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  Killmaster Series
  261 primary works • 261 total works
  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nick_Car... The house pseudonym Nick Carter includes Michael Avallone aka Valerie Moolman et al, Jim Bowser, Nicholas Browne, Lew Louderback, Douglas Marland, Arnold Marmor, Jon Messman, Craig Nova, William Odell, William L. Rhodes, Martin Cruz Smith, George Snyder, Manning Lee Stokes
  Book 1
  Run, Spy, Run
  Run, Spy, Run
  by Nick Carter
  3.62 " 107 Ratings " 7 Reviews " published 1964 " 3 editions
  A novel behind the glamor-mask of international intelligence...pitting young Nick Carter against the world's most vicious spy and an archenemy, Mr Judas.
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  Book 2
  The China Doll
  The China Doll
  by Nick Carter
  3.32 " 68 Ratings " 5 Reviews " published 1964 " 2 editions
  Sex and savagery are the facts of life for every spy, and to survive, he'd better be good at both...
  After the events described in Run, Spy, Run, Carter is recuperating at home in New York from another assignment, when he is assigned to be the personal bodyguard for Nikita Khrushchev during the Soviet Premier’s attendance at the opening session of the United Nations. Carter foils two separate assassination attempts on Khrushchev. AXE and its Soviet counterpart (known here as SIN) believe the assassinations are linked to communist Chinese efforts to destabilize relations between the USSR and USA. Nick is paired with a Russian agent to enter The Forbidden City of China, and destroy a terrorist gang known as CLAW.
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  Book 3
  Checkmate in Rio
  Checkmate in Rio
  by Nick Carter
  3.54 " 59 Ratings " 4 Reviews " published 1964 " 5 editions
  A new novel from the intimate world of espionage agents at work ... and play
  The story takes place in January 1964. After the events described in "The China Doll", six AXE agents based in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, have been found mutilated and murdered in a short space of time. Nick Carter accompanied by fellow agent Rosalind Adler are sent to investigate.
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  Book 4
  Safari for Spies
  Safari for Spies
  by Nick Carter
  3.40 " 50 Ratings " 4 Reviews " published 1964 " 3 editions
  The story takes place in March 1964. The newly independent west African country of the Republic of Nyanga is on the verge of civil war. The country is closely allied to the USSR. The USSR embassy in Nyanga has been bombed and its foreign nationals are being harassed on the streets. The USSR blames the USA for orchestrating the bombing and harassment despite the fact that the US embassy itself has been bombed. Nick Carter is sent to Nyanga posing as a special US ambassador to investigate the true source of the destabilization efforts against Nyanga and its allies.
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  Book 5
  Fraulein Spy
  Fraulein Spy
  by Nick Carter
  3.47 " 58 Ratings " 3 Reviews " published 1964 " 3 editions
  The story is set in May 1964. Nick Carter is on the trail of Judas – the master spy first encountered in Run, Spy, Run. Posing as an investigative journalist for a West German tabloid newspaper, Carter tracks Judas to Buenos Aires, Argentina, where he is living among the expatriate German community under the alias Hugo Bronson. Carter meets an informant at his home who reveals that Bronson is actually Martin Bormann, one of Adolf Hitler's closest aides and who was thought to have escaped from Germany at the end of World War II.
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  Book 6
  by Nick Carter
  3.40 " 50 Ratings " 3 Reviews " published 1964 " 2 editions
  "Little Paris" where love-talk is wire-tapped and each caress can lead to sudden mayhem.
  Claire La Farge, a widow of a French intelligence officer, who lives in a large rice and tea plantation in North Vietnam receives a coded message from a former associate of her husband. She sends her trusted servant, Saito, to Saigon to place an advert in the personal column of the Times of Vietnam hoping to contact former colleagues of her late husband. Raoul Dupre, a former French intelligence officer and businessman in Saigon, reads the ad and makes contact with AXE. Nick Carter is sent to Saigon with orders to help Raoul Dupre contact Claire La Farge.
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  Book 7
  A Bullet for Fidel
  A Bullet for Fidel
  by Nick Carter
  3.42 " 19 Ratings " 4 Reviews " published 1965 " 1 edition
  The doomsday weapon in Cuban hands threatens to explode World War III
  AXE agent, David Trainor posing as a returning refugee, is killed after attempting to sail from Florida to Cuba. As he was dying, he managed to daub the word 'star' on the floor in his own blood. Nick Carter is sent to investigate.
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  Book 8
  The 13th Spy
  The 13th Spy
  by Nick Carter
  3.45 " 20 Ratings " 6 Reviews " published 1969 " 3 editions
  Moscow is the hot-spot for the "Axe" group's most explosive action
  The story takes place in summer 1965. An American agent in Moscow crashes into the huge GUM department store in Red Square, Moscow. His body is full of deadly poison, and his briefcase contains verbatim transcripts of top secret meetings held in Russian and Chinese Government offices and embassies around the world. The Russians accuse the US of stealing official secrets and passing them to the Chinese to destabilize USSR-China relations. The Russians agree to let AXE investigate the security leak in Moscow.
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  Book 9
  Eyes of the Tiger
  Eyes of the Tiger
  by Nick Carter
  3.15 " 26 Ratings " 3 Reviews " published 1965 " 3 editions
  The story is set in September 1965. Carter is in Geneva, Switzerland on Mission Tiger – a plan to steal a large gold and ruby statue of a tiger from Hermann Göring’s private Swiss bank vault. Former SS General Max Rader and Imperial Japanese Army Colonel Shikoku Hondo are also on their way to steal the tiger.
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  Book 10
  by Nick Carter
  2.89 " 28 Ratings " 4 Reviews " published 1965 " 2 editions
  The story is set in May 1965. Several Federal Bureau of Narcotics (FBN) agents have been murdered in Turkey. Carter attends a secret meeting in which a top US Government official orders him to assassinate four individuals believed to be involved in protecting an international heroin processing and distribution network based in Turkey. Carter accepts the mission and makes his way to Istanbul posing as a crewman on a cargo freighter.
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  Book 11
  Web of Spies
  Web of Spies
  by Nick Carter
  3.10 " 21 Ratings " 3 Reviews " published 1966 " 2 editions
  The story is set in September 1965. Carter is assigned to Mission Sappho – to kidnap British scientist Alicia Todd – holidaying on the Costa Brava with her Russian spy lover – or kill her if she resists. Todd has developed a secret formula known as the Paradise Pill which has the ability to greatly enhance a soldier’s morale and stamina.
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  Book 12
  Spy Castle
  Spy Castle
  by Nick Carter
  3.64 " 11 Ratings " 1 Reviews " published 1966 " 1 edition
  The story is set in November 1965. A 50 megaton nuclear missile is launched from Scotland and detonates over the North Pole. A terrorist named Pendragon delivers an ultimatum to heads of state in London, Paris, Rome and Bonn. Russia and USA are excluded. The British secret service contacts AXE for assistance.
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  Book 13
  The Terrible Ones
  The Terrible Ones
  by Nick Carter
  3.55 " 20 Ratings " 2 Reviews " published 1966 " 3 editions
  Nick Carter is sent to the Republic of Haiti to assist a group of rebels from neighboring Dominican Republic called The Terrible Ones. Led by Paula Martelo, The Terrible Ones are the widows of men executed for plotting to overthrow former Dominican dictator Rafael Trujillo. Carter also has to investigate the nature of Operation Blast and stop it.
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  Book 14
  Dragon Flame
  Dragon Flame
  by Nick Carter
  3.44 " 9 Ratings " 1 Reviews " published 1966 " 1 edition
  The novel is set in December 1965. Carter is vacationing in a borrowed yacht in Hong Kong disguised as playboy, Clark Harrington. He is contacted by friend and CIA agent, Bob Ludwell. Ludwell confides in Carter that he is leaving Hong Kong that night to cross into China on an undisclosed mission and that he does not expect to survive. Ludwell has clearly lost his nerve and hands Carter an envelope with instructions to give it to his wife and children if he does not return in a week.
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  Book 15
  by Nick Carter
  3.50 " 16 Ratings " 4 Reviews " published 1966 " 1 edition
  Officers of the US Special Forces discover a secret camp in North Vietnam near Hanoi. The camp is guarded by Chinese soldiers and houses a group of German scientists, led by Ulric Krutch, who are working on a top secret rocket programme.
  A new rocket has been perfected that can deliver a payload into earth orbit. The team of scientists is waiting for Dr Erich Burgdorf to arrive from Buenos Aires with plans for a triggering device that will release a secondary component carrying a secret payload after the rocket has reached orbit.
  When it is discovered that none of the scientists has ever met Burgdorf, secret agent Nick Carter is sent to impersonate Burgdorf, infiltrate the camp and neutralize the rocket programme.
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  Book 16
  Danger Key
  Danger Key
  by Nick Carter
  3.29 " 14 Ratings " 1 Reviews " published 1966 " 2 editions
  A CIA agent who monitors Cuban refugees in Florida has been killed in a hit and run accident. The agent had been following up the disappearance of an elderly Cuban refugee who had recently resettled in Florida and the murder of his family. The CIA investigations revealed that the elderly refugee is really Mr. Judas – an international terrorist and master spy. Carter is assigned to impersonate Ralph Benson – a bumbling CIA agent whose poor judgment led to the death of the CIA agent – in an attempt to flush out the assassins.
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  Book 17
  Operation Starvation
  Operation Starvation
  by Nick Carter
  3.50 " 12 Ratings " 1 Reviews " published 1966 " 1 edition
  Nick Carter is in Paris when he is attacked by four Asian assailants. Meanwhile, a Dutch Boeing 707 from Paris to New York is hijacked by Asian terrorists. One of the passengers, Chinese scientist Dr Lin Chang-su, is kidnapped and forced to return to China; the other 150 passengers are killed and the plane destroyed to make it look like a mid-air explosion.
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  Book 18
  The Mind Poisoners
  The Mind Poisoners
  by Nick Carter
  3.08 " 12 Ratings " 2 Reviews " published 1966 " 1 edition
  On Saturday, 6 November 1965, a series of seemingly unconnected acts of violence occur involving college students across America. Dr Martin Winters, Vice Chancellor at the University of California, Berkeley, is murdered before he can present certain evidence to the FBI concerning the student unrest. AXE suspects the murder of Dr Winters and the student unrest are connected. It also suspects that the violent outbursts are triggered by a Chinese communist plot involving mass drug-induced mind control.
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  Book 19
  The Weapon of Night
  The Weapon of Night
  by Nick Carter
  3.43 " 14 Ratings " 2 Reviews " published 1967 " 2 editions
  Weapon of Night brings three foreign agents to America to help Night Carter battle a diabolical plot by Nick's arch enemy Mr Judas. The blackout of November 1965 set the stage, an eight state power outage. that led The United States to become the easiest target to render it totally helpless. Now was the time to revisit the rolling blackouts, the strange lights in the sky, and the dreaded stinging smog.
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  Book 20
  The Golden Serpent
  The Golden Serpent
  by Nick Carter
  3.41 " 17 Ratings " 5 Reviews " published 1967 " 1 edition
  The US Treasury is concerned about the enormous extent of counterfeit $5 bills in circulation.
  A minor operative in the counterfeiting group based in Mexico steals $500,000 worth of counterfeit money and flies to a pre-arranged meeting with gang members on the US side of the border with Mexico. He is killed as his plane crashes before he makes contact and the wreckage is discovered by US police.
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  Book 21
  Mission to Venice
  Mission to Venice
  by Nick Carter
  3.50 " 12 Ratings " 2 Reviews " published 1967 " 1 edition
  The US has lost an H-bomb over the Adriatic. This bomb was a lure for a game of global blackmail with the lives of thousands as well as the United States prestige. Everything is riding on Nick's mission to Venice.
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  Book 22
  Double Identity
  Double Identity
  by Nick Carter
  3.50 " 18 Ratings " 1 Reviews " published 1967 " 1 edition
  Unless Nick Carter could prevent it, the holy war brewing in India would set up the turbulent East for a Red Chinese takeover. But first, Killmaster had to destroy the deadly double who matched him in every skill.
  Wang-wei, a Chinese spymaster, attends a meeting with Chairman Mao Zedong and Premier Zhou Enlai where he reveals a secret weapon – an American soldier captured during the Korean War who has been held captive, surgically altered and brainwashed into believing he is Nick Carter – a US secret agent.
  The double is to attempt to destabilize the ceasefire between India and Pakistan and draw the real Nick Carter into the area where he can be eliminated.
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  Book 23
  The Devil's Cockpit
  The Devil's Cockpit
  by Nick Carter
  3.26 " 19 Ratings " 5 Reviews " published 1967 " 1 edition
  In the black depths of Budapest, Killmaster infiltrates a pornographic propaganda mill pledged to pervert the Western world
  Carter is summoned to Hawk's office where he meets a representative of the CIA. Carter is shown a box containing the shriveled genitals of a man – the only remains of a CIA agent investigating a communist pornography ring based in Budapest, Hungary. Carter is ordered to infiltrate the pornography ring.
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  Book 24
  The Chinese Paymaster
  The Chinese Paymaster
  by Nick Carter
  3.29 " 17 Ratings " 5 Reviews " published 1967 " 3 editions
  The cold war blazes hot as Killmaster hunts a diabolically clever double agent whose betrayal has set America up for a takeover.
  The US government is concerned that several of its covert military operations and diplomatic initiatives are being exposed resulting in the deaths of military personnel and allies and compromising foreign policy.
  AXE has traced the source of the leaks to a communist Chinese plot to bribe senior government officials. The paymaster’s identity is unknown but AXE has discovered that the information and foreign currency required to support his activities are being moved around the world via charter flights operated by a specialist tour company. Carter is ordered to join the next international tour and identify the paymaster.
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  Book 25
  Seven Against Greece
  Seven Against Greece
  by Nick Carter
  3.60 " 10 Ratings " 3 Reviews " published 1967 " 1 edition
  Killmaster in a death duel with the golden-skinned Princess Electra whose evil beauty is the one trap N3 can’t resist.
  An AXE agent is murdered while investigating a Greek tourist agency, Golden Islands Promotions, which has been responsible for sponsoring large numbers of US visa applications. AXE chief, David Hawk, sends Nick Carter to Greece to investigate further.
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  Book 26
  A Korean Tiger
  A Korean Tiger
  by Nick Carter
  3.83 " 12 Ratings " 2 Reviews " published 1967 " 2 editions
  Killmaster stalks a traitor to recover the nuclear plans that could crush America into radioactive dust.
  Carter is recuperating at his private lodge in Indiana when he is summoned by AXE chief, David Hawk, to uncover a traitor within the organization.
  It was just a routine case of murder. A clumsy hatchet job by an enraged husband on his nagging wife. The murdered fled with the FBI in pursuit. Until a check revealed the murderer worked for AXE with access to sensitive military information and for thirty years the guilty man was a clever enemy agent. Until AXE discovered that the Russian and Chinese were both on the trail to grab the man in possession of American atomic secrets. They would stop at nothing to get him. It was a job for Nick Carter. His orders were to mind the missing man and kill him fast, before the Russians and Chinese close in. The hunt led Nick across the underbelly of Asia, from exotic houses of pleasure to a guerrilla band's mountain hideout. This assignment was a terrifying in that America's existence depended on Nick Carter's success.
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  Book 27
  Assignment: Israel
  Assignment: Israel
  by Nick Carter
  3.31 " 13 Ratings " 1 Reviews " published 1967 " 3 editions
  Killmaster on the track of a deranged Nazi who is the living instrument for revenge and destruction in the Middle East.
  A minor Chinese diplomat is murdered in The Hague. Before his death he passes coded secret material to the American Government. Meanwhile, in Beijing, former Nazi Gunter Gerhardt, receives final instructions on Chinese communist plans to foment war in the Middle East. Gerhardt flies immediately to Syria to organize cross-border armed raids into Israel and Jordan.
  In Washington, D.C., the Chinese diplomat’s secret message is decoded confirming Gerhardt’s plans. AXE collaborates with Israeli intelligence, Shin Bet, to track down Gerhardt and stop him.
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  Book 28
  The Red Guard
  The Red Guard
  by Nick Carter
  3.46 " 13 Ratings " 2 Reviews " published 1967 " 1 edition
  The novel is set in October 1967.
  Sun Yat, an elderly Chinese bookseller in San Francisco's Chinatown is murdered by Mafia hitmen who stage the murder to make it look like a Tong assassination. The murdered man is a double agent employed by AXE and Chinese communist agents.
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  Book 29
  The Filthy Five
  The Filthy Five
  by Nick Carter
  3.55 " 11 Ratings " 3 Reviews " published 1967 " 1 edition
  The new President of the United States is marked for assassination, and Killmaster races against time and terror to prevent a nightmare from happening.
  Communist China has recently exported $1 billion worth of gold to fund a secret operation and Chinese troops are massing on their border with North Vietnam. Special Branch and MI5 alert AXE to the fact that Sir Malcolm Drake has recently visited Hanoi and has secretly met senior Chinese Government officials in Beijing.
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  Book 30
  The Bright Blue Death
  The Bright Blue Death
  by Nick Carter
  3.22 " 9 Ratings " 1 Reviews " published 1967 " 2 editions
  Killmaster's most terrifying case!
  At the invitation of the Swedish intelligence service, Carter attempts to break into the high security underground military base in Musko. Deep in an abandoned section of the underground base he discovers a group of German technicians working on a secret project. Carter learns that the project is run by neo-Nazi Count Ulrich von Stadee before the entire group commits suicide by poison rather than be captured.
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  Book 31
  by Nick Carter
  3.17 " 23 Ratings " 2 Reviews " published 1968 " 1 edition
  His assignment was to lure a depraved beauty into suicide – His mission was to save the United States from destruction!
  Theodore Blacker – small-time conman, drug-dealer and nightclub owner – is attempting to sell a pornographic film of himself and minor Portuguese royalty, Princess Morgan da Gama, to Chinese, African and Portuguese interests for GBP 250,000.
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  Book 32
  Operation: Moon Rocket
  Operation: Moon Rocket
  by Nick Carter
  3.40 " 20 Ratings " 2 Reviews " published 1968 " 2 editions
  The wave of terror against America's astronauts could force the U.S. into war with China … and Killmaster's orders made him human bait.
  The Apollo space mission immediately prior to the moon mission explodes on the launchpad. AXE Chief, David Hawk, suspects sabotage and sends Nick Carter, agent N-3, to investigate.
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  Book 33
  The Judas Spy
  The Judas Spy
  by Nick Carter
  3.67 " 9 Ratings " 1 Reviews " published 1968 " 2 editions
  In the treacherous jungles of Indonesia, Killmaster is trapped by a sadistic enemy who could be his match... and an exotic beauty who might be his death
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  Book 34
  Hood of Death
  Hood of Death
  by Nick Carter
  3.07 " 14 Ratings " 1 Reviews " published 1968 " 1 edition
  Killmaster in a bizarre battle to stop the murder of every powerful official in the US – the Chicom call girl ring was the bait
  Four men – a senator, cabinet official, banker and Washington, D.C. lobbyist – have died suddenly apparently of natural causes. All the men own substantial shares in the same Middle East oil and munitions companies. David Hawk, chief of secret US intelligence agency AXE, is suspicious.
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  Book 35
  Temple of Fear
  Temple of Fear
  by Nick Carter
  3.71 " 7 Ratings " 1 Reviews " published 1968 " 1 edition
  In which: Nick Carter assumes the identity of a man long dead and becomes involved with a woman whose body was built for betrayal
  David Hawk, chief of AXE, is asked by the head of British intelligence to assassinate Richard Philston – former head of MI6 who subsequently defected to Russia.
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  Book 36
  by Nick Carter
  3.27 " 11 Ratings " 2 Reviews " published 1968 " 2 editions
  In which Nick Carter's only lead to the vicious private spy network is a beautiful woman the enemy has sworn to kill!
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  Book 37
  14 Seconds to Hell
  14 Seconds to Hell
  by Nick Carter
  2.80 " 10 Ratings " 2 Reviews " published 1968 " 2 editions
  The deranged master of Peking's death factory plots to destroy both the U.S. and Russia - on voice command. Only one man can stop him!
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  Book 38
  The Defector
  The Defector
  by Nick Carter
  3.06 " 17 Ratings " 3 Reviews " published 1969 " 3 editions
  In Which: Nick Carter must obey the whims of a beautiful, sadistic enemy spy to stop the traitor who could blow the U.S. sky high!
  The scene was Hong Kong. The mission was to find Professor Loo, whose scientific knowledge could give the Red Chinese protection against any nuclear attack.
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  Book 39
  Carnival for Killing
  Carnival for Killing
  by Nick Carter
  3.50 " 6 Ratings " 1 Reviews " published 1969 " 4 editions
  In which: Fidel Castro's monstrous plan for murder on a mass scale plunges Nick Carter into his most chilling assignment!
  Nick Carter hurries to Rio to assist industrialist Todd Denison, whose life has been threatened. But before Nick can arrive, Todd turns up dead. The death appears accidental, until Nick proves it was murder.
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  Book 40
  by Nick Carter
  3.67 " 9 Ratings " published 1968 " 1 edition
  In which: violence and intrigue explode across Africa, as Nick Carter smashes an organization of assassins, led by a fanatic Nazi
  AXE sends Carter to investigate Rhodesian sanctions-busting exports of gold to China and an organization of assassins possibly led by Carter’s arch-enemy, Judas.
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  Book 41
  The Red Rays
  The Red Rays
  by Nick Carter
  3.00 " 8 Ratings " 2 Reviews " published 1969 " 1 edition
  In which: A bizarre new sexy ray is being used by the Red Chinese to launch a global death game. Their first targets - America and its ace operative, Nick Carter!
  Somewhere in the world a powerful transmitter was broadcasting a savory blend of Communist propaganda and pornography. So AXE got the job of wiping out the transmitter and the man to do it was Nick Carter.
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  Book 42
  Peking & The Tulip Affair
  Peking & The Tulip Affair
  by Nick Carter
  3.43 " 7 Ratings " 1 Reviews " published 1969 " 1 edition
  In Which: Beautiful women lure Nick Carter into bloodcurdling danger, where one wrong play could transform the world into corridors of death!
  Walter Kerner, a German scientist and associate of Martin Bormann, is in Beijing synthesizing a novel compound derived from belladonna called Agent Z, which is capable of inducing psychosis. His mistress, Sim Chan, is an intelligence agent spying on him for the Chinese government.
  Carter is ordered to stop production of the drug and eliminate Bormann.
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  Book 43
  The Amazon
  The Amazon
  by Nick Carter
  3.00 " 11 Ratings " 2 Reviews " published 1969 " 3 editions
  In Which: Blood-curdling violence erupts across the tropical hell of the Amazon as Nick Carter battles a beautiful half-caste girl trained into a lethal weapon!
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  Book 44
  The Sea Trap
  The Sea Trap
  by Nick Carter
  3.33 " 12 Ratings " 1 Reviews " published 1969 " 3 editions
  In Which: A crazed scientist challenges Nick Carter to a bizarre death duel at the bottom of the sea!
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  Book 45
  by Nick Carter
  3.32 " 22 Ratings " 3 Reviews " published 1969 " 4 editions
  In Which: A beautiful woman is Nick Carter's only lead in the hunt for a "new" Hitler, ready to seize power again.
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  Book 46
  The Human Time Bomb
  The Human Time Bomb
  by Nick Carter
  3.42 " 12 Ratings " 1 Reviews " published 1969 " 2 editions
  In Which: Nick Carter faces the most bizarre enemy of his career - a powerful army of men and women, who are neither dead nor alive!
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  Book 47
  The Cobra Kill
  The Cobra Kill
  by Nick Carter
  3.21 " 19 Ratings " 1 Reviews " published 1969 " 2 editions
  In which: Nick Carter and a beautiful nymphomaniac team up on a wild, bizarre manhunt through the jungles of Malaysia!
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  Book 48
  Living Death
  Living Death
  by Nick Carter
  3.31 " 16 Ratings " 2 Reviews " published 1969 " 3 editions
  In Which: A hideous destruction-machine is stealing the minds of the world most brilliant scientists!
  A new kind of enemy. A new kind of destruction. As Nick Carter becomes the decoy in a deadly game of biological warfare.
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  Book 49
  Operation Che Guevara
  Operation Che Guevara
  by Nick Carter
  3.43 " 7 Ratings " 1 Reviews " published 1969 " 1 edition
  A dead guerrilla leader kept strangely alive. Two treacherous and beautiful ladies sharing a deadly secret. And Nick Carter on his most macabre mission!
  Che Guevara: The legendary hero of Latin America's terrorist guerrillas. A killer, a sadist, a madman or a hero, a saint, or savior... depending on your point of view. The world believes Che Guevara is dead. But Nick Carter Killmaster has reason to believe that the Cuban revolutionary is still alive.
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  Book 50
  The Doomsday Formula
  The Doomsday Formula
  by Nick Carter
  3.44 " 9 Ratings " 2 Reviews " published 1969 " 2 editions
  A terrifyingly flawless espionage plot... a thriller with and ending you'll remember for a long, long time!
  When terrorists threaten to blow Hawaii to the bottom of the ocean, the desperate call goes out for Nick Carter, Killmaster.
  Rate it: Book 51
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