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The Drugs find their way to the Usa and France

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    The Drugs find their way to the USA and France

  The Drugs find their way to the USA and France
  Lots of years passed since the time of Lucky Luccano and Meyer Lansky but drugs still find their way to the USA and France. The last events shows that Cosa Nostra is getting even smarter than it was before. It shows up the new methods of drug transferring to the USA and France, some of the methods are quite exotic, for example:
  Cosa Nostra started using the submarines.
  Needless to mention that there is only a small step for them to start using the torpedos(populated with their product instead of the warhead): both usual torpedo and torpedos with the remote controls
  Needless to mention that there is only a small step for them to start using gas and oil tubings: both of the giant companies and of self established small ones
  Needless to mention that there is only a small step for them to start using very and very small containers sank in the tanker filled with oil that comes to the usa
  Needless to mention that there is only a small step for them to start using the small remotely controls models of air-planes can be a good facility to transfer the drugs over the Mexican border. Such the planes can carry for around 1kg of product and they are able to fly on the small height being unreachable and undetectable by US radars, etc. Such the planes can cover some miles what is quite enough to pass mexican border, etc. In some cases even remotely controled toys (like cars) could be a good facility to transfer drugs over the US border (the car-toys can be mask as a stone, a bush, etc.)
  Sometimes there are quite exotic method: a glass in invisible in water, thus if some capacity (not too big) will be made from very solid glass with the form of torpedo and this object will be settled some feet(5-10) under the lowest point of yacht/ship and populated with some drug dissolved in water then this will allow to pass all the controls and bring it to the usa. Another exotic method: a pigeon can fly 100-200miles without rest and it can carry some small pockets with drugs. And another exotic method: trained delphins can pass hundreds of miles and bring to the usa middle size capsule populated with drugs. At the same time, very well trained dogs can cover lots of miles and cross the border with mexico and to bring to the usa some kgs of drugs. And if dog is well trained it will be able to move only at nights and watch out for shadowing.
  It seems that American branch of Cosa Nostra found lots of new methods to transfer drugs into the usa and france.
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