Анпилова Рада : другие произведения.

I'll make the world scream your name

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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I"ll make the world scream your name. Trust me:
They"ll tear their lungs and throats to shreds. 
I"ll scratch the husk from their dusty,
Blind, mangled souls. World"s meekly dead,
Deceived and lulled by sweet hypnotic - 
But I will rush into this dream,
So dirty, frightened and chaotic,
It will be nothing what it seemed.
The world will creep out of deep hollow
And learn each of your words by heart:
I"ll make it scream your name. Tomorrow.
I"ll make it pray and call you God.

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