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Volcano "The Moon Outside My Window" (Satirical Novel) (42) The Odd Election

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  "The Moon Outside My Window"
  (Satirical Novel)
  (42) The Odd Election
  . The election campaign began on the island. The healthy part of the population of Zhimland hoped that the election would be democratic for once, that is, representatives of healthy people would also be nominated for presidency. But that didn"t happen. Speaking on TV Boshmutant said that the people of Zhimland were not yet prepared for democracy, and for that reason, with the help of a referendum, he had prolonged his mutant leader"s credentials for the 150th time. And, in spite of that, he told the newspaper reporters that when agreeing to nominate again, he had made up his mind to sacrifice himself.
   After his speech an old man with a white beard said as follows:
   - Dear mutants and nits, I want Boshmutant to be our lifelong president in the better world as well. I want him to rule our country eternally, for ever!
   The old man cried standing for he was in the grip of deep emotion. Suddenly, he made a sharp gesture, and his glued beard came off. He turned out to be a young actor from "Latta Khoch Theatre of Comedy and Satire.
   The next day the Central Election Committee spread strange voting ballots all over Zhimland. On seeing them the healthy part of the population got surprised. The ballots were printed on toilet paper. Moreover, they had to be thrown into W.C. pans instead of voting- boxes.
   Early in the morning, before TV cameras and fake journalists, Boshmutant and his wife Yoshmutant entered the voting room, i.e. the main toilet of Lattakhoch District and dropped the ballots in a pointed manner into the toilet pan. After that all people of Zhimland entered the toilets and dropped their voting ballots into WC pans. Due to the clogging up of the cloacae the disgusting medley (I beg your pardon) came up to the surface. Half an hour later all that stinking muck (I beg your pardon again) flooded all flats and started leaking out of windows.
   For shortage of pure oxygen people began to put on gas-masks meant to be used during the war. It was slippery in the streets. People didn"t run but slid on the muck, as if on ice. When the level of the liquid dung rose sharply people began to swim in it. Ibn Yahim, too, swam in the dirt. Hoping to save their skin cows and dogs also swam around. Free swimming was out of question. It was obstructed with sofas, cupboards, lockers, mattresses that were also floating around in the streets.
   Some active people walked on stilts like storks walking around in search of food. Towards noon Brigbattal Blokholov had arrived to Ibn Yamin"s side on a small couch, rowing with a piece of board. He stretched his hand to Ibn Yahim and said
   - Give me your hand, my prodigal son.
   Ibn Yahim took Brigbattal"s hand and got out of the muck.
   - Well, damn you, Mr. Brigbattal - he said cleaning his clothes from the dirt with a stick.
   - Those were elections, really, my prodigal son! - Brigbattal Blokholov smiled.
   - Well, I never! - Ibn Yamin replied as he went on cleaning his clothes with a stick.
   After that they sailed on sitting on the sofa. On that day many electors had drowned in the muck.
   Speaking on TV after the election Boshmutant, addressing the audience, said:
   - I have told a thousand times that our people are not yet ready for democracy. There"s the result. You have made certain now what consequences democracy involves. Well, look how many people have died! What are they guilty of? Who will be responsible for their death? It"s an irreplaceable loss for us. It"s the bourgeois who have thought up democracy in order to occupy our country without waging a war and suffering losses. I assure you, my dear fellow countrymen, that we have proper ways and means to defend you from democracy. For once I will be a life long President! It"s my patriotic duty before our Motherland.
   Saying this Boshmutant kissed the flag of Zhimland made of foot-rag and, winking cunningly, finished his speech.
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