but as a result has taken pity and has promised to pick up the surgeon and the narcologist, the most sensible in hospital. Has taken money as pledge in gratitude for the forthcoming operation. And has told how pledge for future operation.

Waiting for the happy fate, in cosiness, at magnificent sanatorium food, I had a lot of time to see enough of the crippled veterans, to think of wars in general and the special military operation in Ukraine, in particular. With thoughts about the family, the World of people and about Mipe, per se - in Spiritual and Infernal (material and the programmed mankind), I whiled away the time in one of the best hospitals of the Ministry of Defence of the country. In any case - I so thought).

Has guessed that began to claim, from that from anything that any Whole, consists of equal mutually opposite parts. If Whole to remove any of parts of this, then the rest instantly will become whole, consisting of two противоположностей? and so indefinitely again. Most likely, classes in physics at school and our teacher in high school - Biskorzh were remembered. V.I.

Even has drawn conclusion: - "it is necessary not to share, and to understand and preserve the contrasts what awful they would not seem. Only in unity of contrasts - there is life. And Life and conditions for its existence is created by People, but People - Gods, but not that religious heresy of U-00BC\" which is thought up for obedience poor \

It was thought well, but as a result could not understand: - "why only Slavs make a start from each other as ravnoimenny electric charges. Civil strife of Slavs is dismembered Russia. Today shares already and Russia, generating weight "tribes - homeless children" worldwide, the hating and afraid sources"

The race Great Heavenly was linked in deadly fight: - "Members of the party Great Russia, killing Malorossov, destroy themselves and the men's roots. The two-headed eagle of the coat of arms created by the Eternity will become single-headed? No, it will just disappear forever. And is farther what? And

further, already нельзя? Life does not forgive weak and poor. It is necessary to disappear or it is urgent, to change a lot of things, including the concept, ideology, policy and ?, and other - for Knowledge and for Spirituality. In other words, all of us should return urgently - to reality which have left. We in Russia had fine experience, but history especially perverted not what has not taught us to and could not teach in essence. But studies - China. It on particles has collected and continues to collect and gather the history, to expand it on scientific, economic plans, on plans of protection of all people and first of all Turkic, from external enemies, under the - HUGE, the POWER. Decades will pass imperceptibly, but the mankind will see, how from this multipolar creation -

Head. Cardiology - S.Yu. Gusev.

there will be crystal, let and in centuries, but uniform - the unipolar world as one great whole Mipa of the earth. Ours


CHERRY HELL - the tragedy in three сценах? M.P. Avdeev.

Slavic suicide, and their genetics in it promotes.


ideologies - on all walls of the medical body of radiation therapy of hospital of N.N. Burdenko)


Let's learn to hear and accept opinion of others. Let's love or at least to respect each other. You look, we will not disappear. Together we - Whole.

So waiting for operation there has passed a week more. Having remembered me, for the twelfth day of my stay in department - "The Nephew - Most" has sent me, now, through the attending physician appointed by it to me, to the cardiologist - the head of cardiological department Gusev of S.Yu. Mgnovenno A.S. Yesipov's words about the cardiologist who will not pass me to operation were remembered... So it also left. Sergey Yuryevich Gusev had no scientific ranks, but the matter in circle of the players in thimbles, knew accurately. Was always in time, near at hand and on the place as though also it in department never had another matters. Personally protaskat me on the doctors in other, kind of, what incident did not leave one office. After the sessions has dragged the ECG And the ECHO on HOLTER. The reeled-up wires around neck, strongly disturbed, but it was necessary to be measured. JUST ABOUT OPERATION and I терпел?

Even the hose has swallowed without anesthesia, for the first time. At the doctor when have raised me from couch, I have taken an interest: - "it with the medical sister, accidentally, not from Ukraine?" "And why from Ukraine?" - the doctor has in reply asked: - "Yes the method at you fascist ?" - has answered I... You before operation excess anesthesia have nothing, trying to justify oneself, has said сестра?

Before lunch I in Saint Luka's church at hospital of A.A. Vishnevsky, have put candle. Has chosen the most expensive...

All night long slept badly, worried, the holter disturbed - it is a pity and it was sick himself, the wife who and without my troubles, suffered from set of diseases... Has woken up at night, at 2:30. exactly, this time to feed cat - the Saffron milk cap. For nervousness and fear for the family, including cat (He that than is guilty to god?) resembled and has laid down in bed... Holter did not sleep and that wrote that... This sinusoid has also led "to heart trouble", so, has postponed operation as it has become clear then, "all that" for month.

Наутро? I have even not remembered dream and when I дошло?, wanted to tell that the holter has shown only result of the emotional dream, from the pressure curve which has dreamed me horror from the forthcoming operation and optional versions which have developed in the head which was tired to wait for this end - my family and mine, most likely, to helplessness in итоге?

Having received the share, Sergey Yuryevich, hastily, kind of justifying oneself, began to explain to me that it "Means nothing", it is just necessary to treat heart and after tablets to prepare on operation. "You see, I write - not to refuse, and in twenty days after reception of tablets and repeated holter, the hospital, to arrive to operation to department ? Secret thoughts of the manager of A.S. Yesipov's department came true without effort and, as on нотам?

Wrote out me from 43 departments of Federal State Budgetary Institution NMIC VMT to them A.A. Vishnevsky. To the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation with pleasure, even the name of heart medicine was prescribed, here have only as well as why to accept not mentioned from joy. In vypisny leaf advised to arrive exactly in month and not to forget


CHERRY HELL - the tragedy in three сценах? M.P. Avdeev.

operational stockings. How to take the medicine prescribed to me the emergency doctor who had to be called to normalize work of heart, with new tablets has explained already. Month I took medicines, trained heart and trained family for my next hospital stage.

Asked that дождались? - "For the sake of you my family, I will return even from that света? everything will be good"


- behind curtain the song performed by the Kuban Cossack choir sounds: - "Get up Russia Ќ"

Has passed месяц? With hope and gifts to my saviors I have arrived to hospital of ? V department me - have not accepted. Have explained in reception and my - the 43rd department: - "it was necessary to register through KOLTsENTR, but not to solve with the manager of department" ? And their extract it was just here piece of paper which they have given what would will get rid of me. KOLTsENTR already was - there I was not accepted any more. Both AGAIN FIGHT, and again humiliations. Next day nevertheless have accepted, but with such groan, discontent and reproaches "the Nephew - Most" that I have understood at once... It is made a fresh start. "Nephew" in every possible way dinned into me that "now - all for the front - all for victory... To us not to some there pensioners in resignation that I - NOBODY would also go on good from here, in civil medical institutions of the country further ?" Here is thought to me and Saint Luka's monastery of A.A. Vishnevsky!

These rvachivatel do not even represent what speak about. The fact is that all monasteries in Russia, were under construction only in order that the soldiers, defenders of the fatherland who have given the whole years of life to service to the prince, Rod, the Homeland, having lost health and even without having got families, could live till extreme old age, in care and attention among the companions on the monastery, under the care of the state, and if necessary, together with all the people could melt for the mother Russia, on walls monastic.

I already проходил? have also passed these monastic walls anew. Again Vishnevsky's hospital. Department 43, but chamber already No. 839 at the end of corridor, and

was at the first hospitalization - No. 856, near the manager of department. For me difference what, but it was noticed by nurses and have explained that for them it - "I have taken in department back seat".

Have put skrepya heart and have directed to the cardiologist of hospital. As expected, S.Yu. Gusev who has played the game no. For him fulfilled duties of department - "the woman whose surname and name have not told me" ? Cases at her were full of the and her was not


CHERRY HELL - the tragedy in three сценах? M.P. Avdeev.

to "alien". Having seen me at once has asked: - "You that alcoholic?" "No", I answer, "colonel Ќ" "And why?" "I should not explain, only "yes", "no". Hand over the ECG, I will inquire at Gusev-U-00BC \"

The ECG, was normal as before. Probably and Gusev that has muttered that - "NOT DEVOTED". As a result the conclusion has hung in mid-air. Not two - not полтора? and nobody has signed. The clever woman, has decided not to be involved in the games "POSVYaShchYoNNYHЌ\"

The performance continued. I did not wait for the wonderful termination from my second coming any more. Without wasting time, has written the application addressed to the attending physician, as well as it is necessary - on command, to most - I do not want (to the HEAD. Hospitals), having stated situation. And, has gone отчёт?

Meanwhile, everything went, as usual. Doctors of department, wandered in search of entertainments or occasions подзаработать? (To wounded veterans no which of them touched... Not on profile. Did not approach the for the reason - employment операционных?)

Running forward I will tell that doctors of department and the patients never have difficult operations, did not do. Their task came down: - to collect material and to provide to surgeons or other experts. Doctors of department, behind the back of specialists (is more often than surgeons), through glory-hole (monitor) could look and turn nearby, suddenly it will be required to the operating doctor. During "EPIDEMIC", and now and "FRONT"... under good food, concerts of entertainment stars, careless time pro-driving, they became just GRABBERS, robbing and yak is not intentional, destroying the people and in the first - turn of defenders of the homeland.

"I will not tell you for all Odessa, the hospital, of course, is big, but also Moldavians and peressa damned to Lech PODLETsAЌ" And the known song a little corrected by me, performed by L. Utyosov is on the tip of the tongue,

I continued to lie waiting for consultation of doctors on operation, all on nerve, as well as other familiar patients on the floor, in would already expect the fate more than two ???????Ќ you saw happiness on their faces when by it called term проведения? before they did not even talk with кем? Nerves. At me waiting time was not less, except for vacation for month home, by the thought-up "cardiac disease" local Grabbers.

The first, the wife has not sustained tension and not definiteness, within two months. Have handed over nerves. It with heart attack was taken away in hospital.

I in hospital. It in hospital. Distance between us more than 50 km, and with cat - the Saffron milk cap, more than 100 km. It on economy - itself on себе? I to help with the apartment than could not. Saved only "ESCAPE". On my Statement the answer was not. A.S Yesipov, he "the NEPHEW - Most" pretended that I do not exist. Escape not

The SAFFRON MILK CAP - remained the orphan

escape, and break was necessary extremely. Having assessed situation, I have demanded to make immediately the decision on me and to allow to go home to

at living parents

operations. It was necessary to go and save family. All the rest has already left for the horizon.

Around continued to turn infinite chains of priests with prayers and gifts to wounded veterans. They were replaced by officials of all ranks, making out wounded soldiers and commanders of the certificate of veterans of VS and participants of SVO. All this was interrupted by delivery of awards to heroes and concerts of stars in support of the special military operation in Ukraine. In assembly. the hall to the majority the wounded was not to get and it is clear почему?. But personnel of hospital to in pleasure not отказывал?

Beautifully dressed young conventuals, I did not even assume that so can put on


CHERRY HELL - the tragedy in three сценах? M.P. Avdeev.

conventuals of our Russian Orthodox Church, has not specified at them yet, alternated with groups of government employees. Of course youth and beauty, lift spirit, even at veterans of SA and Navy. Usually dressed servants of church of the Saint onions just with the priest distributed church gifts, books and gave advice of type: - "It is necessary to rise at five in the morning, to go outside, balcony, or just to approach open window and to ask the virgin Maria who bypasses Russia at this time - about the help. It will help". When in hospital the doctors avoid patients because from them there is nothing to take... Seriously wounded should survive on youth, health and thanks "Supreme", to food. In other hospitals they feed not worse, but not with such sanatorium chic.

Though it is not universal, there are places where on soldier's ration, even the fly does not manage to profit. About hospitals it is better not to speak at all. And out of place. The wife needed to be taken away, and she for 60 km from МКАДА?. And, as you know - Outside MKAD the sheer hell already begins.

I have asked too as conventuals learned

heroes of veterans and - it has turned out!


In the morning, in 11 with kopeks, has gathered,

at last that, so-called - consultation. There was about what I asked in the application, 12 days ago, to "MOST" and from balcony at "SAINT MARIA".

The MIRACLE HAS COME TRUE! For other morning I was transported in other hospital - in the Main Military Clinical Hospital of N.N. Burdenko??


Consultation for which I so waited and all mine

family and even acquaintances, at last that, has gathered. I never in three months of stay in department saw so many doctors in white dressing gowns which, as well as all hospital can a lot of things, but only - not to treat. What I have also spoken in face to presiding - the most important, on

to all - "The Nephew Samy's KRYShIVATELYu" - the head of medical part to the doctor of medical sciences - to Alexander Igorevich Pavlov. Except "ROOF" there has arrived also the deputy heads. хирурга? the Note - "Verdict" was signed with which were not. All others it were doctors of our department. The chief cardiologist is on vacation, and has not considered his face of substituting necessary, and most likely she was invited as "NEPOSVYaShchEYoNNUYu". In other words, there was no "knot" on which it was possible to crucify me. But it was and it is not important. Judging by arrangement of doctors and Grabbers around меня?, and have delivered me chair in the center of staffroom, it was expected indicative flogging of the patient. All attendees, including "NEPHEW" - A.S. Yesipov had to - STUDIES, STUDIES AND ONCE AGAIN УЧИТЬСЯ? and not to say that they did not know and did not teach them. The doctors standing behind me, stood just in case if business reaches hand-to-hand or Heaps - Are small.


CHERRY HELL - the tragedy in three сценах? M.P. Avdeev.

Only A. Pavlov spoke. And, all others, having hung up it is guilty the heads were silent. His grandiloquent speech sounded solemnly and with conviction. "YOU - NOBODY and to you, when the whole country, and together with it and the doctors of hospital overstraining in operating rooms, sending itself completely, without the rest, to glory to Russia and for victory over fascists!!! Only вы? (on everything - Pettiness) - you prevent us to move ahead! There would be Vy? We do not allow you to operation and we recommend to address the oncologist at the place of residence \-00BC\" Approximately so the chairman A.I. Pavlov spoke.

The outcome of so-called consultation suited me, already any... To go for operation in environment of enemies there was obvious death or mutilation, especially the management of hospital has also professors, and they can pronounce death sentence to any and will be acquitted by vessels. Professors, academicians HAVE the RIGHT TO DEATH - since the case of doctors in the country has been dismissed (long ago and on whose - that прихоти?)

Jeunet was necessary my help and support. For this purpose POZARES it was NECESSARY for me, AT LEAST SEVERAL DAYS, to VISIT BEHIND the FENCE of this Cherry Hell. Kot and that remained one on economy.

NERVES are TENSE TO the LIMIT. IN HALF ILI VDREBIZGI (knocked in brains)!!! ?

I waited for the death sentence. There was the seventh month of disease... I have also told about it

to the audience after announcement of the solution of consultation. "Do YOU still dare what that to speak? We are not going to treat your wife here, the herald PAVLOV has screamed", he is KRESHUYUSHCHY of GRABBERS. Means heard something about my statement, the situation to it was finished, and time has passed on "You" means - has exhausted.

I have continued: - "I would know that here THROW the, I would register for a start, in the UVS battalion - AZOV, and then WOULD GIVE UP OURS IN CAPTIVITY and YOU now, all the hospital, under cameras of the International media WOULD TREAT me AND were HAPPY FROM the CARRIED-OUT VAMI MEZHUNARODNOY HUMANITARIAN МИССИИ? THAT?! Has almost cried, the chairman - the doctor of medical sciences and other, other, other.? "AS YOU DARE the DIRTY SNOUT, HERE CLEANLY to STIR UP DRINK MOYoЌ" was remembered to me from the fable by Krylov, "by DA, Ya!, I! I! I! yo. items of river of page ?Ќ??? continued to calm down where that in it, sacred words: - "Moscow for нами?." (We have forgotten since Borodina?)



I have stopped "talkative" and by quiet voice of the commander of the demanding attention have told approximately following: - "I asked to treat the wife you nobody. I asked to give me the answer to the application which I had submitted on command and which, in twelve days, had to reach "the UNCLE - Alexander Vladimirovich Yesipov", but there is no answer, so, I have the moral right to address the Minister of Defence, and further and the most Supreme Commander..."



CHERRY HELL - the tragedy in three сценах? M.P. Avdeev.

To stat, even when passing Osteostsintigrafii? which was carried out only by the state item of A.A. Vishnevsky in view of absence radioktivny veshchest for this procedure in other hospitals of the Moscow region. and it is possible also for other reasons of unknown to me, the interesting result has been received. It, for memory, remained with me in the medical book. This result has interested nobody. And has even not caused удивления? in hospital have got used To miracles long ago. And so - I had had kidney removed more than twenty years ago again. Has appeared also another, not noticeable within seventy years of life, including thirty years of military service - dystrophy of obeey legs, it is possible since the childhood, and also that that unclear on the head. Have felt after the picture, it seems, not рога? and what then? The nice doctor could not even guess that in herd of rams the colonel always goat. One pleased, about my pregnancy the doctor has not mentioned not one буквой?

Here другое? When the disk with computer tomography brought in this hospital could not be read therefore as the latest equipment did not allow to open, made in our, subordinated to this hospital - Branch No. 3 TsVKG for them A.A. Vishnevsky" the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation record, has nonplused me.

It was already the second research passed by me in this branch No. 4 of hospital of A.A. Vishnevsky were simply not necessary for operation. Then зачем? there are so much obstacles? For the sake of what?

Only having passed all this HELL, I at last that have guessed: - "Here nobody and not when was going to do me operation. Only because it the difficult, dangerous and demanding professional skill of doctors hospital Ќ"


CHERRY HELL - the tragedy in three сценах? M.P. Avdeev.



CHERRY HELL - the tragedy in three сценах? M.P. Avdeev.




CHERRY HELL - the tragedy in three сценах? M.P. Avdeev.


CHERRY HELL - the tragedy in three сценах? M.P. Avdeev.

There was the Seventh month, my "male disease". Through sufferings and humiliations - at last that I have appeared on the right track, though have wasted a lot of time, forces and health, and not only своего?. During the lunchtime the next day I was written out from this CHERRY HELL.

In three months spent in it and around it I was convinced that it is not hospital, it is modern Auschwitz or Dachau - will not be mistaken, there for a long time is never present, or perhaps and was not - doctors with debt and honor - GRAZhDANROSSII. Hell in which you will not find medical posters or visual aids about maintenance of health, symptoms of dangerous diseases, and also actions of citizens at their detection. There are no grants on healthy lifestyle, prevention of diseases etc. in hospital and as it is in simple, usual hospitals over the country. Here I have found scales when it was required to measure weight before the expected operation, for the narcologist only in one department. To you not to find devices of tonometry, simple everyday things available to all which have to be always near at hand, as well as tablets of first aid in this blissful shelter.

In this Cherry HELL, the SCIENCE is replaced with religious obscurantism and there is nobody not secret any more, as the family of VISHNEVSKY has worked great mischief to the Soviet surgery. Wrecking continues their receivers on the example of the attitude towards officers of SA and Navy, towards heroes up to now - to veterans, participants of SVO in Ukraine and to members of their families. Word

- death conveyor, is not appropriate here only because here, bring to the last line but only then quietly throw out for fence of monastery of the Saint of Luki? on God's will. On doors


CHERRY HELL - the tragedy in three сценах? M.P. Avdeev.

have drawn with the operating room angels and rejoice that cases from the death did not become. There is a wish to ask, but there were no cases, not therefore whether what in the operating room do not carry out difficult and dangerous for a long time - risk operations? Two years did not do under the pretext of epidemic virus crown, now, operating rooms are occupied under bandagings of wounded participants of SVO from where skills will undertake at doctors. In hospital there is nobody to do, difficult operations. What I was convinced of though "and I will not tell for all Odessa Ќ". For certain is from what Soviet period - be the grandfather Vasily Ivanovich, the doctor from god, but not the scientist, but the practician who still может?, but already only for the elite or "Devoted". He is protected. And correctly do.

On such doctors the mother Russia still keeps. Behind example even look no further, practically in the neighbourhood, in the small town of Yakhroma, Dmitrovsky district Situated near Moscow, in department of Neurosises No. 8 of GBUZ MO, No. 9 PB, is already more half a century, works the manager of department - doctor Vladimir Andreevich Haprov. It revives it or restores to life of patients who were thrown by eminent hospitals and hospitals, erudite doctors, doctors and professors. It is the unique doctor of department, in conditions, "monastic" ruins, day by day, works Wonders. Cures contrary to everything and all. It was convinced personally, having visited these most beautiful places of Moscow area. About the town of Yakhroma, it is thought to me, will soon start talking about his strange doctor and the most beautiful temple of the Holy Trinity facing directly department of hospital about which I talk everywhere. And is to what to be surprised. Perhaps then, the whole world, will raise a little money to give living conditions of department from extreme poverty to level, at least - decencies. There will be in department young doctors to study and adopt experience at the Wonder-worker. Help them the Holy Trinity, separate small share of means from hospital which does not treat -

to department which revives, on the river Yakhroma!

If we are such patriots then why for the period of SVO have not transferred operating rooms to the round-the-clock use for veterans and us - officers of SA and Navy? Why did not prepare for War, and now you are not capable to fulfill the duty? I more than am sure that check they today are your, our professors, doctors and candidates, more than a half of them will not be able to render to People got into trouble - the first pre-medical aid. I as the commander of part, at the time, has faced it. It is necessary to know the opportunities and reserves. To hold gunpowder сухим?

It is a little history. And whether knows the management of Center ?, this Hell that Emperors in Russia - personally knew and watched what in troops always and any minute was - the provided by the staff list, necessary number of sanitary vehicles, medicines and medical means, doctors, medical sisters in case of war? Emperors and Empresses of the state Russian remembered the debt,

watched over health of the army and took measures. Grand duchesses and those learned to be nurses and to help wounded.


CHERRY HELL - the tragedy in three сценах? M.P. Avdeev.

I thank you My God that has saved me from operation in this hospital, has not allowed to outrage to enemies upon Honour officer.

Lack of morality, debt, honor, here those lines which were lost by staff of the central hospital it. A.A. of Vishnevskogo?, but has become the norm in hospital neglect to the people, the conceit, rudeness and thirst for enrichment or is simpler - to robbery of patients, having increased it domesticity and obscurantism. The more at patients to medical assistance, the inquiries and personal rates of grabbers, especially at such as A.S. Yesipov are higher than difficulties on way. - Nephew Samogo. I hope, nevertheless, that not the not chief of the center but only "mother's darling", prigrety big Name.

BULLET - the SILLY WOMAN, the BAYONET - the GOOD FELLOW - taught the generalissimo A.V. Suvorov.

Read my records, letters, tell all whom you know: - "to be silent when you are destroyed it too, even for us - "Russians"

What will you order to do to us? A.I. Pavlov has asked. - the doctor of medical sciences and other, other, other, me it is, already, silent.

My answer was simple: - "YOU were CALLED DOCTORS, to YOU AND to DECIDE DESTINY of the COLONEL, And NOW AND the FATE of ALL ITS SEMIЌ" the Ball is ended. Doors wide open. Cool in лицо? (in soul it was thought to me, and I left, under death молчание?)

Indicative flogging has not turned out. It was necessary that that to solve with the pig-headed pensioner of SA RF?



curtain the big combined orchestra plays - SLAVICA

In the morning, next day, exactly at 8:30. The ambulance according to personal instructions of A.I. Pavlov, accompanied by the attending physician, brought me to Main


CHERRY HELL - the tragedy in three сценах? M.P. Avdeev.

Military Clinical Hospital of N.N. Burdenko. About it I asked in the application: - "if In the NATIONAL MEDETSINSKY RESEARCH CENTER of HIGH MEDETSINSKY TECHNOLOGIES, TSETRALNY MILITARY CLINICAL HOSPITAL Of A.A. Vishnevsky the RUSSIAN DEFENSE MINISTRY there are no doctors capable to successfully perform operation".

Virgin Mary has helped me. After 10 days of rest, I should arrive for treatment to the 32nd department of the Radiological center to treatment in GVKG of N.N. Burdenko. It is the new center, in the oldest hospital STRANY constructed more than 300 years ago under Pyotr's decree Velikogo?

HERE, as I was repeatedly convinced, even on the example of the wife - TREAT, unlike the LATEST MONASTERIES with MEDIKO - the RELIGIOUS BIAS. I do not even hint, and I point directly to NMIC VMT CVKG by it A.A. Vishnevsky the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation.

Religious activity will never replace scientific knowledge and doctors of professionals, faithful to the debt and the fatherland for which the biggest wealth - human health.

These are not my words - it is facts of life which the criminals of all colors who have got to us on the head and coloring constantly try to pervert.

Attending physicians, but not grabbers, I have seen in Burdenko hospital. It they for five sessions have saved me from death, have saved life to me and not only me.

Today this drama I show the extreme indignation for everything that was created with me and people of department, asked them for the help - Grabbers of hospital of A.A. Vishnevsky. I cannot even provide that it is more so-called doctors with academic degrees in hospital than in the whole Europe, without speaking about Germany where our citizens day and night from screens of TVs ask to give money for treatment of the children. Wealthy citizens of the country, just go there to be treated. Not to you, doctors of science, and in Germaniyu?

It how many should be taken bribes to buy academic degrees in your academic council of the Center or on another - it is necessary to join your system of hostile activity against

Russian people?. I emphasize, "continuations of hostile activity".

The best proof to it is article of professor Kamergersky Other "Voyenno field medicine for guerrillas and medical genocide in the USSR".

Fresh example in confirmation told is branch No. 4 of Federal State Budgetary Institution ? 3 CVKG im A. A. Vishnevskogo of the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation which in view of the shortage of places in hospitals duringduring SVO - has been destroyed. This military hospital territorially is at us in CJSC Krasnoznamensk and everything occurs in front of inhabitants of garrison. The third month partitions of the Soviet hospital and when business reaches reconstruction fall - one god knows. There was no 150th military hospital, but there were left thousands of the servicemen and members of their families without any medical help in our city and in the garrisons surrounding us. Ambulance cars roll patients, across all Moscow region now, and it not quickly, and sometimes and do not take at all. The Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation would not be simpler to the Management of NMIC VMT CVKG it than A.A. Vishnevsky to advise


CHERRY HELL - the tragedy in three сценах? M.P. Avdeev.

To the Minister of Defence of Russian Armed Forces, at first to construct the latest hospital, and then, after problem solving of SVO on UkraineЌ, to let under reconstruction действующий? Two months allocated for reconstruction have passed long ago.

It is not necessary to have academic degrees, it is enough to be just attending physicians to understand that business activity in military institutions, especially hospitals, not only is dangerous by the decomposing action on medical structure, it kills belief at those whom they are called to save and even to the country which they protect.

Moreover I will tell on purity and those will hear me who has ears: - "OUT it is NECESSARY to KICK

BUSINESSMEN of the MILITARY BARGAINING from HOSPITALS and from other medical institutions, territories

ARMIES and VS where they with advertizing - "The BROKEN-OFF STAR", the prices and selection of goods of "PATRIOT PARK" for foreign tourists, BARE UNDRESS the defenders of the fatherland, veterans of army and fleet. Patients have no choice, and the choice has to be всегда? (axiom). In our Krasnoznamensk district (Moscow Region) - Voentorg has placed (according to lease agreements) PYATEROCHKA shops. And all who has heard thanks to the Minister, Commander-in-chief, Commander, hears and understands SOLDIERS of the ARMY.

"Good intentions have paved the road to HELL" and it так?

Here I will add that all GVKG of N.N. Burdenko costs in forests under restoration and

reconstruction, but hospital process is not stopped. Yes there are not conveniences, but it is military hospital, and hard work of medical officers the best proof of professionalism, traditions of hospital and its doctors. The culture of doctors based on the traditions put more than 300 years ago proceed and today... Here founders and successors of nice, great causes of military medicine there are monuments, portraits of all heads in three centuries of hospital hang, the museum works. In library it is possible to see books including hand-written on medicine. Yes there is also church. It as a part of the Neurologic center... Works, but on walls today so far only the cleared-away frescos three century prescription...

The room of the Military temple at

more than 300 years The history of hospital, example working here

experienced doctors - GRAZhDANROSSII (by tradition it

N.N. Burdenko's hospital. To frescos

the word is written together and capital letters) all this helps to raise Doctors, from capital letter and with CONSCIENCE of citizens of the GREAT country, DOCTORS - for which the DEBT and HONOUR - ABOVE ALL.

And gifts from patients accept here, but not in offices, and in full view of all collective and the written-out patients thank for the help rendered to them... And flowers, as a rule, lay down to legs of founders of hospital, medical officers and outstanding figures of military medicine. On memories where there are busts founders are more scarlet and


CHERRY HELL - the tragedy in three сценах? M.P. Avdeev.

figures of Military medicine - do not have bust to A.A. Vishnevsky and неспроста? "Do not create it to themselves idol Ќ" is told by the religious Talmuds... But have forgotten about it in A.A. Vishnevsky's hospital... also continue to create medical genocide of the PEOPLE.

Concerts for veterans in hospital of N.N. Burdenko take place not in the hall for the elite, and directly in the square around monument to I.I. Pirogov, in front of the huge surgical body and other bodies, with coverage more than a half of the treated military personnel at once... Someone looks from window, someone only hears through open windows, and someone is taken out directly on fresh air - on the square. After the concert the actors bypass chambers seriously ill and sing personally for them. And, flowers and hand to actors - for moral support of the military personnel of participants of SVO in Ukraine, but also they lay down to legs of founders in the monuments which have stiffened for ages.

Thank you that such hospitals still are also doctors from capital letter who all the actions and acts, create at all patients including they at me, feeling of confidence that you will not be thrown, will not leave unaided, surely will help...

Walking on this Museum under the open sky. Which is called - the MAIN VOENNO the CLINICAL HOSPITAL of N.N. BURDENKO founded by PETER THE GREAT, more than 300 years ago, I thanked the lucky stars, doctors of medical sisters and medical brothers all the time for the fact that have not thrown, and have helped me выжить?


(Inscription on commemorative medal about war with Napoleon)

August 11, 2022.

Zvezda TV channel in the days and at the nights рядом?


CHERRY HELL - the tragedy in three сценах? M.P. Avdeev.

For those who has recognized himself in this story, but has not understood sense, having accepted criticism for on curse I Will tell, as well as always at the end of the stories: - "As the artist I have the right for creativity. Yes, I so see.

And for "dull" I will tell that: - "all names, names and even surnames are invented by me. The ridiculous accident, mere and annoying coincidence, and photo, of course, were accidentally similar on the heroes invented by me, and it is possible also on their doubles who at each of us on the earth are enough"

Mikhail Petrovich Avdeev

Email: avdeev-mp@yandex.ru


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