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Haldor Volcano. The Spring Night. (Translated by Alec Vagapov)

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Haldor  Volcano

The Spring Night

         (Translated by Alec Vagapov)

There were  rosy clouds on the  lilac sunset,
The trills of birds had stopped in the garden.
The trees had heated up their summits,
In the fading rays of the sun, so ardent.

The village was quiet, the sunset was dim.
The heavenly diamonds were ground to grits.
The fish sprang out  in the silvery river,
Swaying in the wind were marshland reeds.

 Over the distant and drowsy pathways,
The moon was wandering  on the quiet.
Highlighting silently down to the bottom
The deep steep ravines, by the riverside.

Up in  heaven the sleepy starlet,
Kept silent as if it were secret unknown.
Spring frogs from the moon ravines
Told me that on the croaking phone.


December 30, 2011.
11:11 am
Toronto, Canada.

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